Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Insights:

▶ Tasks Expand Unnecessarily—Parkinson’s Law: Give a task too much time, and it’ll sprawl to fill every minute, leading to inefficiencies and wasted effort.

▶ Reduced Productivity— 25% of projects fail due to poor deadline setting, with overly generous deadlines leading to scope creep and wasted resources.

▶ Implement Tight Deadlines Setting sharp, tight deadlines creates urgency, maintains focus, and ensures projects don’t drift.

▶ Make Data-Driven Decisions—Insightful’s employee productivity monitoring software and detailed reporting highlight inefficiencies, allowing teams to focus on crucial tasks and make informed workflow adjustments, ensuring efficient use of time and resources.

Read time: 7 minutes

Ever noticed how a week-long project somehow takes up the entire week, or how meetings always manage to stretch to fill their allotted slot? 

If so, you’re experiencing Parkinson’s Law in action: tasks tend to expand to fill the time we allocate to them. 

This inefficiency plagues workplaces, leading to procrastination, wasted effort on trivial details, and creeping project scopes. 

In this article, learn how to combat Parkinson’s Law and transform your workflow with real-time monitoring, automated time tracking, and actionable insights from Insightful’s time tracking app for employees.

What is Parkinson’s Law?

Parkinson's Law reveals a quirky truth: Give a task too much time, and it'll sprawl out to fill every minute. Coined by Cyril Northcote Parkinson in 1955 and illustrated with a humorous example—a woman taking all day to send a postcard—it spotlights how generous deadlines can often lead to major inefficiencies.

At work, Parkinson's Law often looks like this:

  • Project Expansion: A simple bug fix task, which should only take a few hours, is given two weeks. Team members use the extra time to explore related issues, causing the task to take the full two weeks.

  • Procrastination: In a four-week sprint, work is often completed at the last minute due to procrastination.

  • Parkinson’s Law of Triviality: Teams spend too much time on minor details instead of focusing on crucial tasks.

  • Looming Deadlines: Deadlines motivate people to start working only when the end date approaches.

  • Social Loafing: Team members exert less effort in group projects, relying on others to complete the work.

  • Scope Creep: Projects grow in complexity and duration as new features or tasks are added without proper consideration.

  • Trade-offs & Flexibility: Unexpected issues arise, threatening to derail the project.

  • Inffective Timelines: Setting long-term deadlines without intermediate milestones leads to delays.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Loose deadlines kill productivity—here's the hard evidence proving why tighter timelines drive better results:

❗Loose Deadlines Foster Procrastination

A study by Dan Ariely and Klaus Wertenbroch in "Psychological Science" found that students who set evenly spaced deadlines for their papers performed better and procrastinated less than those with flexible deadlines. This shows that giving too much time leads to less efficient work.

❗Degraded Focus & Diluted Workplace Productivity

Research from the University of California, Irvine, shows that office workers are interrupted or switch tasks every three minutes and five seconds. Longer timelines make workers more prone to task-switching and less productive due to the illusion of abundant time, which scatters focus.

❗Scope Creep & Project Failure

A Project Management Institute (PMI) survey found that 25% of projects fail due to inefficient management, including poor deadline setting. Overly generous deadlines often lead to scope creep, causing inefficiencies and wasted resources.

❗Companies Suffer from Excessive Leniency

A McKinsey study found that companies treating time as a scarce resource through effective agendas, focused work, and streamlined processes are more successful. When deadlines aren't overly generous, teams are 40% more likely to meet goals on time with better results.

How can you combat Parkinson’s Law?

Fed up with tasks ballooning out of control? Crush Parkinson’s Law with these powerful strategies to keep projects tight, focused, and right on track:

1. Define the Scope

Clearly define the project scope from the start and stick to it with regular reviews and strict change control. This keeps the team focused on core objectives, preventing tasks from ballooning into unmanageable workloads, and avoiding unnecessary work. 

This approach stops project expansion, where a simple task takes weeks, prevents scope creep, where additional tasks sneak in, and ensures focus on essential tasks instead of minor details.


  1. Initial Scope Definition: Clearly outline the project's goals, deliverables, and boundaries at the outset.

  2. Stakeholder Agreement: Get agreement on the scope from all stakeholders, including team members, managers, and clients.

