Customer Stories

Meet some of our customers and see how Insightful changed the way they work.

Increasing Accountability
to Increase Sales

The first week of work from home resulted in major sales losses for Farmers Insurance, but Insightful helped them turn it all around.
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Discover How Companies Do Great Work with Insightful

Used Daily By 130,000+ People At Companies Everywhere

HARE Logo: Innovative solutions for accelerated business growth and success
Farmer's Insurance Logo: Trusted insurance services protecting what matters most to you
FlatWorld Solutions Logo: Global provider of comprehensive business outsourcing solutions
SupportZebra Logo: Reliable support services empowering businesses to thrive and excel
LeanStaffing Logo: Streamlined staffing solutions driving efficiency and productivity
Point Business Process Partners Logo: Strategic partners delivering tailored business process optimization
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Our 3000+ Clients Have a Habit of Saying Nice Things About Us

Gran Experiencia con Insightful
Hemos tenido una gran experiencia con Insightful. Ha resuelto muchos problemas, como la impuntualidad, los descansos excesivos y muchos más. Además, como empresa de subcontratación, es uno de nuestros argumentos de venta para nuestros clientes el hecho de que puedan controlar a las personas que contratan.‍
Cliff Ian M.
Director General Deputy
201-500 empleados
Premios y calificaciones

Un software galardonado. Amado por los clientes.

leader 2023
monitask VS
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