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Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
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Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
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Access management
Mac desktop app
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Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
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Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
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SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • Employees often engage in moonlighting for financial stability, skill development, or personal fulfillment.

  • Moonlighting can enhance employee skills and satisfaction but may also lead to potential conflicts of interest and burnout.

  • Effective moonlighting policies help balance employee freedom with their primary job responsibilities and organizational productivity.

  • Moonlighting policies should be carefully aligned with non-compete agreements to prevent conflicts of interest and protect sensitive information.

  • Tools such as Insightful’s employee computer activity tracker assist in monitoring the impact of moonlighting on employee productivity and engagement.

Read time: 7 minutes

It's not uncommon for many employees to juggle multiple jobs to make ends meet financially. Their hustle in balancing different roles is impressive, but it's important to note that this can sometimes stir up challenges in their primary workplace.

For you as an employer, getting a solid grip on the whole moonlighting scene is key. Understanding how it could impact your business, and knowing where you stand legally, is crucial. Setting up a clear moonlighting policy is a smart move to keep things smooth and productive at work.

In this piece, we're diving into what moonlighting really means, showcasing some real-world examples, discussing why a moonlighting policy might be a good call for your business, and drawing distinctions between non-compete and moonlighting policies. Plus, we'll tackle some of the frequent questions about employees who moonlight.

What exactly is moonlighting?

Moonlighting, or taking on extra work beyond a primary job, is a strategy many people adopt for a mix of financial, professional, and personal reasons. Financially speaking, it's a practical move to boost income – essential for covering everyday expenses, chipping away at debts, or hitting specific savings targets. 

On the career front, moonlighting can be a smart play for skill-building, gaining varied experiences, or dipping toes into entrepreneurial waters. It’s also about personal gains, like pursuing passions that the 9-to-5 doesn’t fulfill, widening one's network, or simply having that extra layer of financial security in a world where job certainty isn't what it used to be. 

In this sense, moonlighting is often about strategically aligning work with broader life and career goals. 

Typically, moonlighting includes a primary, often full-time position, accompanied by a secondary, part-time role. However, it can apply to any scenario where an individual is employed by multiple organizations.

Here are some scenarios to consider:

  • An employee in your customer service team works weekdays but also teaches evening ballet classes.

  • A school teacher at your institution waits tables during weekends.

  • A full-time salesman at your company also works as a telemarketer during the evenings.

Embracing the Moonlight: Understanding the Pros & Cons of Employees with Side Hustles

In modern times, it's increasingly common for employees to take on additional roles outside their primary job. While this trend of moonlighting brings a set of advantages, it also poses unique challenges for employers. It helps to understand why employees moonlight and how it can impact the workplace, both positively and negatively. 

Upsides of Moonlighting

  • Enhanced Skill Sets: Employees who moonlight often return to their primary job with an expanded arsenal of skills and experiences. This enrichment can be a significant asset to your team, driving continuous improvement and learning.

  • Boosted Job Satisfaction: Granting the flexibility for side projects can lead to greater job contentment. Employees who feel supported in pursuing their passions tend to be more engaged and loyal.

  • Cross-Pollination of Ideas: Moonlighters often encounter diverse perspectives and innovative approaches in their secondary roles. These insights can translate into creative and fresh ideas within your primary work environment.

  • Financial Stability for Employees: Additional income sources can alleviate personal financial pressures for employees, potentially leading to a more focused and less stressed workforce.

Challenges of Moonlighting

  • Conflict of Interest Risks: There's always a concern that an employee's secondary job might overlap or conflict with their primary role, particularly in similar industries.

  • Availability Constraints: Moonlighting employees may have limited availability for unexpected work demands or extended hours, which could affect team dynamics and planning.

  • Potential for Burnout: Balancing multiple jobs can be physically and mentally taxing, risking employee burnout which could impact their effectiveness in their primary role.

  • Shifting Priorities: Employees may sometimes prioritize their secondary job, especially if it aligns more closely with their personal interests or long-term career objectives.

Understanding and managing the dynamics of moonlighting can be a nuanced task. It involves leveraging the positives – like skill enhancement and increased satisfaction – while mitigating potential downsides like conflicts of interest and burnout. 

An empathetic yet strategic approach to moonlighting policies can lead to a harmonious and productive work environment, aligning with the aspirations of a modern workforce.

Crafting a Moonlighting Policy: Striking the Right Balance

In the modern workplace, where flexibility and work-life integration are increasingly valued, having a moonlighting policy can really position your company as forward-thinking and adaptable. 

It’s about showing that you’re in tune with today's workforce needs - a move that can make your company stand out to a wide range of job seekers. But it's not just about being cool and progressive; it's also about being smart and practical. 