  3. Document the Scope: Write the scope in a project charter or similar document, accessible to all team members.

  4. Regular Reviews: Schedule regular scope reviews to ensure the project remains within its original boundaries, addressing any deviations immediately.

  5. Scope Management Plan: Create a plan for managing changes to the scope, including a process for evaluating and approving necessary changes.

2. Set Clear, Tight Deadlines

Set sharp, tight deadlines to keep projects laser-focused and on schedule. These deadlines spark a sense of urgency, cutting down on procrastination and ensuring projects don't just drift. It’s a proven tactic to keep tasks from sprawling and to make sure everything wraps up on time, every time.


  1. Break Down Projects: Divide projects into smaller, manageable tasks with specific deadlines for each.

  2. Set Short Deadlines: Assign shorter, firm deadlines for each task, preferably in days rather than weeks or months.

  3. Monitor Progress: Regularly check progress to ensure adherence to the deadlines and make adjustments as needed.

  4. Provide Intermediate Milestones: Create intermediate milestones to maintain momentum and ensure consistent progress.

3. Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks

Chop tasks into bite-sized pieces to keep focus sharp and momentum going. This strategy stops tasks from becoming daunting and guarantees consistent progress. Plus, smaller tasks are easier to monitor and tweak, helping you dodge delays and sidestep inefficiencies.


  1. Identify Major Tasks: Start by identifying the major tasks required to complete the project.

  2. Divide into Subtasks: Break each major task into smaller, manageable subtasks.

  3. Set Mini-Deadlines: Assign deadlines for each subtask to maintain a sense of urgency and ensure continuous progress.

  4. Assign Responsibilities: Clearly assign each subtask to specific team members, ensuring accountability.

  5. Conduct Regular Check-ins: Schedule frequent check-ins to review progress on each subtask and make adjustments as necessary.

4. Prioritize Tasks

Prioritize tasks by urgency and importance to zero in on what truly matters. This tactic keeps distractions at bay, ensures top-priority tasks get done first, and curbs the impact of trivial busywork. It cultivates a results-driven culture, skyrocketing productivity.


  1. Use a Priority Matrix: Implement a priority matrix to classify tasks into categories like urgent/important, important/not urgent, etc.

  2. Communicate Priorities: Regularly communicate task priorities to team members to align efforts with business goals.

  3. Allocate Time Wisely: Allocate sufficient time for high-priority tasks while minimizing time spent on less critical activities.

  4. Review and Adjust: Regularly review task priorities and adjust as necessary based on changing project needs and deadlines.

5. Limit Meeting Times

Keep meetings short, sweet, and to the point to maximize efficiency and keep projects moving. By setting clear agendas and sticking to them, you avoid time waste and keep discussions from derailing, ensuring every minute counts.


  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define specific objectives for each meeting to ensure focus and productivity.

  2. Create an Agenda: Prepare a detailed agenda outlining discussion points and time allocations.

  3. Stick to Time Limits: Set strict time limits for each agenda item and enforce them during the meeting.

  4. Assign Roles: Designate a facilitator to keep the meeting on track and assign roles to participants.

  5. Follow Up: Summarize key decisions and action points after the meeting and follow up on progress.

6. Encourage a Results-Oriented Culture

Cultivate a results-driven culture that prizes productivity over busyness. This approach pushes employees to aim for real outcomes instead of just staying busy. Recognize and reward contributions to results to reinforce this mindset and spark ongoing improvement.


  1. Clarify Expectations: Clearly communicate expectations for performance and results to align team efforts.

  2. Set Clear Goals: Establish clear, measurable goals that reflect organizational priorities.

  3. Provide Support: Offer resources and support to help employees achieve their goals efficiently.

  4. Reward Achievement: Recognize and reward employees who consistently deliver high-quality results.

  5. Promote Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing to enhance team effectiveness.

7. Implement Time-Tracking Tools

Use time-tracking tools to see how employees spend their time on tasks. Tools like Insightful’s time tracker for work spotlight inefficiencies, boost accountability, and provide data for smarter decisions. This method encourages disciplined time use and stops tasks from ballooning unnecessarily.


  1. Choose a Time-Tracking Tool: Select a reliable time-tracking software like Insightful that fits your team's needs.

  2. Train Team Members: Ensure all team members know how to use the chosen tool effectively.

  3. Track Time for All Tasks: Require employees to track the time spent on each task, regardless of its size.

  4. Analyze Data Regularly: Review time attendance tracking data weekly to identify patterns, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement.

