Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how tracking utilization rates is crucial for precise client billing and profitability, enabling effective team workload management.

  • Discover strategies to balance employee workload, using utilization rates to avoid overburdening staff and improve overall productivity.

  • Gain insights into setting optimal billing rates that reflect your team's real work hours, balancing costs and profits efficiently.

  • Uncover the importance of maintaining utilization rates within a specific range to ensure both efficiency and employee well-being.

  • Explore how a PC monitor tool like Insightful can transform your approach to utilization management, offering crucial analytics for enhancing your team's performance.

Read time: 9 minutes

Are you looking to elevate your team's efficiency and ensure accurate client billing? Understanding and calculating your team’s utilization rate is key. This rate reflects the proportion of time employees spend on billable tasks versus non-billable ones, offering valuable insights into productivity and billing efficiency.

Monitoring the utilization rate is a crucial aspect of many businesses. It helps in:

  • Accurately communicating billable hours to clients.
  • Charging the right billing rate for profitability.
  • Assessing team capacity for workload management.
  • Gauging the need for team expansion or downsizing.

Utilization rate measures the percentage of an employee's time spent on billable work. It's a crucial metric for assessing team bandwidth and productivity. Two primary types of utilization rates are:

Billable Utilization Rate

This measures the proportion of an employee's total work hours that are billable. Calculated as (Billable time / Time available) x 100.

This rate is essential when assessing how much of an employee's or team's time is directly contributing to revenue. It's particularly crucial in service industries where client billing is based on time spent on projects. This metric helps in identifying the proportion of time spent on revenue-generating activities, aiding in client billing accuracy, and evaluating individual or team productivity related to client work.

Example: An employee has a billable utilization rate of 80%, calculated from 32 billable hours out of a 40-hour workweek.

This indicates that the employee spends 80% of their available time on tasks that can be billed to clients. The remaining 20% of their time could be spent on non-billable activities such as administrative tasks, training, or business development.

How can managers apply this rate to make informed decisions on operational changes?

Assessing Workload Balance: If the billable utilization rate is consistently high (e.g., over 85%), it might indicate that the employee is overburdened with client work, potentially leading to burnout. Managers might need to redistribute workload or hire additional staff. Conversely, a low rate (e.g., under 70%) could signal underutilization, suggesting that the employee can handle more client work or that there’s a need for more client projects.

Evaluating Employee Efficiency: Managers can use this rate to identify which employees are most efficient in their client work. This can be crucial for performance evaluations and identifying training needs.

Forecasting and Planning: Understanding utilization rates helps in forecasting future staffing needs based on projected workloads. It can guide decisions on hiring or restructuring teams.

Pricing and Billing: This rate can inform billing practices. If an employee’s billable rate is high, it might justify a higher billing rate to clients. Alternatively, it can help in determining competitive pricing strategies.

Strategic Decision-Making: The utilization rate can be a key metric in strategic decisions, like expanding service offerings or entering new markets, based on the team's ability to handle additional billable work.

Identifying Training and Development Needs: If non-billable time is significantly high, it could indicate the need for training to improve efficiency or skill development to increase the scope of billable work.

Resource Utilization Rate

This encompasses both billable and non-billable (internal) time, offering a broader view of productivity. It's calculated as (Total tracked time / Time available) × 100.

To calculate the resource utilization rate for teams, you can follow these steps:

Calculate Total Tracked Time: Sum up all the hours worked by the team members. This includes both billable hours (time spent on client projects or tasks that generate revenue) and non-billable hours (time spent on internal tasks, training, administrative duties, and other operational activities).

Determine Time Available: Calculate the total available working hours for the team. This is typically the sum of the contractual working hours for all team members. For example, if you have a team of 5 members, each contracted to work 40 hours a week, the total available time would be 5 members × 40 hours = 200 hours per week.

Use the Formula: Resource Utilization Rate = (Total Tracked Time/ Time Available) × 100

This formula gives you the percentage of time that is being utilized out of the total available time.


Total Tracked Time: Suppose your team has collectively worked 160 hours in a week (including both billable and non-billable work).

Time Available: If your team consists of 5 members, each with a 40-hour workweek, then the total available time is 200 hours (5 × 40).

