Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • The not-to-do list encourages a shift in focus where instead of prioritizing urgent tasks, one consciously avoids unproductive activities.

  • It’s a reflective process that sheds light on certain habits that are slowing progress and ensures effective time and effort allocation.

  • Examples of what can be included in a not-to-do list are avoiding social media distractions, endless email chains, excessive work hours, and multitasking.

Read time: 8 minutes

Do you feel like your team’s reached a standing point, but you’re not sure what to do? Maybe it’s time to flip the script and focus on what not to do.

The ‘’not-to-do list’’ is a simple productivity trick that can provide a new perspective. It involves crafting a list of activities your team should avoid, as a deliberate move to sidestep unproductive detours. 

Let's look into the not-to-do list, explaining the counterintuitive logic and pointing out some pros and cons. Plus, we’ll show you how to use employee time tracking management software and other digital tools to ID the potential entries!

What Is a Not-Do List?

Making a not-to-do list is a purposeful and introspective process designed to streamline your priorities and boost productivity. Instead of solely focusing on tasks that demand attention, it shifts the spotlight to activities you consciously choose to sidestep. It's a strategic play against most common distractions, leading to a streamlined and efficient workplace.

The Perks of Knowing What Not to Do

The not-to-do list can steer your team’s energy away from unproductive activities towards more significant tasks. It’s a strategic maneuver that aims to amplify focus and productivity.

This practice can help you avoid common procrastination pitfalls. It’s a preemptive measure, fortifying your defenses against time-wasting tendencies. If you highlight problematic habits, your employees can recognize their weak spots on time and regain control.

Making the list is a reflective process that sheds light on habits and behaviors that slow down progress. It makes you reevaluate priorities, ensuring that time and effort are channeled into the right activities. You’ll be able to strategically eliminate distractions and create space for meaningful tasks that contribute to both the personal and professional growth of your team.

Challenges That Stand in Your Way

There could be some uncertainty among team members about which activities to exclude from their routines. You can provide clarity by offering guidelines and examples tailored to the specific work context. 

Hosting workshops can help your team write not-to-do lists that align with their roles and responsibilities. Regular discussions about common counterproductive habits will provide further insights and experiences.

Establishing a not-to-do list is one thing, but being consistent is another. You need to regularly check in with team members to discuss potential hiccups and offer support. Establish a system of accountability, through peer support or mentorship. 

What to Include in Your Not-to-Do List?

Here are a few suggestions of what to include in your not-to-do list:

Don’t Do: Social Media Distractions

Minimize personal social media use during work hours.

Scrolling through Instagram looking for remote work memes can divert attention away from important tasks. The incessant notifications also interrupt concentration. Employees may find it difficult to regain focus, which in turn affects their overall productivity.

Set expectations and limitations on social media use. For example, you can introduce designated ‘social media breaks’ to avoid constant distractions. 

Furthermore, you can rely on digital tools like Insightful, to get familiar with your team’s online habits. This workforce analytics and time tracking software offers detailed reports on time spent on various apps and websites.

Don’t Do: Endless Email Chains

Avoid prolonged email discussions and encourage concise communication within your team. 

Email chains often lead to information overload, miscommunication risks, and delayed responses. All of this causes a loss of focus and can significantly hinder your team’s productivity.

Suggest the use of collaborative platforms for discussions and reserve emails for essential information. Lead by example in the way you communicate with your team—if it’s a quick update or a minor issue, get on Slack for a quick ping.

Don’t Do: Too Many Meetings

Limit unnecessary attendance at team meetings.

Speaking of emails, most company meetings could have been one. Repetitive or unnecessary roundtables, conference calls, etc. disrupt the workflow and can lead to disengagement. They consume valuable work time, leaving employees with less room to tackle actual tasks.

Assess the necessity of each team rally. That doesn't mean you should institute a ‘no meetings ever’ policy—just spread them around the work week. You can also come up with guidelines on effective meeting management and share them with your team leads. 

Don’t Do: Multitasking Traps

Steer clear of juggling multiple tasks simultaneously and emphasize the value of focused work. 

As employees struggle to switch between tasks, it often leads to reduced concentration, increased errors, and heightened stress levels. Juggling multiple activities at once impacts the quality of work but can also contribute to burnout.

You need to communicate the project goals and state which tasks are high-priority and must be completed first. Also, think about using task management tools such as Trello, Asana, or Jira if you’re not already. These digital aids can help your team organize more efficiently.

Don’t Do: Unplanned Task Switching

Besides multitasking, you should also avoid abrupt task switching without clear transitions.

Constantly switching between tasks scatters attention and makes it challenging for employees to complete assignments. This game of back and forth often leads to unfinished or poorly executed tasks, impacting the overall quality of work.

You should strive for structured work periods instead. Encourage team members to start time blocking. You can also provide them with digital tools to help manage any transitions.

Don’t Do: Excessive Work Hours

Minimize extended work hours.

