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Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
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Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
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Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
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Access management
Mac desktop app
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Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
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Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
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Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
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As the business landscape continues to evolve, employers are constantly exploring innovative ways to increase efficiency and productivity. One such strategy is the implementation of split shift scheduling. 

But what is a split shift exactly? A split shift involves dividing an employee’s workday into two or more segments, with a substantial non-working period between. This flexible approach to scheduling has numerous potential advantages, as well as some challenges, which we will explore in this guide.

In addition, discover how attendance tracking software can help you manage split shifts effectively.

Are Split Shifts Right for Your Industry?

While split shifts can be used in any industry, they are most common in sectors that require round-the-clock coverage or have peak periods of customer demand. These include:

  • Healthcare: With patients requiring care 24/7, healthcare providers often use split shifts to ensure continuous coverage.

  • Food Service: Restaurants and cafes often experience rush periods during meal times, making split shifts an efficient scheduling solution.

  • Retail: To accommodate shoppers' varying schedules, retail workers often work split shifts, particularly during the holiday season.

  • Transportation: Bus, train, and airline schedules often necessitate split shifts to ensure service availability throughout the day.

  • Call Centers: With customers potentially spread across different time zones, call center employees often work split shifts to provide continuous support.

However, split shifts may not be a good fit for all industries or roles. Here are some industries and roles where split shifts may be less ideal:

  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing businesses typically have a regular production schedule, so split shifts may not be necessary. However, in some cases, split shifts may be used to accommodate peak production times or to cover for absences.

  • Office work: Office work can often be done during regular business hours, but there are some cases where split shifts may be necessary. For example, if an office needs to be staffed 24/7, split shifts may be used to ensure that there are always employees available.

  • Education: Schools typically have regular school hours, but there are some cases where split shifts may be necessary. For example, if a school needs to provide after-school care, split shifts may be used to cover those hours.

  • Customer service: Customer service can often be done during regular business hours, but there are some cases where split shifts may be necessary. For example, if a customer service call center needs to be staffed 24/7, split shifts may be used to ensure that there are always employees available to answer calls.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use split shifts is up to the individual business. Businesses should consider the specific needs of their industry or role, as well as the needs of their employees, when making this decision.

Here are some additional factors to consider when deciding if split shifts are right for your business or role:

  • The type of work involved: Some types of work are more conducive to split shifts than others. For example, work that requires a lot of physical activity may be less suitable for split shifts.

  • The hours of operation: Businesses with irregular hours of operation may be more likely to benefit from split shifts.

  • The availability of employees: Businesses with a limited pool of employees may be more likely to need to use split shifts.

  • The preferences of employees: Some employees may prefer split shifts, while others may not. It is important to get input from employees before making a decision about whether or not to use split shifts.

Pros and Cons of Split Shifts

What are the benefits of implementing split shifts in your workforce?

Increased Flexibility

The primary benefit of split shifts is the enhanced flexibility they provide. Employees can plan their day around their most productive hours, ensuring they’re at their best when they’re on the clock. Additionally, split shifts can facilitate work-life balance, allowing employees to take care of personal commitments during their off hours.

Coverage During Peak Hours

Split shifts can be particularly beneficial in industries that experience significant fluctuations in demand throughout the day. Scheduling employees during peak hours can ensure optimal coverage when it's most needed, thereby enhancing customer service and efficiency.

Reduced Burnout

Traditional eight-hour work shifts can lead to employee burnout, especially in high-stress industries. Split shifts, on the other hand, allow employees to rest and recharge during their break, potentially improving their mental well-being and productivity.

While splitting shifts can have many advantages for both employees and employers alike, it also has its challenges to consider:

Inconsistent Work Hours

Despite their benefits, split shifts aren't without challenges. The most significant downside is the inconsistency of work hours. This irregularity can make it difficult for employees to establish a routine and might lead to feelings of instability.

Reduced Employee Morale

The irregularity of split shifts can also impact employee morale. The lack of a consistent schedule might lead to a feeling of disconnect among team members, reducing the sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

Challenging to Manage

From an administrative perspective, managing split shifts can be complex. Keeping track of employee hours, ensuring compliance with labor laws, and accommodating employee preferences can be a significant undertaking.