Here's a deeper dive into what to consider when shaping a moonlighting policy:

1. Fatigue and Job Performance

One of the key things to watch out for is burnout. If your team is clocking out from their 9-to-5 only to dive into another gig, it could mean they're running on empty by the time they get back to your office. 

Tired employees might struggle with concentration, creativity, and staying on top of their tasks. So, part of your policy might involve keeping an eye on signs of fatigue and having open conversations about workload management.

Policy Statement: "It is imperative that secondary employment does not impede your productivity and alertness in your primary role. Should you experience fatigue that affects your work performance, we encourage a discussion for potential solutions."

Implementation: Regular performance evaluations and open communication channels to address any impact of secondary employment on job performance.

2. Availability and Scheduling

Flexibility is great, but you also need your team to be there when it counts. For those on hourly schedules, moonlighting could lead to less availability for shifts or key project times in your company. Your policy might need to outline clear expectations about availability, particularly for roles that require a strong in-person or timely presence.

Policy Statement: "Your commitment to your scheduled hours and responsibilities within our organization is paramount. Please ensure that your external engagements do not conflict with your obligations to this role."

Implementation: Employees must provide their work schedules in advance, and any changes in availability should be promptly communicated to management.

3. Focus and Productivity

Let's face it, we're all human, and our bandwidth has limits. If your employees are mentally juggling tasks from their side gig while at their primary job, it might chip away at their productivity and focus. The policy should encourage a clear separation of responsibilities – when they're at work, they should be fully present, not planning their side hustle.

Policy Statement: "We expect complete focus and dedication during work hours. Activities related to secondary employment must not interfere with your responsibilities and commitments to our organization."

Implementation: Encouraging employees to clearly separate their primary job responsibilities from their secondary job activities.

4. Navigating Conflicts of Interest

This is a biggie. It's crucial to ensure that your employees' side gigs don't pose a conflict of interest. For instance, working for a direct competitor or a client in a similar role might not just be a faux pas; it could lead to legal headaches. Your policy should outline what constitutes a conflict of interest and the process for disclosing secondary employment.

Policy Statement: "Secondary employment must not create a conflict of interest with our company's operations or values. Full disclosure of all secondary employment activities is required for review and approval."

Implementation: Employees are required to declare any secondary employment, which is then reviewed to avoid conflicts of interest with the company’s business.

Creating a Comprehensive Policy 

At the end of the day, your moonlighting policy should be about setting clear, fair guidelines that balance the company’s needs with employees' personal and professional growth. It's not about putting a leash on their outside activities; rather, it’s about ensuring those activities don’t adversely impact their role within your company. 

This could involve setting parameters for when and how often employees can engage in moonlighting, establishing processes for approval of secondary employment, and providing guidance on how to manage potential conflicts.

Remember, the goal of a moonlighting policy isn't to restrict your team’s ambitions or side projects. It's about fostering a work environment that supports your employees’ endeavors outside of work while maintaining a productive, focused, and conflict-free workplace. 

A well-crafted policy can help you strike this balance, making your company an attractive place to work for those who value flexibility and personal development.

Distinguishing Non-Compete and Moonlighting Policies

Integrating a non-compete policy with a moonlighting policy requires careful consideration to ensure that the two don't conflict and that employees can navigate their responsibilities clearly. 

The intersection of these policies lies in managing potential conflicts of interest and ensuring that an employee's outside work does not undermine the company’s interests, either during or after their tenure.

Both policies aim to prevent conflicts of interest, but in different contexts. The non-compete policy focuses on post-employment restrictions, while the moonlighting policy addresses current employment. A moonlighting policy should, therefore, include questions or guidelines that identify potential conflicts with the company’s business or interests.

While a non-compete policy directly protects proprietary information post-employment, a moonlighting policy can also play a role by ensuring that employees do not engage in side jobs where there is a risk of sharing sensitive information.

When integrating a moonlighting policy with existing non-compete agreements, consider including the following questions or guidelines:

Nature of Secondary Employment:

  • What is the nature of the secondary job?

  • Does the secondary employment involve a direct competitor or a business in a similar industry?

Potential for Information Sharing:

  • Could the secondary job require or inadvertently lead to sharing confidential information from the primary employer?

  • Are there safeguards in place to prevent such sharing?

Impact on Current Role:

  • How might the secondary employment impact the employee’s current role and responsibilities?

  • Is there a risk of reduced productivity or focus?

Compliance with Non-Compete Terms:

  • Does the secondary employment comply with the terms of the non-compete agreement?

