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Productivity Improvements

How can you create productive habits? What are the biggest distractions and biggest productivity killers? How can you stop them from ruining your employees' productivity streak? Find out how to boost your team's performance through our productivity guidelines.

Employee Monitoringproject time tracker
January 9, 2023

Keeping the Lights on: How the Electrical Industry Uses Workforce Analytics

An exploration of the features of workforce analytics tools and how they can boost productivity and efficiency in the electrical industry.

Keeping the Lights on: How the Electrical Industry Uses Workforce Analytics
Kendra Gaffin
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Employee Monitoringremote work management
January 9, 2023

How Oil and Energy Companies Reinvent Operations with Workforce Analytics

How energy companies can use workforce analytics tools to refine processes.

How Oil and Energy Companies Reinvent Operations with Workforce Analytics
Kendra Gaffin
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Employee Monitoringemployee tracker software
January 9, 2023

Productivity vs. Efficiency - What’s the Difference and How to Measure Each?

Productivity and efficiency are important for any company - but what exactly do they mean?

Productivity vs. Efficiency - What’s the Difference and How to Measure Each?
Kendra Gaffin
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Employee Monitoringemployee productivity monitoring software
January 6, 2023

New Feature Alert - Productivity Trends Dashboard

Maximize your organization's productivity with our new Productivity Trends Dashboard feature.

New Feature Alert - Productivity Trends Dashboard
Kendra Gaffin
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Employee Monitoringtask time tracker
January 5, 2023

A Wheely Big Deal: How the Automotive Industry Depends on Tech for Efficiency

Discover the various tech tools commonly used in the automotive industry.

A Wheely Big Deal: How the Automotive Industry Depends on Tech for Efficiency
Kendra Gaffin
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Employee Monitoringattendance tracking software
January 5, 2023

Productive Imperfection: Don’t Let Perfectionism Get in the Way of Results

Explore our guide to achieving the best results in a team without reaching breaking point.

Productive Imperfection: Don’t Let Perfectionism Get in the Way of Results
Kendra Gaffin
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Employee Monitoringemployees tracking system
January 5, 2023

6 Psychological Phenomena that Drain Your Team’s Productivity (and How to Prevent It)

A guide to 6 psychological phenomena that could be partially responsible for your team’s low energy levels and motivation.

 6 Psychological Phenomena that Drain Your Team’s Productivity (and How to Prevent It)
Kendra Gaffin
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call center monitoring
November 18, 2022

How to Start a Call Center (And Avoid All the Common Mistakes)

Are you interested in starting a call center? This guide will walk you through the process step by step and reveal the most common mistakes that could throw you off course.

How to Start a Call Center (And Avoid All the Common Mistakes)
Kendra Gaffin
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