How to Manage Split Shifts Effectively

If you decide to adapt a split shift work model, keep in mind that successfully implementing split shifts requires careful management. Here are some strategies to consider:

Communication is Key

Transparent and frequent communication can help alleviate some of the challenges associated with split shifts. Regularly discuss scheduling preferences with your employees, update them on any changes, and explain the reasoning behind specific scheduling decisions.

Implement a Scheduling Software

A sophisticated scheduling software can significantly simplify the management of split shifts. Look for a solution that can handle the complexities of split shift scheduling, such as managing employee availability and ensuring compliance with labor laws.

Consider Employee Preferences

Whenever possible, consider your employees' preferences when scheduling split shifts. Doing so can enhance job satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Provide Adequate Breaks

To prevent burnout and ensure employee well-being, provide ample breaks between shifts. The duration of these breaks can vary, but they should be long enough for employees to rest and recharge.

Regularly Review and Update Shift Schedules

Regularly reviewing and updating your shift schedules can help identify patterns, highlight inefficiencies, and prompt necessary changes. This process can be instrumental in ensuring that your scheduling practices remain effective and fair.

Implement Split Shift Scheduling Effectively with Attendance Time Tracking Software

Insightful, one of the best attendance tracking software on the market, can help businesses manage split shifts more effectively by providing a number of features, including:

  • Employee scheduling: Insightful software can help businesses create and manage employee schedules, including split shifts. The software can take into account employee availability, preferences, and legal requirements.

  • Communication: Insightful software can help businesses communicate with employees about their schedules. The software can send automated notifications to employees about their shifts, changes to their schedules, and other important information.

  • Compliance: Insightful software can help businesses ensure that their split shift scheduling practices comply with labor laws. The software can track employee hours and ensure that they are not working too many hours.

  • Reporting: Insightful software can provide businesses with reports on their split shift scheduling practices. These reports can help businesses identify areas where they can improve their scheduling practices.

In addition to these features, Insightful’s cloud & on premise employee monitoring software can also help businesses with other aspects of workforce management, such as time tracking, attendance tracking, and performance management.

If you are considering implementing split shifts in your business, Insightful software can be a valuable tool to help you manage your workforce more effectively.

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Time Tracking

Understanding Split Shift Scheduling: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
August 17, 2023

As the business landscape continues to evolve, employers are constantly exploring innovative ways to increase efficiency and productivity. One such strategy is the implementation of split shift scheduling. 

But what is a split shift exactly? A split shift involves dividing an employee’s workday into two or more segments, with a substantial non-working period between. This flexible approach to scheduling has numerous potential advantages, as well as some challenges, which we will explore in this guide.

In addition, discover how attendance tracking software can help you manage split shifts effectively.

Are Split Shifts Right for Your Industry?

While split shifts can be used in any industry, they are most common in sectors that require round-the-clock coverage or have peak periods of customer demand. These include:

  • Healthcare: With patients requiring care 24/7, healthcare providers often use split shifts to ensure continuous coverage.

  • Food Service: Restaurants and cafes often experience rush periods during meal times, making split shifts an efficient scheduling solution.

  • Retail: To accommodate shoppers' varying schedules, retail workers often work split shifts, particularly during the holiday season.

  • Transportation: Bus, train, and airline schedules often necessitate split shifts to ensure service availability throughout the day.

  • Call Centers: With customers potentially spread across different time zones, call center employees often work split shifts to provide continuous support.

However, split shifts may not be a good fit for all industries or roles. Here are some industries and roles where split shifts may be less ideal:

  • Manufacturing: Manufacturing businesses typically have a regular production schedule, so split shifts may not be necessary. However, in some cases, split shifts may be used to accommodate peak production times or to cover for absences.

  • Office work: Office work can often be done during regular business hours, but there are some cases where split shifts may be necessary. For example, if an office needs to be staffed 24/7, split shifts may be used to ensure that there are always employees available.

  • Education: Schools typically have regular school hours, but there are some cases where split shifts may be necessary. For example, if a school needs to provide after-school care, split shifts may be used to cover those hours.

  • Customer service: Customer service can often be done during regular business hours, but there are some cases where split shifts may be necessary. For example, if a customer service call center needs to be staffed 24/7, split shifts may be used to ensure that there are always employees available to answer calls.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use split shifts is up to the individual business. Businesses should consider the specific needs of their industry or role, as well as the needs of their employees, when making this decision.