Resource Utilization Rate = (160 hours/ 200 hours) × 100 = 80%

This calculation means that your team is utilizing 80% of its available time. A higher percentage indicates better utilization of the workforce's capacity, while a lower percentage might suggest underutilization or potential for increased productivity.

This rate is crucial for getting a comprehensive picture of how an employee's or team's total work hours are allocated, including both revenue-generating activities and essential operational tasks. It's especially valuable in providing insights into overall workforce efficiency and capacity planning.

How can managers apply this rate to make informed decisions on operational changes?

Balancing Billable and Non-Billable Activities: If the resource utilization rate is high, but the billable rate is low, it might indicate that too much time is spent on non-billable tasks. Managers may need to reevaluate task distribution or streamline internal processes.

Overall Efficiency Evaluation: This rate helps managers understand how much of the employees' time contributes to all aspects of business operations, not just client work. It aids in assessing overall team efficiency.

Workforce Capacity Analysis: A comprehensive view of resource utilization assists in determining if the team is overworked or has additional capacity, guiding decisions about hiring or reallocating tasks.

Operational Process Improvement: Identifying trends in non-billable time can highlight areas for process improvement, automation, or delegation, enhancing overall productivity.

Strategic Resource Allocation: Managers can use this data to make informed decisions about resource allocation, ensuring that both client-facing and internal tasks are appropriately prioritized and staffed.

Training and Development Focus: High non-billable utilization may indicate areas where employees need more training or development to improve their efficiency or expand their range of billable skills.

Enhancing Employee Engagement: Understanding how employees spend their time can provide insights into their preferences and strengths, allowing managers to align tasks more closely with individual skills and interests, potentially boosting job satisfaction.

Understanding & Optimizing Ideal Utilization Rates

An ideal utilization rate is essential for businesses, particularly in sectors like creative agencies where production roles are so important. Generally, an optimal utilization rate falls between 75% and 90%. This range signifies a balance where employees are productive and contributing significantly to revenue without being overburdened. 

However, this range is not one-size-fits-all and can vary depending on the industry and specific business models. Exceeding the upper limit consistently can lead to employee burnout and decreased quality of work, while rates significantly lower than the lower limit may indicate underutilization or inefficiencies.

The Ideal Utilization Rate - Beyond Basic Calculations

Determining the Ideal Profit Margin:

Profitability is a key objective for any business. To establish the right profit margin, this process starts by calculating direct costs such as employee salaries and the cost of materials, and then factoring in indirect costs like rent, utilities, and administrative expenses. Once the total costs are understood, businesses need to analyze the pricing landscape within their industry to set a price that covers these costs and also includes a profit margin. 

This margin should be substantial enough to ensure the business's sustainability and growth, yet reasonable enough to keep the pricing competitive. Regular reassessment and adjustment of the profit margin are essential to adapt to changing market conditions and business objectives, maintaining a balance between profitability and market competitiveness.

Calculating the Optimal Billing Rate: 

To determine the most effective billing rate, add together the resource costs and overhead expenses, and then include the desired profit margin. This total is then divided by the average number of employee hours worked. This calculation ensures that the billing rate covers all costs and contributes to the profit margin.

Adjusting for Average Utilization Rate: 

The final step is to adjust the calculated billing rate based on the average utilization rate. This adjustment is crucial for realism, as it accounts for the fact that not all hours worked are billable. For example, if the utilization rate is lower, the billing rate might need to be higher to compensate for the non-billable time and ensure profitability.

Businesses that master this balance can optimize their operational efficiency, ensure employee well-being, and maintain financial health. This approach supports sustainable business growth but also fosters a work environment that values both productivity and employee satisfaction.

Tips and Insights for Managing Utilization Rates

Balancing High and Low Utilization Rates

To maintain a healthy work environment and efficient operations, businesses must adeptly balance both high and low utilization rates among their workforce. On one hand, persistently high utilization rates, while beneficial for maximizing billable hours, can have the adverse effect of leading to employee burnout. It's essential to manage the distribution of workload carefully and ensure employees have sufficient time for rest and rejuvenation. 

On the other hand, low utilization rates can signal excess capacity or underlying inefficiencies within the team. This situation calls for a thorough analysis of non-billable activities to identify and address areas where improvements can be made. By striking this balance, companies can sustain productivity without compromising the well-being of their employees.

