Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • Accurate billable hours data is crucial for project profitability, affecting resource management, budgeting, and invoicing efficiency.

  • Task-level insight and employee time tracking software offer precise methods to collect and analyze billable hours data, boosting profitability.

  • Distinguishing between billable and non-billable hours is essential for financial planning and profitability, ensuring accurate project cost estimation.

  • Real-time tracking of billable hours task by task enhances data accuracy, enabling better resource allocation, workflow optimization, and transparent client communication, ultimately leading to increased profitability.

Read time: 8 minutes

When it comes to project profitability, few elements carry as much weight as billable hours. The data depicts the exact time it took to complete different tasks and activities, directly affecting the financial outcome. It’s a vital component in resource management, budgeting, and most importantly—billing.

So, what’s the most accurate way to record billable hours and bring in more revenue? In this article, we'll explain how task-level insight—a methodical approach to analyzing project performance—can help you collect this data with precision and boost your profit. 

Plus, we’ll tell you how advanced remote employee time tracking software and similar technologies can capture and analyze billable hours with greater accuracy and efficiency.

How Does Billable Hours Data Affect Profitabilty?

When it comes to driving profit, never underestimate the importance of accurate billable hours data. It’s a crucial metric that provides insights into how much time was invested into the tasks and activities within a project. The data is a huge factor in estimating project costs, helping you manage your resources and budgets more efficiently. Not to mention, tracking billable hours accurately makes invoicing a lot easier.

Inaccurate or incomplete billable hours data can completely derail project profitability. It may lead to budget overruns, missed revenue opportunities, and disrupted project progress. Making sure the data is meticulously recorded is crucial for your business, especially if you want to improve your project management and maximize profitability.

Billable vs. Non-Billable Hours—What’s the Difference?

While essential for internal operations, non-billable hours don't directly generate revenue. However, they still contribute to project completion. The term mostly refers to internal tasks, mostly administrative in nature.

Not knowing the difference between billable and non-billable hours can seriously affect your profitability. It can lead to poor financial planning and not-so-savvy budget decisions. Most notably, mislabeling non-billable tasks as billable can result in unexpected revenue shortfalls and skewed profitability analyses.

This is where task-level insight comes in handy. A more granular analysis of time spent on individual tasks can set a clear divide between billable and non-billable activities. Closely monitoring remote employees and tracking their progress will also reveal whether non-billable tasks are taking up too many resources.

Tracking Billable Hours Data Task by Task

Tracking billable hours step-by-step can provide more accurate data, especially on projects where each employee is assigned a different activity. By tracking remote workers and analyzing each task individually, you can identify which tasks are taking longer than anticipated and may require additional resources.

This meticulous approach ultimately leads to more precise and reliable billable hours data, giving a clearer picture of project costs and profitability. Task-level insights can also shed light on any inconsistencies or inefficiencies in your billable hours tracking.

Using all this data, you’ll be able to refine your time-tracking practices and ensure that billable hours accurately reflect the time and resources invested in each task. 

How to Track Billable Hours Precisely & Increase Profitability

Time tracking and employee monitoring systems offer essential task-level insights and a clear view of how resources are distributed. Mapping out the time allocated to each task helps you spot trends, discrepancies, and areas for improvement in the workflow. This, in turn, results in precise and trustworthy billable hours data.

Choosing the right time tracking software is crucial for accurate billable hours data. When looking for a solution, make sure fits your specific needs and exciting tech infrastructure. Pay attention to the capabilities and factors like scalability, cost, and customer support when making your decision.

What are some key features to look for in time tracking software?

  • Intuitive interface: Ensures easy navigation and user-friendly experience, enhancing efficiency in time tracking tasks.

  • Real-time tracking: Allows for immediate updates on task progress, facilitating timely decision-making and resource allocation.

  • Activity monitoring: Provides visibility into employee productivity and task engagement, enabling proactive management of project timelines and resources.

  • Integration with project management tools: Streamlines workflow processes and data sharing, promoting seamless collaboration and project coordination.

