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Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
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Productivity alerts
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
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Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
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SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
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In an age of constant digital disturbances, maintaining focus on critical tasks has become an elusive quest. With insights from Johann Hari's "Stolen Focus," we delve into strategies and an understanding of how our attention has been hijacked and how we can reclaim it.

Furthermore, discover how to track employees working from home and how employers and employees alike can keep digital distractions to a minimum.

The Distraction Epidemic

Johann Hari, known for his work on depression and addiction, presents a new thesis in "Stolen Focus," emphasizing the "attention crisis." He notes that an average American worker focuses on a task for merely three minutes and highlights our obsession with our phones – touching or checking them over 2,000 times daily.

Hari's research provides a broader perspective, connecting the dots between our distraction, the tech industry's revenue models, and even societal factors such as diet, sleep patterns, and the nature of American childhood. He paints a picture of a society suffering from a lack of autonomy and a desperate need for what he calls an “attention rebellion.”

Technology: A Double-Edged Sword

The pandemic has further magnified our fractured focus. As Hari explains, it has intensified our stress, propelling our brains into a state of 'vigilance' where we are constantly on the lookout for potential threats, making focus even harder to achieve. 

Moreover, the pandemic has thrust us into a dystopian digital future, where human interactions are often mediated by screens. However, he warns against the allure of “cruel optimism,” the belief that individual discipline can effectively combat tech-induced distractions. 

While taking a three-month digital detox allowed Hari to regain his focus temporarily, he soon found himself back in the clutches of digital disturbances.

Solutions and The Road Ahead

Hari suggests several individual-level strategies for combatting this attention crisis:

  • Adequate Sleep: Ensure at least eight hours of sleep, as fatigue can erode our ability to concentrate.

  • Time-Locking Containers: Use physical devices that can lock away distractions, like your phone, for certain periods.

  • Collective Viewing: When engaging in collective activities, like watching a movie, ensure all participants lock away their potential sources of distraction.

While these tactics can mitigate the effects of our digital environment, Hari emphasizes the need for more systemic change. He challenges the notion that our current attention crisis is just another moral panic, akin to the uproar caused by the invention of the printing press. Instead, he sees this as a genuine crisis that demands collective action.

He observes an alarming rise in diagnoses like A.D.H.D., with approximately six million American children now diagnosed with it. Hari's conversations with experts reveal a split; while some believe there's a genetic predisposition to attention problems, others feel societal factors play a more significant role.

The Attention Rebellion

So, what does an “attention rebellion” entail? Hari believes it begins with a collective realization. We must recognize that our inability to focus is not an individual failing but a societal one, driven by larger structural issues. By acknowledging the problem, we can unite in our efforts to create an environment conducive to deeper thought, meaningful conversations, and genuine human connection.

Strategies to Regain Focus at Work

In today's hyper-connected world, distractions are everywhere, leading to an attention crisis. Both employers and employees have a role to play in curbing this distraction epidemic. Here are actionable strategies tailored for each:

For Employers:

  • Encourage Breaks: Studies show that regular breaks can enhance concentration and performance. Allow employees to take short breaks after intense work sessions to rejuvenate.

  • Establish 'Deep Work' Zones: Create spaces or time slots where employees can work uninterrupted. These zones should be free from unnecessary digital notifications and disturbances.

  • Provide Training: Organize workshops on time management and productivity to equip employees with skills to combat distractions.

  • Flexible Work Hours: Recognize that everyone has different peak productivity hours. Allow flexible work hours so employees can work during their most productive times.

  • Use Monitoring Platforms: Implement platforms like Insightful's remote workforce management software to track work patterns, identify potential distractions, and gather data-driven insights on how to improve the work environment.

For Employees:

  • Prioritize Tasks: Begin your day by listing tasks in order of priority. Tackle the most challenging tasks during your peak productivity hours.

  • Digital Detox: Set specific times during the day when you will not check your emails, social media, or other digital distractions. Use apps or tools that block distracting sites during work hours.

  • Take Regular Breaks: Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work intensely for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break.

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Communicate with your colleagues about your 'deep work' hours, requesting not to be disturbed during those periods unless necessary.

  • Optimize Workspace: Keep your workspace tidy and free from non-essential items. A clutter-free environment often leads to a clutter-free mind.

Insightful's Comprehensive Solution to the Attention Crisis

In a digitally dominated era, maintaining unwavering focus at work is a challenging feat. Insightful's employee activity monitoring software emerges as a groundbreaking solution to this modern attention crisis. By offering a suite of sophisticated features, it addresses the intricacies of today's work environment and aims to enhance overall productivity and work quality.

Real-time Monitoring - A Closer Look at Daily Operations

Insightful's platform equips employers with the capability to monitor employee activities in real-time. Remember, workplace monitoring isn't just about keeping tabs, but understanding the rhythm and flow of the workplace. By analyzing this real-time data, employers can:

  • Identify potential sources of distractions hindering employees.

  • Understand peak productivity hours and areas that might require additional resources or training.

  • Make informed decisions on task allocation based on an employee's current workload and efficiency levels.