  • Are there specific aspects of the non-compete agreement that are relevant to the employee’s secondary employment?

Duration and Timing:

  • Will the secondary employment overlap with the period covered by the non-compete agreement?

  • How will the employee manage the transition if the non-compete agreement becomes effective?

By incorporating these considerations into a moonlighting policy, employers can ensure that the policy is in harmony with existing non-compete agreements and that employees are clear about their obligations and limitations. This integrated approach helps maintain the integrity of the company’s interests while allowing employees the freedom to engage in permissible secondary employment.

Navigating the Moonlighting Maze with Insightful: A Smart Tool for Modern Employers

As an employer, understanding and managing the side hustles of your team can be a delicate dance. Enter Insightful – a dynamic set of tools for tracking remote workers that brings clarity and ease to the complex world of managing moonlighting employees.

Keeping a Pulse on Productivity: Insightful shines when it comes to tracking how an employee's secondary job might be affecting their day job. By monitoring activity levels and computer usage, it offers real-time insights into whether employees are maintaining their productivity or if their moonlighting is leading to distractions or fatigue.

Smart Categorization for Smart Decisions: With the ability to categorize time spent on various tasks, Insightful helps ensure that work hours are spent wisely. It's about making sure company time isn’t inadvertently becoming time for side gigs.

Trend Tracking for Long-Term Insights: The Productivity Trends Dashboard is your go-to for understanding the long-term impacts of moonlighting. It’s about seeing the bigger picture and making informed decisions that support both your business goals and your team’s well-being.

Tailored Monitoring for Your Needs: Insightful’s customizable settings mean that you can align its features with your specific moonlighting policy. It’s flexible, adaptable, and designed to fit your unique business environment.

Balancing Remote and Office Dynamics: Whether your team is remote, in-office, or a mix of both, Insightful’s  remote PC monitoring software offers location-based productivity tracking to help you understand how moonlighting impacts different work environments.

Insightful isn’t just about monitoring; it’s a tool that empowers you to maintain a harmonious balance between respecting your employees' aspirations and ensuring their primary roles aren't compromised. 

In the world of modern work, where flexibility and personal growth are as important as productivity, Insightful is your partner in crafting a workspace that thrives on balance and transparency. Insightful solves effectively solves the issue of how to monitor work from employees as well as those in the office.

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Business Management

Moonlighting: Crafting an Effective Workplace Policy

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
January 8, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Employees often engage in moonlighting for financial stability, skill development, or personal fulfillment.

  • Moonlighting can enhance employee skills and satisfaction but may also lead to potential conflicts of interest and burnout.

  • Effective moonlighting policies help balance employee freedom with their primary job responsibilities and organizational productivity.

  • Moonlighting policies should be carefully aligned with non-compete agreements to prevent conflicts of interest and protect sensitive information.

  • Tools such as Insightful’s employee computer activity tracker assist in monitoring the impact of moonlighting on employee productivity and engagement.

Read time: 7 minutes

It's not uncommon for many employees to juggle multiple jobs to make ends meet financially. Their hustle in balancing different roles is impressive, but it's important to note that this can sometimes stir up challenges in their primary workplace.

For you as an employer, getting a solid grip on the whole moonlighting scene is key. Understanding how it could impact your business, and knowing where you stand legally, is crucial. Setting up a clear moonlighting policy is a smart move to keep things smooth and productive at work.

In this piece, we're diving into what moonlighting really means, showcasing some real-world examples, discussing why a moonlighting policy might be a good call for your business, and drawing distinctions between non-compete and moonlighting policies. Plus, we'll tackle some of the frequent questions about employees who moonlight.

What exactly is moonlighting?

Moonlighting, or taking on extra work beyond a primary job, is a strategy many people adopt for a mix of financial, professional, and personal reasons. Financially speaking, it's a practical move to boost income – essential for covering everyday expenses, chipping away at debts, or hitting specific savings targets. 

On the career front, moonlighting can be a smart play for skill-building, gaining varied experiences, or dipping toes into entrepreneurial waters. It’s also about personal gains, like pursuing passions that the 9-to-5 doesn’t fulfill, widening one's network, or simply having that extra layer of financial security in a world where job certainty isn't what it used to be. 

In this sense, moonlighting is often about strategically aligning work with broader life and career goals. 

Typically, moonlighting includes a primary, often full-time position, accompanied by a secondary, part-time role. However, it can apply to any scenario where an individual is employed by multiple organizations.

Here are some scenarios to consider:

  • An employee in your customer service team works weekdays but also teaches evening ballet classes.

  • A school teacher at your institution waits tables during weekends.