Implementing the software requires equally thorough planning. You’ll need to define tracking parameters, set up user accounts, and teach employees how to use the tool to keep tabs on billable hours.

Offer thorough training sessions that accentuate the importance of accurate time tracking. Encouraging open communication and addressing concerns can help employees record billable hours data more accurately. Regular follow-up sessions also reinforce good habits and ensure everyone sticks to the same protocols.

What is an Example of a Software Tool that is Used for Employee Monitoring?

Insightful stands out as one of the best screen monitoring software and time tracking solutions, with enhanced capabilities that generate accurate billable hours data

With in-depth productivity insights and real-time monitoring, the platform helps you better understand the workflow within a project. This helps you pinpoint tasks that take up too much time and drain resources, allowing you to focus on billable activities.

Through detailed process and task analysis, Insightful empowers you to identify workflow bottlenecks and drive workplace efficiency. Its robust features can enhance task-level insight and produce more accurate billable hours data.

How Billable Hours Affect Resource Management & Profitability

Categorizing billable hours data based on project phases, task types, team members, and similar parameters, helps identify trends in resource management. Based on these insights, you can work to optimize resource allocation and improve project efficiency. This will minimize costs and ultimately improve profitability.

But, how do you use billable hours to better manage your resources? Here’s what to do:

  • Review Billable Hours Data: Start by reviewing the billable hours data collected from various projects or tasks. This should provide insights into the time spent on different activities, tasks, or projects by individual team members or departments.

  • Assess Workload Distribution: Evaluate how the work is distributed among team members or departments based on the billable hours data. Determine if certain employees or teams are consistently overburdened with tasks while others have time to spare.

  • Prioritize High-Value Tasks: Identify high-value tasks or projects that contribute significantly to the organization's objectives or profitability. These tasks should be prioritized in resource allocation to ensure that the organization maximizes its return on investment.

  • Reallocate Resources: Based on the insights gained from the analysis, adjust resource allocation accordingly. This may involve reallocating tasks or projects among team members or departments to ensure a more balanced workload distribution.

  • Set Clear Objectives: Establish clear objectives and goals for resource allocation, taking into account the organization's overall priorities and strategic objectives. Communicate these objectives to team members or departments to ensure alignment and buy-in.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of the adjusted resource allocation strategies and make adjustments as needed. Regularly review billable hours data and other relevant metrics to ensure that resources are being allocated optimally and that organizational objectives are being met.

Going over billable hours data can help you predict your needs, ensuring you secure enough resources for each future project. Being proactive means you can avoid shortages more easily, but also sidestep some common issues, like overallocation. All of this can help profitability and improve your overall project management.

Enhancing Project Management & Profitability with Billable Hours Data

Analyzing billable hours data reveals where things get stuck within project workflows, pinpointing bottlenecks that hinder productivity. Once you fix these hiccups, you can reduce project delays and increase the output, ultimately making the project more profitable.

With insights from billable hours data analysis, you can implement targeted improvements to streamline project workflows. This could include shifting resources from one department to another or using automation tools for repetitive tasks.

When the work flows smoothly, you get a better idea of how much time, resources, money, and manpower you need per project.

Accurate Project Estimation

Billable hours data provides valuable insights into project costs and resource distribution, which allows for a more accurate cost estimation. Based on the data, you can better predict your requirements in terms of resources and budget. Furthermore, tracking billable hours accurately keeps your projects financially viable, ultimately enhancing profitability.

Analyzing billable hours provides a clear overview of project budgets and timelines, allowing you to compare the two. This helps prevent budget overruns and delays, keeping projects on track and within budget limits.

Billable Hours Data: Boosting Profits Through Transparency

When clients have clear insights into how project hours are used, including details on tasks and time allocation, it showcases transparency and accountability. 

You need to establish a client communication strategy that includes regular updates on billable hours data. Use project management software or reporting tools to create detailed breakdowns of the exact hours spent on each task, and share these reports with clients during project updates or meetings. 

Encourage open dialogue and promptly address any questions or concerns from clients to maintain transparency throughout the project lifecycle. Remember, no one will pour funds into a business they don’t trust.