Data-driven Insights - Crafting a More Productive Environment

One of the platform's most potent features is its ability to generate actionable analytics based on observed work patterns. Through this, employers gain invaluable insights on:

  • Determining optimal work hours, thereby aiding in scheduling tasks more effectively.

  • Recognizing frequently visited non-work-related websites that might be diverting employee attention.

  • Monitoring project timelines and understanding where delays or bottlenecks occur.

With these insights at their disposal, employers can strategize interventions tailored to the unique needs of their workforce, ensuring a more conducive and efficient work environment.

Transparency and Trust - Cultivating a Positive Workplace Culture

While the idea of  remote pc spy tools might raise concerns about privacy and trust, Insightful addresses these concerns head-on. By being forthright about the platform's use and highlighting its primary objective of fostering productivity, employers set the stage for open dialogue. Key outcomes include:

  • Establishing a mutual understanding that the tool isn't for punitive measures but to aid both the employer and the employee in achieving their best work.

  • Encouraging a culture where employees feel valued and understood, knowing the data collected is for their betterment and the company's overall growth.

  • Reducing potential friction and building a sense of collaboration in working towards common productivity goals.

Self-assessment for Employees - Personal Growth and Self-awareness

What truly sets Insightful apart is its empowerment of employees. By granting them access to their own data, it promotes:

  • A culture of self-reflection, where employees can review their daily work patterns and understand where they excel and where they might be getting sidetracked.

  • Encouraging proactive behavior, as employees can set personal productivity goals based on the data and track their progress over time.

  • Facilitating conversations between employees and managers, where they can discuss potential challenges, distractions, or areas of improvement in a constructive manner.


The digital age, brimming with limitless information and connections, presents both a boon and a curse. As Johann Hari's "Stolen Focus" illuminates, the very tools designed to enrich our lives have inadvertently fractured our attention, robbing us of the depth and focus integral to human creativity and connection. 

The solution, however, does not solely lie in individual efforts. It demands a two-pronged approach: Personal commitment to strategies that foster deep work and a collective realization to address the systemic and societal issues facilitating this attention crisis.

As we navigate this age of digital saturation, let us remember that the pursuit of meaningful connection, deep work, and undivided focus is not just beneficial but essential. By reevaluating our relationship with technology, prioritizing well-being, and leveraging tools like Insightful's employee productivity monitoring software responsibly, we can chart a path to reclaim our stolen focus. In doing so, we set the stage for a future where technology augments human potential rather than diminishes it.

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Productivity and Efficiency Improvements

Reclaiming Our Stolen Focus in the Digital Age

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
September 27, 2023

In an age of constant digital disturbances, maintaining focus on critical tasks has become an elusive quest. With insights from Johann Hari's "Stolen Focus," we delve into strategies and an understanding of how our attention has been hijacked and how we can reclaim it.

Furthermore, discover how to track employees working from home and how employers and employees alike can keep digital distractions to a minimum.

The Distraction Epidemic

Johann Hari, known for his work on depression and addiction, presents a new thesis in "Stolen Focus," emphasizing the "attention crisis." He notes that an average American worker focuses on a task for merely three minutes and highlights our obsession with our phones – touching or checking them over 2,000 times daily.

Hari's research provides a broader perspective, connecting the dots between our distraction, the tech industry's revenue models, and even societal factors such as diet, sleep patterns, and the nature of American childhood. He paints a picture of a society suffering from a lack of autonomy and a desperate need for what he calls an “attention rebellion.”

Technology: A Double-Edged Sword

The pandemic has further magnified our fractured focus. As Hari explains, it has intensified our stress, propelling our brains into a state of 'vigilance' where we are constantly on the lookout for potential threats, making focus even harder to achieve. 

Moreover, the pandemic has thrust us into a dystopian digital future, where human interactions are often mediated by screens. However, he warns against the allure of “cruel optimism,” the belief that individual discipline can effectively combat tech-induced distractions. 

While taking a three-month digital detox allowed Hari to regain his focus temporarily, he soon found himself back in the clutches of digital disturbances.

Solutions and The Road Ahead

Hari suggests several individual-level strategies for combatting this attention crisis:

  • Adequate Sleep: Ensure at least eight hours of sleep, as fatigue can erode our ability to concentrate.

  • Time-Locking Containers: Use physical devices that can lock away distractions, like your phone, for certain periods.

  • Collective Viewing: When engaging in collective activities, like watching a movie, ensure all participants lock away their potential sources of distraction.

While these tactics can mitigate the effects of our digital environment, Hari emphasizes the need for more systemic change. He challenges the notion that our current attention crisis is just another moral panic, akin to the uproar caused by the invention of the printing press. Instead, he sees this as a genuine crisis that demands collective action.

He observes an alarming rise in diagnoses like A.D.H.D., with approximately six million American children now diagnosed with it. Hari's conversations with experts reveal a split; while some believe there's a genetic predisposition to attention problems, others feel societal factors play a more significant role.