Here are some additional factors to consider when deciding if split shifts are right for your business or role:

  • The type of work involved: Some types of work are more conducive to split shifts than others. For example, work that requires a lot of physical activity may be less suitable for split shifts.

  • The hours of operation: Businesses with irregular hours of operation may be more likely to benefit from split shifts.

  • The availability of employees: Businesses with a limited pool of employees may be more likely to need to use split shifts.

  • The preferences of employees: Some employees may prefer split shifts, while others may not. It is important to get input from employees before making a decision about whether or not to use split shifts.

Pros and Cons of Split Shifts

What are the benefits of implementing split shifts in your workforce?

Increased Flexibility

The primary benefit of split shifts is the enhanced flexibility they provide. Employees can plan their day around their most productive hours, ensuring they’re at their best when they’re on the clock. Additionally, split shifts can facilitate work-life balance, allowing employees to take care of personal commitments during their off hours.

Coverage During Peak Hours

Split shifts can be particularly beneficial in industries that experience significant fluctuations in demand throughout the day. Scheduling employees during peak hours can ensure optimal coverage when it's most needed, thereby enhancing customer service and efficiency.

Reduced Burnout

Traditional eight-hour work shifts can lead to employee burnout, especially in high-stress industries. Split shifts, on the other hand, allow employees to rest and recharge during their break, potentially improving their mental well-being and productivity.

While splitting shifts can have many advantages for both employees and employers alike, it also has its challenges to consider:

Inconsistent Work Hours

Despite their benefits, split shifts aren't without challenges. The most significant downside is the inconsistency of work hours. This irregularity can make it difficult for employees to establish a routine and might lead to feelings of instability.

Reduced Employee Morale

The irregularity of split shifts can also impact employee morale. The lack of a consistent schedule might lead to a feeling of disconnect among team members, reducing the sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

Challenging to Manage

From an administrative perspective, managing split shifts can be complex. Keeping track of employee hours, ensuring compliance with labor laws, and accommodating employee preferences can be a significant undertaking.

How to Manage Split Shifts Effectively

If you decide to adapt a split shift work model, keep in mind that successfully implementing split shifts requires careful management. Here are some strategies to consider:

Communication is Key

Transparent and frequent communication can help alleviate some of the challenges associated with split shifts. Regularly discuss scheduling preferences with your employees, update them on any changes, and explain the reasoning behind specific scheduling decisions.

Implement a Scheduling Software

A sophisticated scheduling software can significantly simplify the management of split shifts. Look for a solution that can handle the complexities of split shift scheduling, such as managing employee availability and ensuring compliance with labor laws.

Consider Employee Preferences

Whenever possible, consider your employees' preferences when scheduling split shifts. Doing so can enhance job satisfaction and reduce turnover.

Provide Adequate Breaks

To prevent burnout and ensure employee well-being, provide ample breaks between shifts. The duration of these breaks can vary, but they should be long enough for employees to rest and recharge.

Regularly Review and Update Shift Schedules

Regularly reviewing and updating your shift schedules can help identify patterns, highlight inefficiencies, and prompt necessary changes. This process can be instrumental in ensuring that your scheduling practices remain effective and fair.

Implement Split Shift Scheduling Effectively with Attendance Time Tracking Software

Insightful, one of the best attendance tracking software on the market, can help businesses manage split shifts more effectively by providing a number of features, including:

  • Employee scheduling: Insightful software can help businesses create and manage employee schedules, including split shifts. The software can take into account employee availability, preferences, and legal requirements.

  • Communication: Insightful software can help businesses communicate with employees about their schedules. The software can send automated notifications to employees about their shifts, changes to their schedules, and other important information.

  • Compliance: Insightful software can help businesses ensure that their split shift scheduling practices comply with labor laws. The software can track employee hours and ensure that they are not working too many hours.

  • Reporting: Insightful software can provide businesses with reports on their split shift scheduling practices. These reports can help businesses identify areas where they can improve their scheduling practices.

In addition to these features, Insightful’s cloud & on premise employee monitoring software can also help businesses with other aspects of workforce management, such as time tracking, attendance tracking, and performance management.

If you are considering implementing split shifts in your business, Insightful software can be a valuable tool to help you manage your workforce more effectively.