Accurate & Timely Billing

Transparent billing procedures demonstrate honesty and dependability, assuring the services rendered will be charred fairly. Accurate and timely invoices please the client, possibly leading to lasting partnerships and referrals.

Timely and accurate billing is also why you need to accurately record billable hours data. Any mistakes or discrepancies in the invoice can damage your credibility, leading to potential disputes over billing errors.

So, how can you make sure everything checks out? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use time tracking software to capture billable hours data in real-time and simplify the billing process.
  • Set clear billing cycles and deadlines for sending invoices to clients.
  • Follow agreed-upon billing terms and contractual obligations. 
  • Regularly review billing procedures and address any issues or inefficiencies to enhance accuracy and timeliness in billing processes.

Insightful: Never Lose Track of Time

Insightful stands out as a game-changer in billable hours tracking, with enhanced features aimed at boosting profitability and project efficiency.

  • Operational Insight Analysis: With Insightful's analysis, you can identify time-consuming tasks and unproductive activities, leading to process optimization and skill improvement. The detailed reports help streamline workflows, manage resources better, and ultimately increase profitability.

  • Unified Project Oversight: Insightful offers a comprehensive view of project data with customizable filters and graphical representations. This allows you to spot trends, anticipate challenges, and make informed decisions to improve project outcomes and profitability.

  • Real-Time Billable Hours Insights: Insightful provides real-time insights into billable hours, allowing you to manage project budgets proactively and avoid overspending. You can take immediate action to maintain project profitability by catching any budget deviations in the early stages.

  • Automated Timesheet Management: Insightful simplifies time tracking by automating timesheet management, eliminating manual processes. This saves time and ensures billing accuracy, minimizing revenue loss and maximizing profitability.

Insightful transforms billable hours tracking with the tools and insights needed to boost profits, streamline project management, and achieve sustainable growth. With Insightful, you can confidently unlock your team’s full potential for success.

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Business Management

Why Tracking Billable Hours Task-by-Task Pays Off

Written by
Sonja Glisic
Published on
March 11, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Accurate billable hours data is crucial for project profitability, affecting resource management, budgeting, and invoicing efficiency.

  • Task-level insight and employee time tracking software offer precise methods to collect and analyze billable hours data, boosting profitability.

  • Distinguishing between billable and non-billable hours is essential for financial planning and profitability, ensuring accurate project cost estimation.

  • Real-time tracking of billable hours task by task enhances data accuracy, enabling better resource allocation, workflow optimization, and transparent client communication, ultimately leading to increased profitability.

Read time: 8 minutes

When it comes to project profitability, few elements carry as much weight as billable hours. The data depicts the exact time it took to complete different tasks and activities, directly affecting the financial outcome. It’s a vital component in resource management, budgeting, and most importantly—billing.

So, what’s the most accurate way to record billable hours and bring in more revenue? In this article, we'll explain how task-level insight—a methodical approach to analyzing project performance—can help you collect this data with precision and boost your profit. 

Plus, we’ll tell you how advanced remote employee time tracking software and similar technologies can capture and analyze billable hours with greater accuracy and efficiency.

How Does Billable Hours Data Affect Profitabilty?

When it comes to driving profit, never underestimate the importance of accurate billable hours data. It’s a crucial metric that provides insights into how much time was invested into the tasks and activities within a project. The data is a huge factor in estimating project costs, helping you manage your resources and budgets more efficiently. Not to mention, tracking billable hours accurately makes invoicing a lot easier.

Inaccurate or incomplete billable hours data can completely derail project profitability. It may lead to budget overruns, missed revenue opportunities, and disrupted project progress. Making sure the data is meticulously recorded is crucial for your business, especially if you want to improve your project management and maximize profitability.

Billable vs. Non-Billable Hours—What’s the Difference?

While essential for internal operations, non-billable hours don't directly generate revenue. However, they still contribute to project completion. The term mostly refers to internal tasks, mostly administrative in nature.