The Attention Rebellion

So, what does an “attention rebellion” entail? Hari believes it begins with a collective realization. We must recognize that our inability to focus is not an individual failing but a societal one, driven by larger structural issues. By acknowledging the problem, we can unite in our efforts to create an environment conducive to deeper thought, meaningful conversations, and genuine human connection.

Strategies to Regain Focus at Work

In today's hyper-connected world, distractions are everywhere, leading to an attention crisis. Both employers and employees have a role to play in curbing this distraction epidemic. Here are actionable strategies tailored for each:

For Employers:

  • Encourage Breaks: Studies show that regular breaks can enhance concentration and performance. Allow employees to take short breaks after intense work sessions to rejuvenate.

  • Establish 'Deep Work' Zones: Create spaces or time slots where employees can work uninterrupted. These zones should be free from unnecessary digital notifications and disturbances.

  • Provide Training: Organize workshops on time management and productivity to equip employees with skills to combat distractions.

  • Flexible Work Hours: Recognize that everyone has different peak productivity hours. Allow flexible work hours so employees can work during their most productive times.

  • Use Monitoring Platforms: Implement platforms like Insightful's remote workforce management software to track work patterns, identify potential distractions, and gather data-driven insights on how to improve the work environment.

For Employees:

  • Prioritize Tasks: Begin your day by listing tasks in order of priority. Tackle the most challenging tasks during your peak productivity hours.

  • Digital Detox: Set specific times during the day when you will not check your emails, social media, or other digital distractions. Use apps or tools that block distracting sites during work hours.

  • Take Regular Breaks: Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work intensely for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break.

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Communicate with your colleagues about your 'deep work' hours, requesting not to be disturbed during those periods unless necessary.

  • Optimize Workspace: Keep your workspace tidy and free from non-essential items. A clutter-free environment often leads to a clutter-free mind.

Insightful's Comprehensive Solution to the Attention Crisis

In a digitally dominated era, maintaining unwavering focus at work is a challenging feat. Insightful's employee activity monitoring software emerges as a groundbreaking solution to this modern attention crisis. By offering a suite of sophisticated features, it addresses the intricacies of today's work environment and aims to enhance overall productivity and work quality.

Real-time Monitoring - A Closer Look at Daily Operations

Insightful's platform equips employers with the capability to monitor employee activities in real-time. Remember, workplace monitoring isn't just about keeping tabs, but understanding the rhythm and flow of the workplace. By analyzing this real-time data, employers can:

  • Identify potential sources of distractions hindering employees.

  • Understand peak productivity hours and areas that might require additional resources or training.

  • Make informed decisions on task allocation based on an employee's current workload and efficiency levels.

Data-driven Insights - Crafting a More Productive Environment

One of the platform's most potent features is its ability to generate actionable analytics based on observed work patterns. Through this, employers gain invaluable insights on:

  • Determining optimal work hours, thereby aiding in scheduling tasks more effectively.

  • Recognizing frequently visited non-work-related websites that might be diverting employee attention.

  • Monitoring project timelines and understanding where delays or bottlenecks occur.

With these insights at their disposal, employers can strategize interventions tailored to the unique needs of their workforce, ensuring a more conducive and efficient work environment.

Transparency and Trust - Cultivating a Positive Workplace Culture

While the idea of  remote pc spy tools might raise concerns about privacy and trust, Insightful addresses these concerns head-on. By being forthright about the platform's use and highlighting its primary objective of fostering productivity, employers set the stage for open dialogue. Key outcomes include:

  • Establishing a mutual understanding that the tool isn't for punitive measures but to aid both the employer and the employee in achieving their best work.

  • Encouraging a culture where employees feel valued and understood, knowing the data collected is for their betterment and the company's overall growth.

  • Reducing potential friction and building a sense of collaboration in working towards common productivity goals.

Self-assessment for Employees - Personal Growth and Self-awareness

What truly sets Insightful apart is its empowerment of employees. By granting them access to their own data, it promotes:

  • A culture of self-reflection, where employees can review their daily work patterns and understand where they excel and where they might be getting sidetracked.

  • Encouraging proactive behavior, as employees can set personal productivity goals based on the data and track their progress over time.

  • Facilitating conversations between employees and managers, where they can discuss potential challenges, distractions, or areas of improvement in a constructive manner.


The digital age, brimming with limitless information and connections, presents both a boon and a curse. As Johann Hari's "Stolen Focus" illuminates, the very tools designed to enrich our lives have inadvertently fractured our attention, robbing us of the depth and focus integral to human creativity and connection. 

The solution, however, does not solely lie in individual efforts. It demands a two-pronged approach: Personal commitment to strategies that foster deep work and a collective realization to address the systemic and societal issues facilitating this attention crisis.

As we navigate this age of digital saturation, let us remember that the pursuit of meaningful connection, deep work, and undivided focus is not just beneficial but essential. By reevaluating our relationship with technology, prioritizing well-being, and leveraging tools like Insightful's employee productivity monitoring software responsibly, we can chart a path to reclaim our stolen focus. In doing so, we set the stage for a future where technology augments human potential rather than diminishes it.