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Timecard management
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Real-time tracking
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Workforce analytics software company Insightful releases groundbreaking research study on the pressing challenge of workplace focus.

Insightful, a leading workforce analytics software company, has released an in-depth research study that reveals a potential epidemic of lost focus in the modern workplace. 

The study, involving 1,200 participants (600 employees and 600 managers) based in the US, reveals critical insights into the challenges and dynamics of maintaining focus at work.

Insightsful’s research study, Lost Focus: The Cost Of Distractions On Productivity In The Modern Workplace, reveals that lost focus is a leading problem for modern leaders and managers. While employees also acknowledge that lost focus often impacts their productivity at work.

Download Lost Focus: The Cost Of Distractions On Productivity In The Modern Workplace Report Here


Key Findings:

  • Lost Focus is a Big Problem: 92% of employers said lost focus is a significant problem in the workplace.
  • Deep Focus Time is Elusive: 80% of employees said they can’t go an hour without being distracted at work
  • Frequent Distractions: 67% of employees report checking messages or emails more than 10 times a day, with 59% experiencing interruptions every 30 minutes or less.
  • The Biggest Office Offenders: 81% of employees said they are distracted regularly when working in the office. The primary distraction for employees is interactions with other employees (71%), followed by phone notifications (62%).
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: 62% of employers have introduced more work flexibility to counteract lost focus.
  • Generational Challenges: Managers identify lack of focused time as the top issue with Gen Z workers (64%). 
  • A Majority of Employees Feel Burnt Out: 68% of employees said they have experienced burnout in the past year.
  • Work-Life Balance: 93% of managers said that fostering work-life balance for employees is a priority.
  • AI Adoption: 60% of managers already use AI in the workplace, with 28% considering its implementation
  • Compensation and Focus: 49% of employees believe increased compensation would enhance their focus. 43% said more flexibility would improve focus time.


Ivan Petrovic, CEO and Founder of Insightful, said the research paints a picture of modern workplaces where focus is constantly under threat.

"This research reveals that lost focus is one of, if not the, most pressing challenge for leaders and employees alike today,” Mr Petrovic said.

“With the rise of technology, distractions have never been greater – in and out of the workplace. The fact that more than 9 in 10 employers say that lost focus is a primary concern for them proves this.” 

“While lack of focus is a challenge for organizations, it’s also an opportunity. Immediate changes like more flexibility and freedom of work location will help increase focused time. However, potentially the most significant way to increase focus is to introduce technology like workforce analytics.”

“Workforce analytics technology enables leaders to fully understand what’s causing lost focus in their organizations. And then coach employees on how to improve focus based on their habits and work style. With this approach we’ve seen organizations increase productivity to 90%+ and offer employees 6-hour work days – so it’s clear improving focus is in everyone’s interest.”‍


Insightful surveyed 1200 respondents in the USA in partnership with specialist research company Pollfish. The respondents included 600 company employees and 600 company leaders in the US. Both surveys featured 14 multiple-choice questions.


About Insightful

Insightful offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to manage and enhance productivity, increase focus time, streamline workflows, and support employee well-being. Trusted by over 5,100 brands worldwide, Insightful’s solutions are used by more than 200,000 people globally.


Report Assets:

Access full report here

Download infographics for use in publication (rights free)


Contact Information:

Seb Kipman


For additional information and to download our press kit, please visit

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New Research Reveals 92% Of Employers Say Lost Focus is the No.1 Problem in the Modern Workplace

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
July 5, 2024

Workforce analytics software company Insightful releases groundbreaking research study on the pressing challenge of workplace focus.

Insightful, a leading workforce analytics software company, has released an in-depth research study that reveals a potential epidemic of lost focus in the modern workplace. 

The study, involving 1,200 participants (600 employees and 600 managers) based in the US, reveals critical insights into the challenges and dynamics of maintaining focus at work.

Insightsful’s research study, Lost Focus: The Cost Of Distractions On Productivity In The Modern Workplace, reveals that lost focus is a leading problem for modern leaders and managers. While employees also acknowledge that lost focus often impacts their productivity at work.

Download Lost Focus: The Cost Of Distractions On Productivity In The Modern Workplace Report Here


Key Findings:

  • Lost Focus is a Big Problem: 92% of employers said lost focus is a significant problem in the workplace.
  • Deep Focus Time is Elusive: 80% of employees said they can’t go an hour without being distracted at work
  • Frequent Distractions: 67% of employees report checking messages or emails more than 10 times a day, with 59% experiencing interruptions every 30 minutes or less.
  • The Biggest Office Offenders: 81% of employees said they are distracted regularly when working in the office. The primary distraction for employees is interactions with other employees (71%), followed by phone notifications (62%).
  • Flexible Work Arrangements: 62% of employers have introduced more work flexibility to counteract lost focus.
  • Generational Challenges: Managers identify lack of focused time as the top issue with Gen Z workers (64%). 
  • A Majority of Employees Feel Burnt Out: 68% of employees said they have experienced burnout in the past year.
  • Work-Life Balance: 93% of managers said that fostering work-life balance for employees is a priority.
  • AI Adoption: 60% of managers already use AI in the workplace, with 28% considering its implementation
  • Compensation and Focus: 49% of employees believe increased compensation would enhance their focus. 43% said more flexibility would improve focus time.


Ivan Petrovic, CEO and Founder of Insightful, said the research paints a picture of modern workplaces where focus is constantly under threat.

"This research reveals that lost focus is one of, if not the, most pressing challenge for leaders and employees alike today,” Mr Petrovic said.

“With the rise of technology, distractions have never been greater – in and out of the workplace. The fact that more than 9 in 10 employers say that lost focus is a primary concern for them proves this.” 

“While lack of focus is a challenge for organizations, it’s also an opportunity. Immediate changes like more flexibility and freedom of work location will help increase focused time. However, potentially the most significant way to increase focus is to introduce technology like workforce analytics.”

“Workforce analytics technology enables leaders to fully understand what’s causing lost focus in their organizations. And then coach employees on how to improve focus based on their habits and work style. With this approach we’ve seen organizations increase productivity to 90%+ and offer employees 6-hour work days – so it’s clear improving focus is in everyone’s interest.”‍


Insightful surveyed 1200 respondents in the USA in partnership with specialist research company Pollfish. The respondents included 600 company employees and 600 company leaders in the US. Both surveys featured 14 multiple-choice questions.


About Insightful

Insightful offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to manage and enhance productivity, increase focus time, streamline workflows, and support employee well-being. Trusted by over 5,100 brands worldwide, Insightful’s solutions are used by more than 200,000 people globally.


Report Assets:

Access full report here

Download infographics for use in publication (rights free)


Contact Information:

Seb Kipman


For additional information and to download our press kit, please visit