Not knowing the difference between billable and non-billable hours can seriously affect your profitability. It can lead to poor financial planning and not-so-savvy budget decisions. Most notably, mislabeling non-billable tasks as billable can result in unexpected revenue shortfalls and skewed profitability analyses.

This is where task-level insight comes in handy. A more granular analysis of time spent on individual tasks can set a clear divide between billable and non-billable activities. Closely monitoring remote employees and tracking their progress will also reveal whether non-billable tasks are taking up too many resources.

Tracking Billable Hours Data Task by Task

Tracking billable hours step-by-step can provide more accurate data, especially on projects where each employee is assigned a different activity. By tracking remote workers and analyzing each task individually, you can identify which tasks are taking longer than anticipated and may require additional resources.

This meticulous approach ultimately leads to more precise and reliable billable hours data, giving a clearer picture of project costs and profitability. Task-level insights can also shed light on any inconsistencies or inefficiencies in your billable hours tracking.

Using all this data, you’ll be able to refine your time-tracking practices and ensure that billable hours accurately reflect the time and resources invested in each task. 

How to Track Billable Hours Precisely & Increase Profitability

Time tracking and employee monitoring systems offer essential task-level insights and a clear view of how resources are distributed. Mapping out the time allocated to each task helps you spot trends, discrepancies, and areas for improvement in the workflow. This, in turn, results in precise and trustworthy billable hours data.

Choosing the right time tracking software is crucial for accurate billable hours data. When looking for a solution, make sure fits your specific needs and exciting tech infrastructure. Pay attention to the capabilities and factors like scalability, cost, and customer support when making your decision.

What are some key features to look for in time tracking software?

  • Intuitive interface: Ensures easy navigation and user-friendly experience, enhancing efficiency in time tracking tasks.

  • Real-time tracking: Allows for immediate updates on task progress, facilitating timely decision-making and resource allocation.

  • Activity monitoring: Provides visibility into employee productivity and task engagement, enabling proactive management of project timelines and resources.

  • Integration with project management tools: Streamlines workflow processes and data sharing, promoting seamless collaboration and project coordination.

Implementing the software requires equally thorough planning. You’ll need to define tracking parameters, set up user accounts, and teach employees how to use the tool to keep tabs on billable hours.

Offer thorough training sessions that accentuate the importance of accurate time tracking. Encouraging open communication and addressing concerns can help employees record billable hours data more accurately. Regular follow-up sessions also reinforce good habits and ensure everyone sticks to the same protocols.

What is an Example of a Software Tool that is Used for Employee Monitoring?

Insightful stands out as one of the best screen monitoring software and time tracking solutions, with enhanced capabilities that generate accurate billable hours data

With in-depth productivity insights and real-time monitoring, the platform helps you better understand the workflow within a project. This helps you pinpoint tasks that take up too much time and drain resources, allowing you to focus on billable activities.

Through detailed process and task analysis, Insightful empowers you to identify workflow bottlenecks and drive workplace efficiency. Its robust features can enhance task-level insight and produce more accurate billable hours data.

How Billable Hours Affect Resource Management & Profitability

Categorizing billable hours data based on project phases, task types, team members, and similar parameters, helps identify trends in resource management. Based on these insights, you can work to optimize resource allocation and improve project efficiency. This will minimize costs and ultimately improve profitability.

But, how do you use billable hours to better manage your resources? Here’s what to do:

  • Review Billable Hours Data: Start by reviewing the billable hours data collected from various projects or tasks. This should provide insights into the time spent on different activities, tasks, or projects by individual team members or departments.

  • Assess Workload Distribution: Evaluate how the work is distributed among team members or departments based on the billable hours data. Determine if certain employees or teams are consistently overburdened with tasks while others have time to spare.

  • Prioritize High-Value Tasks: Identify high-value tasks or projects that contribute significantly to the organization's objectives or profitability. These tasks should be prioritized in resource allocation to ensure that the organization maximizes its return on investment.

  • Reallocate Resources: Based on the insights gained from the analysis, adjust resource allocation accordingly. This may involve reallocating tasks or projects among team members or departments to ensure a more balanced workload distribution.