  5. Adjust Workflows: Use the insights gained from the data to adjust workflows, set better deadlines, and improve overall productivity.

Beat Parkinson's Law with Insightful’s Team Monitoring Software

Insightful is a comprehensive productivity management and team monitoring software designed to keep your team focused, productive, and on track. By leveraging real-time monitoring, automated time tracking, and advanced analytics, Insightful’s monitoring software for PC helps prevent project delays and inefficiencies caused by Parkinson’s Law.

Boost Accountability with Real-Time Monitoring

Insightful’s real-time employee monitoring in the workplace tracks employee activities as they happen, ensuring tasks stay within scope and team members remain accountable. This constant oversight helps nip procrastination in the bud and keeps productivity high.

Increase Efficiency with Automated Time Tracking

Automated time tracking eliminates the guesswork from logging hours. Insightful records time spent on each task automatically, creating urgency with clear, short deadlines, and discouraging last-minute rushes.

Focus on What Matters with Productivity Metrics

Insightful’s software that tracks computer activity provides productivity metrics that analyze work patterns and efficiency, highlighting where time is wasted. By eliminating these inefficiencies, teams can concentrate on crucial tasks and avoid getting bogged down in trivial busywork.

Maintain Momentum with Task Management

Breaking projects into smaller, manageable chunks is essential for maintaining focus and momentum. Insightful’s task management tools help make large projects less daunting and prevent scope creep by keeping efforts aligned with core objectives.

Make Informed Decisions with Detailed Reporting

Insightful provides detailed reports on time use and productivity, offering the data needed for informed decision-making and workflow adjustments. This prevents tasks from expanding unnecessarily and ensures efficient use of time and resources.

Crush Parkinson’s Law and transform your team’s productivity with Insightful. No more bloated projects or procrastination—just efficient, focused work that gets done on time, every time. 

Find out why Insightful is one of the best solutions according to employee monitoring software reviews. Sign up for Insightful’s time tracking application free trial today and see the difference it makes!

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Time Tracking

Stop 25% of Projects from Failing: Combat Parkinson's Law with Tight Deadlines

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
July 3, 2024

Key Insights:

▶ Tasks Expand Unnecessarily—Parkinson’s Law: Give a task too much time, and it’ll sprawl to fill every minute, leading to inefficiencies and wasted effort.

▶ Reduced Productivity— 25% of projects fail due to poor deadline setting, with overly generous deadlines leading to scope creep and wasted resources.

▶ Implement Tight Deadlines Setting sharp, tight deadlines creates urgency, maintains focus, and ensures projects don’t drift.

▶ Make Data-Driven Decisions—Insightful’s employee productivity monitoring software and detailed reporting highlight inefficiencies, allowing teams to focus on crucial tasks and make informed workflow adjustments, ensuring efficient use of time and resources.

Read time: 7 minutes

Ever noticed how a week-long project somehow takes up the entire week, or how meetings always manage to stretch to fill their allotted slot? 

If so, you’re experiencing Parkinson’s Law in action: tasks tend to expand to fill the time we allocate to them. 

This inefficiency plagues workplaces, leading to procrastination, wasted effort on trivial details, and creeping project scopes. 

In this article, learn how to combat Parkinson’s Law and transform your workflow with real-time monitoring, automated time tracking, and actionable insights from Insightful’s time tracking app for employees.

What is Parkinson’s Law?

Parkinson's Law reveals a quirky truth: Give a task too much time, and it'll sprawl out to fill every minute. Coined by Cyril Northcote Parkinson in 1955 and illustrated with a humorous example—a woman taking all day to send a postcard—it spotlights how generous deadlines can often lead to major inefficiencies.

At work, Parkinson's Law often looks like this:

  • Project Expansion: A simple bug fix task, which should only take a few hours, is given two weeks. Team members use the extra time to explore related issues, causing the task to take the full two weeks.

  • Procrastination: In a four-week sprint, work is often completed at the last minute due to procrastination.

  • Parkinson’s Law of Triviality: Teams spend too much time on minor details instead of focusing on crucial tasks.

  • Looming Deadlines: Deadlines motivate people to start working only when the end date approaches.

  • Social Loafing: Team members exert less effort in group projects, relying on others to complete the work.