How can work tracking software help balance utilization rates?

Insightful's features enable businesses to monitor and analyze workforce utilization efficiently. For instance, real-time monitoring and activity tracking help in identifying patterns of high utilization, preventing employee burnout by ensuring equitable workload distribution and adequate rest periods. 

Simultaneously, Insightful’s remote computer monitoring software offers many tools to monitor remote employee activity provide comprehensive categorization and reporting tools to facilitate the analysis of non-billable activities, allowing businesses to pinpoint and rectify inefficiencies, and effectively address issues related to underutilization. 

Insightful's engagement level metrics and productivity trends dashboard offers valuable insights into employee work habits, aiding in the strategic allocation of tasks. By leveraging these capabilities, companies can achieve an optimal balance between productivity and employee well-being, ensuring a healthy and efficient workplace.

Regularly Review Utilization Metrics

To optimize workforce efficiency and make strategic staffing decisions, it's essential for businesses to regularly review utilization metrics. Conducting periodic assessments of these rates allows companies to identify emerging trends, proactively address potential issues, and fine-tune staffing strategies accordingly. 

Moreover, integrating utilization tracking with project management tools is a key aspect of this process. This integration provides valuable insights into the labor intensity of various projects, enabling businesses to make informed adjustments in staffing levels or billing rates. By aligning these two aspects, companies can ensure that their resource allocation is both efficient and effective, ultimately contributing to improved project outcomes and overall business performance.

How can work tracking software help with the review of utilization metrics?

Insightful’s productivity monitoring software assists businesses in effectively managing and reviewing utilization metrics, essential for optimizing workforce efficiency. Its capabilities in tracking and analyzing utilization rates in real-time, combined with its integration with project management tools, allow for a comprehensive understanding of how employee time is distributed between billable and non-billable tasks. 

Insightful's tools for monitoring employees' computers offers comprehensive reporting, real-time alerts, customizable dashboards, and engagement levels to provide managers with actionable insights. These features enable timely identification of trends and potential issues, aiding in informed decision-making regarding staffing and resource allocation. 

The integration with project management platforms offers a deeper look into project labor intensity, guiding adjustments in staffing and billing rates as needed. By leveraging Insightful's diverse functionalities, businesses can ensure efficient utilization of their workforce while maintaining a balanced workload, ultimately enhancing overall productivity and employee well-being.

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Business Management

Maximizing Efficiency with Utilization Rates: A Guide to Enhancing Business Productivity

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
December 14, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how tracking utilization rates is crucial for precise client billing and profitability, enabling effective team workload management.

  • Discover strategies to balance employee workload, using utilization rates to avoid overburdening staff and improve overall productivity.

  • Gain insights into setting optimal billing rates that reflect your team's real work hours, balancing costs and profits efficiently.

  • Uncover the importance of maintaining utilization rates within a specific range to ensure both efficiency and employee well-being.

  • Explore how a PC monitor tool like Insightful can transform your approach to utilization management, offering crucial analytics for enhancing your team's performance.

Read time: 9 minutes

Are you looking to elevate your team's efficiency and ensure accurate client billing? Understanding and calculating your team’s utilization rate is key. This rate reflects the proportion of time employees spend on billable tasks versus non-billable ones, offering valuable insights into productivity and billing efficiency.

Monitoring the utilization rate is a crucial aspect of many businesses. It helps in:

  • Accurately communicating billable hours to clients.
  • Charging the right billing rate for profitability.
  • Assessing team capacity for workload management.
  • Gauging the need for team expansion or downsizing.

Utilization rate measures the percentage of an employee's time spent on billable work. It's a crucial metric for assessing team bandwidth and productivity. Two primary types of utilization rates are:

Billable Utilization Rate

This measures the proportion of an employee's total work hours that are billable. Calculated as (Billable time / Time available) x 100.

This rate is essential when assessing how much of an employee's or team's time is directly contributing to revenue. It's particularly crucial in service industries where client billing is based on time spent on projects. This metric helps in identifying the proportion of time spent on revenue-generating activities, aiding in client billing accuracy, and evaluating individual or team productivity related to client work.

Example: An employee has a billable utilization rate of 80%, calculated from 32 billable hours out of a 40-hour workweek.

