Top 10 Insightful Blogs of 2019
It's the end of the year, so it's time to take a look back at our most read blog posts of 2019!
This year is almost over, and we’re slowly getting ready to move to the 2020 and show you more exciting things during the year. As usually, you can expect to see regular posts about employee monitoring, time tracking, remote work, productivity and general business development.
But, before we move onto new and improved posts we wanted to take a look back and see which of our blog posts you liked the most in 2019. So, without further ado, here’s the list of top 10 Insightful blogs of 2019!
8 Effective Tactics for Improving Developer's Productivity
It seems that many businesses around the world keep having issues with productivity levels of their development teams. Now, if your company is a SaaS company, your developers are the core of your team you have to ensure they’re on top of their game.
On the other hand, if you’re in another industry, but you have developers who are maintaining your website or app, things can get a bit sloppy because their main job is to maintain these two, and they keep going about the same problems over and over again.
When we wrote this blog, we talked to some developers in our surroundings and got their insights on how they’re tackling low productivity while they’re working.
5 Office Games for Boosting Productivity and Creativity

Even though this post was originally written in 2016, it’s still getting a lot of attention from you. We see it as a good sign, it means more managers and business owners are looking to engage their teams in fun, creative ways.
The games we listed here are very simple, and they don’t take up too much time, so you can dedicate an hour of every Friday to wind down and relax with your employees.
14 Free and Open Source Time Tracking and Employee Monitoring Software
What’s free doesn’t mean it’s open source, and vice versa. So we’ve put our favorite tools which are either free or open source, or both.
These tools are ideal for small teams, who don’t need to track every single thing, but who are also made out of up to 5-10 employees. Additionally, you shouldn’t expect to get all features from them, which is why we advise you to approach them with caution.
Is Employee Monitoring Legal?

One of the most common questions about computer monitoring software is whether it’s legal or not. It really depends on country to country. There are places where even covert monitoring is legal, but there are countries in which you must obtain employees’ consent before using the software.
In any case, we’ve created a post including brief explanation about the monitoring law in 10 countries. In time, we’ll add some more places on the list, but in the meantime, we advise you to consult a legal team before implementing the software, so you can be sure you’re doing everything by the book.
The Importance of Metrics in Business Decision Making
What types of metrics are you tracking in your business? What metrics should you be tracking? And how can you use this information to scale your company?
Check out our blog on the importance of metrics in decision making, and you’ll get the answers to all of these questions.
26 Best Employee Monitoring and Time Tracking Tools for 2019
For all of you who are still looking for a perfect employee monitoring or time tracking tool, we’ve created a list of 26 tools we loved in 2019.
The article also has a neat comparison table, to make your choice easier!
Most Common Branch Office Issues and Possible Solutions

Managing branch offices is never easy, and we’ve managed to pinpoint 5 most common challenges these companies have. They range from communication issues, to how informed everyone in the company is.
But, we’re not only showing you what the challenges are, and how can you overcome them.
Why Google’s Office Culture Doesn’t Work for Everyone?
Every founder wants its company to become Google when it grows up. Unfortunately, this can’t happen to everyone. Many business owners have tried to mimic Google’s office culture by implementing various fun zones, allowing pets at work, and so on. Later on, when employees started slacking and procrastinating, everything went south and they were wondering how did it come to this.
Well, Google’s office culture won’t work for every company out there, and here’s why.
Ruthless Big Brother or Caring Supervisor: How Ethical Is Employee Monitoring Software?
Besides wondering whether employee monitoring is legal, many employers and employees alike are wondering if such practice is even ethical. Well, it can be, and it depends solely on how you’re using it.
Find out how not to become the Big Brother, but instead maintain your image as the caring supervisor even though you’re using a computer monitoring software.
The Ultimate Guide to Tracking Employee Attendance

Even though tracking attendance isn’t our software’s core function, we’ve seen that our clients often seek for this feature, and one to use the best out of it. Thus, this ultimate guide for tracking employee attendance was created. Enjoy it!
Other Content
This article was originally supposed to be dedicated to our most read blogs of 2019, however, we wrote a couple of more amazing things this year which definitely deserve to be mentioned in this roundup.
The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Managing a Remote Team
We first decided to create a page dedicated to creating and managing a remote team. Our team is partly remote, and we are supporters of such way of working.
Once we wrote and published the page we realized that there are many other details which should be covered within this guide, so we created an ebook about remote teams.
To complete these two resources, we knew we needed to conduct a research about remote companies. In this research, we conducted a survey among remote companies to find out more about the ways they operate. More precisely, we were wondering about their structure, project management, perks they offer, and so on.
Workplace Productivity: The Ultimate Guide
Another topic that is very close to our hearts is, of course, productivity in the workplace. Therefore, it made sense that we would write a page dedicated to everything productivity-related. Starting from main roadblocks to productivity, how can you help your team improve, but also what can you do to improve your own efficiency in the workplace.
Wrap Up
Well, that’s a wrap for this roundup. In the end, we’d like to thank you for reading our blog on a regular basis, and for following our work. If there’s a topic you’d like to see covered more in-depth, feel free to reach out and let us know about it.