  • Australia
  • Education
Company Size:
  • 200+
Workplace Distribution:
  • Remote
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Productivity Management
Remote Work Management
Workload Analysis

How TRG Skyrocketed Profitability by Delivering the Same Great Service More Efficiently

Discover how Insightful helped TRG optimize its people and processes to become 76% more productive in just 6 months.

Results with Insightful

Inefficient Resource Allocations
Hidden Unproductive Time
Fragmented Data Sources
results with insightful
Optimized Project Resourcing
Improved Employee Performance
Integrated Real-Time Insight
  • Australia
  • Education
Use Cases:
  • Productivity Management
  • Remote Work Management
  • Workload Analysis
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The Challenge: Inefficient Resource Allocation

TRG prides itself on consistently excellent standards of service to its clients, but COO Jean Mae Quimada doesn’t believe in standing still.

Quimada’s philosophy of continual improvement was hampered by the challenges of managing a remote team. She was operating within a complex fast-paced, multi-project ecosystem – and all without the vital data needed to make the best resourcing decisions.

The demands of success made it imperative that each project was properly resourced for each client, but TRG had only limited success with costly workforce tracking solutions. It was difficult to find out how remote staff were spending their time, and whether current work processes were as effective as they should be.

This made effective project resourcing more guesswork than data-driven decision making, frustrating attempts to optimize resources and boost productivity.

Inability To Identify Wasted Resources

  • Lack of visibility into workforce time allocation.
  • Unable to assess effectiveness of processes.
  • Difficulty in right-sizing project resourcing.
  • Spending time and money on multiple activity management tools.
  • Difficulty managing productivity of remote workforce.

Using Refreshingly Clear Data to Get Resourcing Right

Quimada knew that accurate data was key, but TRG’s unique workflows had not been effectively supported  by workforce solutions, such as Hubstaff and Activtrak, which lacked flexibility and functionality. To handle what other platforms couldn’t, Insightful developed idle time and engagement level analysis capabilities especially for TRG, which, alongside comprehensive analytics, revealed the full picture.

Insightful’s user-friendly dashboard showed TRG the reality of each project’s resourcing. What it revealed changed everything.

TRG’s Gateway to Right-Sizing

As TRG discovered how remote staff spent their time, it became clear that employee utilization was massively uneven, with some projects significantly overstaffed. Insightful’s activity reports also revealed the extent of low value activities and the existence of numerous process bottlenecks.

This empowered TRG to create more lean and agile project teams, improving how employees were allocated, and even identifying training needs to enable staff to upskill and further streamline processes. 

The results speak for themselves: in just 6 months, TRG was able to optimize workloads to make the company 76% more productive.

“What made Insightful different was their flexibility: they created a platform that exactly met our business needs, making it easy for us to make informed resourcing decisions that skyrocketed our productivity and profitability.“

Jean Mae Quimada


The Best Decisions Always Starts With Data

Guesswork is no substitute for data. The unmatched data Insightful Insightful’s all-in-one platform provides TRG enables them to make more informed strategic decision-making across business areas.

Using Insighful’s metrics, Quimada improved resource allocation, employee training, process optimization, cost management, performance measurement, and workload balance.  

Implementing Insightful Also Led To…

Strengthened Employee Focus

  • Employees better understand how their efforts positively impact company results, leading to deeper employee engagement.
  • Remote employees feel more connected with head office, fostering a stronger sense of accountability.
  • Insightful’s task analytics keep employees focused on the tasks that matter.

Improved Project Planning

  • Insightful’s detailed analytics allow TRG to conduct cost-benefit analyses per project.
  • Better understanding of task effort means more accurate resource allocation.
  • Transparency of resources and productivity gives TRG an accurate picture of its full resourcing capacity and capabilities.

Streamlined Operational Processes

  • Clear visibility reveals and eliminates unproductive tasks.
  • Managers can identify and improve or eliminate processes that frustrate employees.
  • Insightful’s comprehensive tracking and analysis tool integrates easily with TRG’s tech stack.

Bottom Line Impacts

  • Accurate resource insight allows TRG to allocate leaner but more efficient teams to each project, increasing each project’s profitability.
  • Identifying and reducing unproductive hours saves the equivalent costs of 1- 2 employees per team per year.
  • Switching to Insightful reduces activity management subscription costs by around 56%.

Improved Employee Wellbeing

  • Managers can ensure that tasks are allocated in a balanced way, maintaining employee wellbeing.
  • Visibility of each employee’s work makes training needs easy to address.
  • Accurate employee-level data improves the performance management process and outcomes.
“Insightful helped us optimize each project’s workload and resourcing, making our entire business more efficient and more profitable.”

Jean Mae Quimada



Every Feature You Need for Effective Remote Work

Time Tracking

Keep projects on track and on budget with definitive proof of work.

Capacity Analysis

Optimize the use of your resources with in-depth capacity analysis.

Workload Management

Optimize resource allocation and balance workloads effectively.

Make Your Work Days More Productive

Insightful gives you unmatched accountability so you can create a productive, engaged, and efficient
workplace. Start for free today!
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