This indicates that the employee spends 80% of their available time on tasks that can be billed to clients. The remaining 20% of their time could be spent on non-billable activities such as administrative tasks, training, or business development.

How can managers apply this rate to make informed decisions on operational changes?

Assessing Workload Balance: If the billable utilization rate is consistently high (e.g., over 85%), it might indicate that the employee is overburdened with client work, potentially leading to burnout. Managers might need to redistribute workload or hire additional staff. Conversely, a low rate (e.g., under 70%) could signal underutilization, suggesting that the employee can handle more client work or that there’s a need for more client projects.

Evaluating Employee Efficiency: Managers can use this rate to identify which employees are most efficient in their client work. This can be crucial for performance evaluations and identifying training needs.

Forecasting and Planning: Understanding utilization rates helps in forecasting future staffing needs based on projected workloads. It can guide decisions on hiring or restructuring teams.

Pricing and Billing: This rate can inform billing practices. If an employee’s billable rate is high, it might justify a higher billing rate to clients. Alternatively, it can help in determining competitive pricing strategies.

Strategic Decision-Making: The utilization rate can be a key metric in strategic decisions, like expanding service offerings or entering new markets, based on the team's ability to handle additional billable work.

Identifying Training and Development Needs: If non-billable time is significantly high, it could indicate the need for training to improve efficiency or skill development to increase the scope of billable work.

Resource Utilization Rate

This encompasses both billable and non-billable (internal) time, offering a broader view of productivity. It's calculated as (Total tracked time / Time available) × 100.

To calculate the resource utilization rate for teams, you can follow these steps:

Calculate Total Tracked Time: Sum up all the hours worked by the team members. This includes both billable hours (time spent on client projects or tasks that generate revenue) and non-billable hours (time spent on internal tasks, training, administrative duties, and other operational activities).

Determine Time Available: Calculate the total available working hours for the team. This is typically the sum of the contractual working hours for all team members. For example, if you have a team of 5 members, each contracted to work 40 hours a week, the total available time would be 5 members × 40 hours = 200 hours per week.

Use the Formula: Resource Utilization Rate = (Total Tracked Time/ Time Available) × 100

This formula gives you the percentage of time that is being utilized out of the total available time.


Total Tracked Time: Suppose your team has collectively worked 160 hours in a week (including both billable and non-billable work).

Time Available: If your team consists of 5 members, each with a 40-hour workweek, then the total available time is 200 hours (5 × 40).

Resource Utilization Rate = (160 hours/ 200 hours) × 100 = 80%

This calculation means that your team is utilizing 80% of its available time. A higher percentage indicates better utilization of the workforce's capacity, while a lower percentage might suggest underutilization or potential for increased productivity.

This rate is crucial for getting a comprehensive picture of how an employee's or team's total work hours are allocated, including both revenue-generating activities and essential operational tasks. It's especially valuable in providing insights into overall workforce efficiency and capacity planning.

How can managers apply this rate to make informed decisions on operational changes?

Balancing Billable and Non-Billable Activities: If the resource utilization rate is high, but the billable rate is low, it might indicate that too much time is spent on non-billable tasks. Managers may need to reevaluate task distribution or streamline internal processes.

Overall Efficiency Evaluation: This rate helps managers understand how much of the employees' time contributes to all aspects of business operations, not just client work. It aids in assessing overall team efficiency.

Workforce Capacity Analysis: A comprehensive view of resource utilization assists in determining if the team is overworked or has additional capacity, guiding decisions about hiring or reallocating tasks.

Operational Process Improvement: Identifying trends in non-billable time can highlight areas for process improvement, automation, or delegation, enhancing overall productivity.

Strategic Resource Allocation: Managers can use this data to make informed decisions about resource allocation, ensuring that both client-facing and internal tasks are appropriately prioritized and staffed.

Training and Development Focus: High non-billable utilization may indicate areas where employees need more training or development to improve their efficiency or expand their range of billable skills.

Enhancing Employee Engagement: Understanding how employees spend their time can provide insights into their preferences and strengths, allowing managers to align tasks more closely with individual skills and interests, potentially boosting job satisfaction.

Understanding & Optimizing Ideal Utilization Rates

An ideal utilization rate is essential for businesses, particularly in sectors like creative agencies where production roles are so important. Generally, an optimal utilization rate falls between 75% and 90%. This range signifies a balance where employees are productive and contributing significantly to revenue without being overburdened. 