Excessive work hours can often contribute to reduced productivity. Just because someone puts in more hours, doesn’t mean they’re doing quality work. In fact, all those long hours can lead to burnout and affect employee job satisfaction and engagement.

Prioritize work-life balance by setting realistic expectations for work hours. Use a work tracker to keep tabs on your team’s rhythm and find the right pace. More advanced tools like Insightful offer real-time tracking and in-depth activity logs, that can help you better organize breaks and catch the early signs of burnout.

Digital Tools

The following tools can help you with your not-to-do-list:

  • Jira: A project management and issue-tracking tool that helps you plan, track, and manage work. Its agile features enable teams to stay focused on high-priority tasks and sidestep unnecessary activities.

  • Todoist: While not explicitly a "not-to-do" list tool, the app helps you prioritize and structure tasks, making it clear what needs attention and what can be deprioritized. This clarity aids in avoiding unnecessary or low-priority tasks.

  • Insightful: A workforce analytics and time tracking software that provides real-time monitoring of digital resource usage. You have direct insights into computer activities, which helps identify unproductive habits and distractions that should be on your "not-to-do" list. 

Insightful: Navigate Distractions & Fuel Productivity

Getting Insightful definitely shouldn’t be on your not-to-do list. This workforce analytics and time-tracking solution goes beyond mere surveillance. Insightful allows you to identify habits that can hinder your team’s efficiency with: 

  • Time-Tracking Magic: Enhance project management efficiency with revolutionary time-tracking features and enhancements like our Jira integrations. Insightful provides real-time insights and comprehensive time usage reports that reveal the inner tickings of your workforce. You’ll get an in-depth overview of how time is spent within your team and identify any areas that need improvement. 

  • In-depth Analysis & Activity Logs: Insightful takes workforce analysis a step further, offering a detailed breakdown of computer activity. You‘ll be able to see the exact time spent on each app and website. This enhancement can help you identify trends and patterns in your team, allowing you to adjust. You’ll be able to create a detailed not-to-do list in no time!

  • Procrastination Protection: With Insightful’s capabilities, you can effectively address idle time to boost productivity and identify areas that require additional support. You’ll gain insight into inactivity periods that exceed set thresholds and take action. If you understand and address idle time, you can enhance your team’s efficiency and output without risking burnout.

Insightful provides concrete, actionable data that can transform your workforce into a well-oiled machine. It was made to inspire collaboration and transparency, letting you know not just what do to, but how, when, and with whom!

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Time Tracking

Mastering (Non-)Priorities: The Benefits of Not-to-Do Lists

Written by
Sonja Glisic
Published on
February 6, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • The not-to-do list encourages a shift in focus where instead of prioritizing urgent tasks, one consciously avoids unproductive activities.

  • It’s a reflective process that sheds light on certain habits that are slowing progress and ensures effective time and effort allocation.

  • Examples of what can be included in a not-to-do list are avoiding social media distractions, endless email chains, excessive work hours, and multitasking.

Read time: 8 minutes

Do you feel like your team’s reached a standing point, but you’re not sure what to do? Maybe it’s time to flip the script and focus on what not to do.

The ‘’not-to-do list’’ is a simple productivity trick that can provide a new perspective. It involves crafting a list of activities your team should avoid, as a deliberate move to sidestep unproductive detours. 

Let's look into the not-to-do list, explaining the counterintuitive logic and pointing out some pros and cons. Plus, we’ll show you how to use employee time tracking management software and other digital tools to ID the potential entries!

What Is a Not-Do List?

Making a not-to-do list is a purposeful and introspective process designed to streamline your priorities and boost productivity. Instead of solely focusing on tasks that demand attention, it shifts the spotlight to activities you consciously choose to sidestep. It's a strategic play against most common distractions, leading to a streamlined and efficient workplace.

The Perks of Knowing What Not to Do

The not-to-do list can steer your team’s energy away from unproductive activities towards more significant tasks. It’s a strategic maneuver that aims to amplify focus and productivity.

This practice can help you avoid common procrastination pitfalls. It’s a preemptive measure, fortifying your defenses against time-wasting tendencies. If you highlight problematic habits, your employees can recognize their weak spots on time and regain control.

Making the list is a reflective process that sheds light on habits and behaviors that slow down progress. It makes you reevaluate priorities, ensuring that time and effort are channeled into the right activities. You’ll be able to strategically eliminate distractions and create space for meaningful tasks that contribute to both the personal and professional growth of your team.

Challenges That Stand in Your Way

There could be some uncertainty among team members about which activities to exclude from their routines. You can provide clarity by offering guidelines and examples tailored to the specific work context. 

Hosting workshops can help your team write not-to-do lists that align with their roles and responsibilities. Regular discussions about common counterproductive habits will provide further insights and experiences.

Establishing a not-to-do list is one thing, but being consistent is another. You need to regularly check in with team members to discuss potential hiccups and offer support. Establish a system of accountability, through peer support or mentorship. 

What to Include in Your Not-to-Do List?