  • A full-time salesman at your company also works as a telemarketer during the evenings.

Embracing the Moonlight: Understanding the Pros & Cons of Employees with Side Hustles

In modern times, it's increasingly common for employees to take on additional roles outside their primary job. While this trend of moonlighting brings a set of advantages, it also poses unique challenges for employers. It helps to understand why employees moonlight and how it can impact the workplace, both positively and negatively. 

Upsides of Moonlighting

  • Enhanced Skill Sets: Employees who moonlight often return to their primary job with an expanded arsenal of skills and experiences. This enrichment can be a significant asset to your team, driving continuous improvement and learning.

  • Boosted Job Satisfaction: Granting the flexibility for side projects can lead to greater job contentment. Employees who feel supported in pursuing their passions tend to be more engaged and loyal.

  • Cross-Pollination of Ideas: Moonlighters often encounter diverse perspectives and innovative approaches in their secondary roles. These insights can translate into creative and fresh ideas within your primary work environment.

  • Financial Stability for Employees: Additional income sources can alleviate personal financial pressures for employees, potentially leading to a more focused and less stressed workforce.

Challenges of Moonlighting

  • Conflict of Interest Risks: There's always a concern that an employee's secondary job might overlap or conflict with their primary role, particularly in similar industries.

  • Availability Constraints: Moonlighting employees may have limited availability for unexpected work demands or extended hours, which could affect team dynamics and planning.

  • Potential for Burnout: Balancing multiple jobs can be physically and mentally taxing, risking employee burnout which could impact their effectiveness in their primary role.

  • Shifting Priorities: Employees may sometimes prioritize their secondary job, especially if it aligns more closely with their personal interests or long-term career objectives.

Understanding and managing the dynamics of moonlighting can be a nuanced task. It involves leveraging the positives – like skill enhancement and increased satisfaction – while mitigating potential downsides like conflicts of interest and burnout. 

An empathetic yet strategic approach to moonlighting policies can lead to a harmonious and productive work environment, aligning with the aspirations of a modern workforce.

Crafting a Moonlighting Policy: Striking the Right Balance

In the modern workplace, where flexibility and work-life integration are increasingly valued, having a moonlighting policy can really position your company as forward-thinking and adaptable. 

It’s about showing that you’re in tune with today's workforce needs - a move that can make your company stand out to a wide range of job seekers. But it's not just about being cool and progressive; it's also about being smart and practical. 

Here's a deeper dive into what to consider when shaping a moonlighting policy:

1. Fatigue and Job Performance

One of the key things to watch out for is burnout. If your team is clocking out from their 9-to-5 only to dive into another gig, it could mean they're running on empty by the time they get back to your office. 

Tired employees might struggle with concentration, creativity, and staying on top of their tasks. So, part of your policy might involve keeping an eye on signs of fatigue and having open conversations about workload management.

Policy Statement: "It is imperative that secondary employment does not impede your productivity and alertness in your primary role. Should you experience fatigue that affects your work performance, we encourage a discussion for potential solutions."

Implementation: Regular performance evaluations and open communication channels to address any impact of secondary employment on job performance.

2. Availability and Scheduling

Flexibility is great, but you also need your team to be there when it counts. For those on hourly schedules, moonlighting could lead to less availability for shifts or key project times in your company. Your policy might need to outline clear expectations about availability, particularly for roles that require a strong in-person or timely presence.

Policy Statement: "Your commitment to your scheduled hours and responsibilities within our organization is paramount. Please ensure that your external engagements do not conflict with your obligations to this role."

Implementation: Employees must provide their work schedules in advance, and any changes in availability should be promptly communicated to management.

3. Focus and Productivity

Let's face it, we're all human, and our bandwidth has limits. If your employees are mentally juggling tasks from their side gig while at their primary job, it might chip away at their productivity and focus. The policy should encourage a clear separation of responsibilities – when they're at work, they should be fully present, not planning their side hustle.

Policy Statement: "We expect complete focus and dedication during work hours. Activities related to secondary employment must not interfere with your responsibilities and commitments to our organization."

Implementation: Encouraging employees to clearly separate their primary job responsibilities from their secondary job activities.

4. Navigating Conflicts of Interest

This is a biggie. It's crucial to ensure that your employees' side gigs don't pose a conflict of interest. For instance, working for a direct competitor or a client in a similar role might not just be a faux pas; it could lead to legal headaches. Your policy should outline what constitutes a conflict of interest and the process for disclosing secondary employment.

Policy Statement: "Secondary employment must not create a conflict of interest with our company's operations or values. Full disclosure of all secondary employment activities is required for review and approval."