  • Scope Creep: Projects grow in complexity and duration as new features or tasks are added without proper consideration.

  • Trade-offs & Flexibility: Unexpected issues arise, threatening to derail the project.

  • Inffective Timelines: Setting long-term deadlines without intermediate milestones leads to delays.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Loose deadlines kill productivity—here's the hard evidence proving why tighter timelines drive better results:

❗Loose Deadlines Foster Procrastination

A study by Dan Ariely and Klaus Wertenbroch in "Psychological Science" found that students who set evenly spaced deadlines for their papers performed better and procrastinated less than those with flexible deadlines. This shows that giving too much time leads to less efficient work.

❗Degraded Focus & Diluted Workplace Productivity

Research from the University of California, Irvine, shows that office workers are interrupted or switch tasks every three minutes and five seconds. Longer timelines make workers more prone to task-switching and less productive due to the illusion of abundant time, which scatters focus.

❗Scope Creep & Project Failure

A Project Management Institute (PMI) survey found that 25% of projects fail due to inefficient management, including poor deadline setting. Overly generous deadlines often lead to scope creep, causing inefficiencies and wasted resources.

❗Companies Suffer from Excessive Leniency

A McKinsey study found that companies treating time as a scarce resource through effective agendas, focused work, and streamlined processes are more successful. When deadlines aren't overly generous, teams are 40% more likely to meet goals on time with better results.

How can you combat Parkinson’s Law?

Fed up with tasks ballooning out of control? Crush Parkinson’s Law with these powerful strategies to keep projects tight, focused, and right on track:

1. Define the Scope

Clearly define the project scope from the start and stick to it with regular reviews and strict change control. This keeps the team focused on core objectives, preventing tasks from ballooning into unmanageable workloads, and avoiding unnecessary work. 

This approach stops project expansion, where a simple task takes weeks, prevents scope creep, where additional tasks sneak in, and ensures focus on essential tasks instead of minor details.


  1. Initial Scope Definition: Clearly outline the project's goals, deliverables, and boundaries at the outset.

  2. Stakeholder Agreement: Get agreement on the scope from all stakeholders, including team members, managers, and clients.

  3. Document the Scope: Write the scope in a project charter or similar document, accessible to all team members.

  4. Regular Reviews: Schedule regular scope reviews to ensure the project remains within its original boundaries, addressing any deviations immediately.

  5. Scope Management Plan: Create a plan for managing changes to the scope, including a process for evaluating and approving necessary changes.

2. Set Clear, Tight Deadlines

Set sharp, tight deadlines to keep projects laser-focused and on schedule. These deadlines spark a sense of urgency, cutting down on procrastination and ensuring projects don't just drift. It’s a proven tactic to keep tasks from sprawling and to make sure everything wraps up on time, every time.


  1. Break Down Projects: Divide projects into smaller, manageable tasks with specific deadlines for each.

  2. Set Short Deadlines: Assign shorter, firm deadlines for each task, preferably in days rather than weeks or months.

  3. Monitor Progress: Regularly check progress to ensure adherence to the deadlines and make adjustments as needed.

  4. Provide Intermediate Milestones: Create intermediate milestones to maintain momentum and ensure consistent progress.

3. Break Tasks into Manageable Chunks

Chop tasks into bite-sized pieces to keep focus sharp and momentum going. This strategy stops tasks from becoming daunting and guarantees consistent progress. Plus, smaller tasks are easier to monitor and tweak, helping you dodge delays and sidestep inefficiencies.


  1. Identify Major Tasks: Start by identifying the major tasks required to complete the project.

  2. Divide into Subtasks: Break each major task into smaller, manageable subtasks.

  3. Set Mini-Deadlines: Assign deadlines for each subtask to maintain a sense of urgency and ensure continuous progress.

  4. Assign Responsibilities: Clearly assign each subtask to specific team members, ensuring accountability.

  5. Conduct Regular Check-ins: Schedule frequent check-ins to review progress on each subtask and make adjustments as necessary.

4. Prioritize Tasks

Prioritize tasks by urgency and importance to zero in on what truly matters. This tactic keeps distractions at bay, ensures top-priority tasks get done first, and curbs the impact of trivial busywork. It cultivates a results-driven culture, skyrocketing productivity.


  1. Use a Priority Matrix: Implement a priority matrix to classify tasks into categories like urgent/important, important/not urgent, etc.