Here are a few suggestions of what to include in your not-to-do list:

Don’t Do: Social Media Distractions

Minimize personal social media use during work hours.

Scrolling through Instagram looking for remote work memes can divert attention away from important tasks. The incessant notifications also interrupt concentration. Employees may find it difficult to regain focus, which in turn affects their overall productivity.

Set expectations and limitations on social media use. For example, you can introduce designated ‘social media breaks’ to avoid constant distractions. 

Furthermore, you can rely on digital tools like Insightful, to get familiar with your team’s online habits. This workforce analytics and time tracking software offers detailed reports on time spent on various apps and websites.

Don’t Do: Endless Email Chains

Avoid prolonged email discussions and encourage concise communication within your team. 

Email chains often lead to information overload, miscommunication risks, and delayed responses. All of this causes a loss of focus and can significantly hinder your team’s productivity.

Suggest the use of collaborative platforms for discussions and reserve emails for essential information. Lead by example in the way you communicate with your team—if it’s a quick update or a minor issue, get on Slack for a quick ping.

Don’t Do: Too Many Meetings

Limit unnecessary attendance at team meetings.

Speaking of emails, most company meetings could have been one. Repetitive or unnecessary roundtables, conference calls, etc. disrupt the workflow and can lead to disengagement. They consume valuable work time, leaving employees with less room to tackle actual tasks.

Assess the necessity of each team rally. That doesn't mean you should institute a ‘no meetings ever’ policy—just spread them around the work week. You can also come up with guidelines on effective meeting management and share them with your team leads. 

Don’t Do: Multitasking Traps

Steer clear of juggling multiple tasks simultaneously and emphasize the value of focused work. 

As employees struggle to switch between tasks, it often leads to reduced concentration, increased errors, and heightened stress levels. Juggling multiple activities at once impacts the quality of work but can also contribute to burnout.

You need to communicate the project goals and state which tasks are high-priority and must be completed first. Also, think about using task management tools such as Trello, Asana, or Jira if you’re not already. These digital aids can help your team organize more efficiently.

Don’t Do: Unplanned Task Switching

Besides multitasking, you should also avoid abrupt task switching without clear transitions.

Constantly switching between tasks scatters attention and makes it challenging for employees to complete assignments. This game of back and forth often leads to unfinished or poorly executed tasks, impacting the overall quality of work.

You should strive for structured work periods instead. Encourage team members to start time blocking. You can also provide them with digital tools to help manage any transitions.

Don’t Do: Excessive Work Hours

Minimize extended work hours.

Excessive work hours can often contribute to reduced productivity. Just because someone puts in more hours, doesn’t mean they’re doing quality work. In fact, all those long hours can lead to burnout and affect employee job satisfaction and engagement.

Prioritize work-life balance by setting realistic expectations for work hours. Use a work tracker to keep tabs on your team’s rhythm and find the right pace. More advanced tools like Insightful offer real-time tracking and in-depth activity logs, that can help you better organize breaks and catch the early signs of burnout.

Digital Tools

The following tools can help you with your not-to-do-list:

  • Jira: A project management and issue-tracking tool that helps you plan, track, and manage work. Its agile features enable teams to stay focused on high-priority tasks and sidestep unnecessary activities.

  • Todoist: While not explicitly a "not-to-do" list tool, the app helps you prioritize and structure tasks, making it clear what needs attention and what can be deprioritized. This clarity aids in avoiding unnecessary or low-priority tasks.

  • Insightful: A workforce analytics and time tracking software that provides real-time monitoring of digital resource usage. You have direct insights into computer activities, which helps identify unproductive habits and distractions that should be on your "not-to-do" list. 

Insightful: Navigate Distractions & Fuel Productivity

Getting Insightful definitely shouldn’t be on your not-to-do list. This workforce analytics and time-tracking solution goes beyond mere surveillance. Insightful allows you to identify habits that can hinder your team’s efficiency with: 

  • Time-Tracking Magic: Enhance project management efficiency with revolutionary time-tracking features and enhancements like our Jira integrations. Insightful provides real-time insights and comprehensive time usage reports that reveal the inner tickings of your workforce. You’ll get an in-depth overview of how time is spent within your team and identify any areas that need improvement. 

  • In-depth Analysis & Activity Logs: Insightful takes workforce analysis a step further, offering a detailed breakdown of computer activity. You‘ll be able to see the exact time spent on each app and website. This enhancement can help you identify trends and patterns in your team, allowing you to adjust. You’ll be able to create a detailed not-to-do list in no time!

  • Procrastination Protection: With Insightful’s capabilities, you can effectively address idle time to boost productivity and identify areas that require additional support. You’ll gain insight into inactivity periods that exceed set thresholds and take action. If you understand and address idle time, you can enhance your team’s efficiency and output without risking burnout.

Insightful provides concrete, actionable data that can transform your workforce into a well-oiled machine. It was made to inspire collaboration and transparency, letting you know not just what do to, but how, when, and with whom!