Implementation: Employees are required to declare any secondary employment, which is then reviewed to avoid conflicts of interest with the company’s business.

Creating a Comprehensive Policy 

At the end of the day, your moonlighting policy should be about setting clear, fair guidelines that balance the company’s needs with employees' personal and professional growth. It's not about putting a leash on their outside activities; rather, it’s about ensuring those activities don’t adversely impact their role within your company. 

This could involve setting parameters for when and how often employees can engage in moonlighting, establishing processes for approval of secondary employment, and providing guidance on how to manage potential conflicts.

Remember, the goal of a moonlighting policy isn't to restrict your team’s ambitions or side projects. It's about fostering a work environment that supports your employees’ endeavors outside of work while maintaining a productive, focused, and conflict-free workplace. 

A well-crafted policy can help you strike this balance, making your company an attractive place to work for those who value flexibility and personal development.

Distinguishing Non-Compete and Moonlighting Policies

Integrating a non-compete policy with a moonlighting policy requires careful consideration to ensure that the two don't conflict and that employees can navigate their responsibilities clearly. 

The intersection of these policies lies in managing potential conflicts of interest and ensuring that an employee's outside work does not undermine the company’s interests, either during or after their tenure.

Both policies aim to prevent conflicts of interest, but in different contexts. The non-compete policy focuses on post-employment restrictions, while the moonlighting policy addresses current employment. A moonlighting policy should, therefore, include questions or guidelines that identify potential conflicts with the company’s business or interests.

While a non-compete policy directly protects proprietary information post-employment, a moonlighting policy can also play a role by ensuring that employees do not engage in side jobs where there is a risk of sharing sensitive information.

When integrating a moonlighting policy with existing non-compete agreements, consider including the following questions or guidelines:

Nature of Secondary Employment:

  • What is the nature of the secondary job?

  • Does the secondary employment involve a direct competitor or a business in a similar industry?

Potential for Information Sharing:

  • Could the secondary job require or inadvertently lead to sharing confidential information from the primary employer?

  • Are there safeguards in place to prevent such sharing?

Impact on Current Role:

  • How might the secondary employment impact the employee’s current role and responsibilities?

  • Is there a risk of reduced productivity or focus?

Compliance with Non-Compete Terms:

  • Does the secondary employment comply with the terms of the non-compete agreement?

  • Are there specific aspects of the non-compete agreement that are relevant to the employee’s secondary employment?

Duration and Timing:

  • Will the secondary employment overlap with the period covered by the non-compete agreement?

  • How will the employee manage the transition if the non-compete agreement becomes effective?

By incorporating these considerations into a moonlighting policy, employers can ensure that the policy is in harmony with existing non-compete agreements and that employees are clear about their obligations and limitations. This integrated approach helps maintain the integrity of the company’s interests while allowing employees the freedom to engage in permissible secondary employment.

Navigating the Moonlighting Maze with Insightful: A Smart Tool for Modern Employers

As an employer, understanding and managing the side hustles of your team can be a delicate dance. Enter Insightful – a dynamic set of tools for tracking remote workers that brings clarity and ease to the complex world of managing moonlighting employees.

Keeping a Pulse on Productivity: Insightful shines when it comes to tracking how an employee's secondary job might be affecting their day job. By monitoring activity levels and computer usage, it offers real-time insights into whether employees are maintaining their productivity or if their moonlighting is leading to distractions or fatigue.

Smart Categorization for Smart Decisions: With the ability to categorize time spent on various tasks, Insightful helps ensure that work hours are spent wisely. It's about making sure company time isn’t inadvertently becoming time for side gigs.

Trend Tracking for Long-Term Insights: The Productivity Trends Dashboard is your go-to for understanding the long-term impacts of moonlighting. It’s about seeing the bigger picture and making informed decisions that support both your business goals and your team’s well-being.

Tailored Monitoring for Your Needs: Insightful’s customizable settings mean that you can align its features with your specific moonlighting policy. It’s flexible, adaptable, and designed to fit your unique business environment.

Balancing Remote and Office Dynamics: Whether your team is remote, in-office, or a mix of both, Insightful’s  remote PC monitoring software offers location-based productivity tracking to help you understand how moonlighting impacts different work environments.

Insightful isn’t just about monitoring; it’s a tool that empowers you to maintain a harmonious balance between respecting your employees' aspirations and ensuring their primary roles aren't compromised. 

In the world of modern work, where flexibility and personal growth are as important as productivity, Insightful is your partner in crafting a workspace that thrives on balance and transparency. Insightful solves effectively solves the issue of how to monitor work from employees as well as those in the office.