  • Set Clear Objectives: Establish clear objectives and goals for resource allocation, taking into account the organization's overall priorities and strategic objectives. Communicate these objectives to team members or departments to ensure alignment and buy-in.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of the adjusted resource allocation strategies and make adjustments as needed. Regularly review billable hours data and other relevant metrics to ensure that resources are being allocated optimally and that organizational objectives are being met.

Going over billable hours data can help you predict your needs, ensuring you secure enough resources for each future project. Being proactive means you can avoid shortages more easily, but also sidestep some common issues, like overallocation. All of this can help profitability and improve your overall project management.

Enhancing Project Management & Profitability with Billable Hours Data

Analyzing billable hours data reveals where things get stuck within project workflows, pinpointing bottlenecks that hinder productivity. Once you fix these hiccups, you can reduce project delays and increase the output, ultimately making the project more profitable.

With insights from billable hours data analysis, you can implement targeted improvements to streamline project workflows. This could include shifting resources from one department to another or using automation tools for repetitive tasks.

When the work flows smoothly, you get a better idea of how much time, resources, money, and manpower you need per project.

Accurate Project Estimation

Billable hours data provides valuable insights into project costs and resource distribution, which allows for a more accurate cost estimation. Based on the data, you can better predict your requirements in terms of resources and budget. Furthermore, tracking billable hours accurately keeps your projects financially viable, ultimately enhancing profitability.

Analyzing billable hours provides a clear overview of project budgets and timelines, allowing you to compare the two. This helps prevent budget overruns and delays, keeping projects on track and within budget limits.

Billable Hours Data: Boosting Profits Through Transparency

When clients have clear insights into how project hours are used, including details on tasks and time allocation, it showcases transparency and accountability. 

You need to establish a client communication strategy that includes regular updates on billable hours data. Use project management software or reporting tools to create detailed breakdowns of the exact hours spent on each task, and share these reports with clients during project updates or meetings. 

Encourage open dialogue and promptly address any questions or concerns from clients to maintain transparency throughout the project lifecycle. Remember, no one will pour funds into a business they don’t trust.

Accurate & Timely Billing

Transparent billing procedures demonstrate honesty and dependability, assuring the services rendered will be charred fairly. Accurate and timely invoices please the client, possibly leading to lasting partnerships and referrals.

Timely and accurate billing is also why you need to accurately record billable hours data. Any mistakes or discrepancies in the invoice can damage your credibility, leading to potential disputes over billing errors.

So, how can you make sure everything checks out? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use time tracking software to capture billable hours data in real-time and simplify the billing process.
  • Set clear billing cycles and deadlines for sending invoices to clients.
  • Follow agreed-upon billing terms and contractual obligations. 
  • Regularly review billing procedures and address any issues or inefficiencies to enhance accuracy and timeliness in billing processes.

Insightful: Never Lose Track of Time

Insightful stands out as a game-changer in billable hours tracking, with enhanced features aimed at boosting profitability and project efficiency.

  • Operational Insight Analysis: With Insightful's analysis, you can identify time-consuming tasks and unproductive activities, leading to process optimization and skill improvement. The detailed reports help streamline workflows, manage resources better, and ultimately increase profitability.

  • Unified Project Oversight: Insightful offers a comprehensive view of project data with customizable filters and graphical representations. This allows you to spot trends, anticipate challenges, and make informed decisions to improve project outcomes and profitability.

  • Real-Time Billable Hours Insights: Insightful provides real-time insights into billable hours, allowing you to manage project budgets proactively and avoid overspending. You can take immediate action to maintain project profitability by catching any budget deviations in the early stages.

  • Automated Timesheet Management: Insightful simplifies time tracking by automating timesheet management, eliminating manual processes. This saves time and ensures billing accuracy, minimizing revenue loss and maximizing profitability.

Insightful transforms billable hours tracking with the tools and insights needed to boost profits, streamline project management, and achieve sustainable growth. With Insightful, you can confidently unlock your team’s full potential for success.