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Productivity Improvements

How can you create productive habits? What are the biggest distractions and biggest productivity killers? How can you stop them from ruining your employees' productivity streak? Find out how to boost your team's performance through our productivity guidelines.

Productivity and Efficiency Improvementsscreenshot monitoring software
November 13, 2019

Pick Your Evening Routine for a Productive Tomorrow

Evening routines are as important as morning routines.

Pick Your Evening Routine for a Productive Tomorrow
Bojana Djordjevic
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Productivity and Efficiency Improvementsstaff tracking
November 8, 2019

Productive Employees Should Be Encouraged to Take Breaks

Are your employees taking enough breaks? Are you? Let's explore what are the benefits of taking regular breaks, and what can you do to encourage your employees to rest more frequently.

Productive Employees Should Be Encouraged to Take Breaks
Bojana Djordjevic
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Productivity and Efficiency Improvements Employee Time Tracking App
November 4, 2019

Putting Productivity Hacks to the Test: How to Tell if a 3-Day Weekend Is Working for Your Company?

Studies show that having more time off and working for just 4 days a week might be the key to increased productivity. Let’s see how you can check if this system works for you!

Putting Productivity Hacks to the Test: How to Tell if a 3-Day Weekend Is Working for Your Company?
Kristina Valjarevic
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Business Managementtime tracking
October 11, 2019

Why Is Employee Engagement Important and How Can You Keep It Up?

You want your employees to be productive, motivated and willing to improve your company? Here’s how you can achieve this!

Why Is Employee Engagement Important and How Can You Keep It Up?
Kristina Valjarevic
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Productivity and Efficiency ImprovementsWork time tracker
October 2, 2019

6 Common Myths About Workplace Productivity

Join us in debunking some of the most widespread misconceptions about productivity in the workplace!

6 Common Myths About Workplace Productivity
Kristina Valjarevic
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Productivity and Efficiency Improvementsmonitoring employee email
October 1, 2019

Great Email Apps to Put You out of the Misery

Avoid mailbox clutter with these apps.

Great Email Apps to Put You out of the Misery
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee Monitoringemployee monitoring
September 30, 2019

3 Most Common and Wrong Myths About Employee Monitoring

Debunking the most frequent misconceptions.

3 Most Common and Wrong Myths About Employee Monitoring
Gina Ora
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Productivity and Efficiency Improvementswork tracker
September 27, 2019

5 Office Games for Boosting Productivity and Creativity

Your team will love them!

5 Office Games for Boosting Productivity and Creativity
Gina Ora
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