  2. Communicate Priorities: Regularly communicate task priorities to team members to align efforts with business goals.

  3. Allocate Time Wisely: Allocate sufficient time for high-priority tasks while minimizing time spent on less critical activities.

  4. Review and Adjust: Regularly review task priorities and adjust as necessary based on changing project needs and deadlines.

5. Limit Meeting Times

Keep meetings short, sweet, and to the point to maximize efficiency and keep projects moving. By setting clear agendas and sticking to them, you avoid time waste and keep discussions from derailing, ensuring every minute counts.


  1. Set Clear Objectives: Define specific objectives for each meeting to ensure focus and productivity.

  2. Create an Agenda: Prepare a detailed agenda outlining discussion points and time allocations.

  3. Stick to Time Limits: Set strict time limits for each agenda item and enforce them during the meeting.

  4. Assign Roles: Designate a facilitator to keep the meeting on track and assign roles to participants.

  5. Follow Up: Summarize key decisions and action points after the meeting and follow up on progress.

6. Encourage a Results-Oriented Culture

Cultivate a results-driven culture that prizes productivity over busyness. This approach pushes employees to aim for real outcomes instead of just staying busy. Recognize and reward contributions to results to reinforce this mindset and spark ongoing improvement.


  1. Clarify Expectations: Clearly communicate expectations for performance and results to align team efforts.

  2. Set Clear Goals: Establish clear, measurable goals that reflect organizational priorities.

  3. Provide Support: Offer resources and support to help employees achieve their goals efficiently.

  4. Reward Achievement: Recognize and reward employees who consistently deliver high-quality results.

  5. Promote Collaboration: Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing to enhance team effectiveness.

7. Implement Time-Tracking Tools

Use time-tracking tools to see how employees spend their time on tasks. Tools like Insightful’s time tracker for work spotlight inefficiencies, boost accountability, and provide data for smarter decisions. This method encourages disciplined time use and stops tasks from ballooning unnecessarily.


  1. Choose a Time-Tracking Tool: Select a reliable time-tracking software like Insightful that fits your team's needs.

  2. Train Team Members: Ensure all team members know how to use the chosen tool effectively.

  3. Track Time for All Tasks: Require employees to track the time spent on each task, regardless of its size.

  4. Analyze Data Regularly: Review time attendance tracking data weekly to identify patterns, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement.

  5. Adjust Workflows: Use the insights gained from the data to adjust workflows, set better deadlines, and improve overall productivity.

Beat Parkinson's Law with Insightful’s Team Monitoring Software

Insightful is a comprehensive productivity management and team monitoring software designed to keep your team focused, productive, and on track. By leveraging real-time monitoring, automated time tracking, and advanced analytics, Insightful’s monitoring software for PC helps prevent project delays and inefficiencies caused by Parkinson’s Law.

Boost Accountability with Real-Time Monitoring

Insightful’s real-time employee monitoring in the workplace tracks employee activities as they happen, ensuring tasks stay within scope and team members remain accountable. This constant oversight helps nip procrastination in the bud and keeps productivity high.

Increase Efficiency with Automated Time Tracking

Automated time tracking eliminates the guesswork from logging hours. Insightful records time spent on each task automatically, creating urgency with clear, short deadlines, and discouraging last-minute rushes.

Focus on What Matters with Productivity Metrics

Insightful’s software that tracks computer activity provides productivity metrics that analyze work patterns and efficiency, highlighting where time is wasted. By eliminating these inefficiencies, teams can concentrate on crucial tasks and avoid getting bogged down in trivial busywork.

Maintain Momentum with Task Management

Breaking projects into smaller, manageable chunks is essential for maintaining focus and momentum. Insightful’s task management tools help make large projects less daunting and prevent scope creep by keeping efforts aligned with core objectives.

Make Informed Decisions with Detailed Reporting

Insightful provides detailed reports on time use and productivity, offering the data needed for informed decision-making and workflow adjustments. This prevents tasks from expanding unnecessarily and ensures efficient use of time and resources.

Crush Parkinson’s Law and transform your team’s productivity with Insightful. No more bloated projects or procrastination—just efficient, focused work that gets done on time, every time. 

Find out why Insightful is one of the best solutions according to employee monitoring software reviews. Sign up for Insightful’s time tracking application free trial today and see the difference it makes!