However, this range is not one-size-fits-all and can vary depending on the industry and specific business models. Exceeding the upper limit consistently can lead to employee burnout and decreased quality of work, while rates significantly lower than the lower limit may indicate underutilization or inefficiencies.

The Ideal Utilization Rate - Beyond Basic Calculations

Determining the Ideal Profit Margin:

Profitability is a key objective for any business. To establish the right profit margin, this process starts by calculating direct costs such as employee salaries and the cost of materials, and then factoring in indirect costs like rent, utilities, and administrative expenses. Once the total costs are understood, businesses need to analyze the pricing landscape within their industry to set a price that covers these costs and also includes a profit margin. 

This margin should be substantial enough to ensure the business's sustainability and growth, yet reasonable enough to keep the pricing competitive. Regular reassessment and adjustment of the profit margin are essential to adapt to changing market conditions and business objectives, maintaining a balance between profitability and market competitiveness.

Calculating the Optimal Billing Rate: 

To determine the most effective billing rate, add together the resource costs and overhead expenses, and then include the desired profit margin. This total is then divided by the average number of employee hours worked. This calculation ensures that the billing rate covers all costs and contributes to the profit margin.

Adjusting for Average Utilization Rate: 

The final step is to adjust the calculated billing rate based on the average utilization rate. This adjustment is crucial for realism, as it accounts for the fact that not all hours worked are billable. For example, if the utilization rate is lower, the billing rate might need to be higher to compensate for the non-billable time and ensure profitability.

Businesses that master this balance can optimize their operational efficiency, ensure employee well-being, and maintain financial health. This approach supports sustainable business growth but also fosters a work environment that values both productivity and employee satisfaction.

Tips and Insights for Managing Utilization Rates

Balancing High and Low Utilization Rates

To maintain a healthy work environment and efficient operations, businesses must adeptly balance both high and low utilization rates among their workforce. On one hand, persistently high utilization rates, while beneficial for maximizing billable hours, can have the adverse effect of leading to employee burnout. It's essential to manage the distribution of workload carefully and ensure employees have sufficient time for rest and rejuvenation. 

On the other hand, low utilization rates can signal excess capacity or underlying inefficiencies within the team. This situation calls for a thorough analysis of non-billable activities to identify and address areas where improvements can be made. By striking this balance, companies can sustain productivity without compromising the well-being of their employees.

How can work tracking software help balance utilization rates?

Insightful's features enable businesses to monitor and analyze workforce utilization efficiently. For instance, real-time monitoring and activity tracking help in identifying patterns of high utilization, preventing employee burnout by ensuring equitable workload distribution and adequate rest periods. 

Simultaneously, Insightful’s remote computer monitoring software offers many tools to monitor remote employee activity provide comprehensive categorization and reporting tools to facilitate the analysis of non-billable activities, allowing businesses to pinpoint and rectify inefficiencies, and effectively address issues related to underutilization. 

Insightful's engagement level metrics and productivity trends dashboard offers valuable insights into employee work habits, aiding in the strategic allocation of tasks. By leveraging these capabilities, companies can achieve an optimal balance between productivity and employee well-being, ensuring a healthy and efficient workplace.

Regularly Review Utilization Metrics

To optimize workforce efficiency and make strategic staffing decisions, it's essential for businesses to regularly review utilization metrics. Conducting periodic assessments of these rates allows companies to identify emerging trends, proactively address potential issues, and fine-tune staffing strategies accordingly. 

Moreover, integrating utilization tracking with project management tools is a key aspect of this process. This integration provides valuable insights into the labor intensity of various projects, enabling businesses to make informed adjustments in staffing levels or billing rates. By aligning these two aspects, companies can ensure that their resource allocation is both efficient and effective, ultimately contributing to improved project outcomes and overall business performance.

How can work tracking software help with the review of utilization metrics?

Insightful’s productivity monitoring software assists businesses in effectively managing and reviewing utilization metrics, essential for optimizing workforce efficiency. Its capabilities in tracking and analyzing utilization rates in real-time, combined with its integration with project management tools, allow for a comprehensive understanding of how employee time is distributed between billable and non-billable tasks. 

Insightful's tools for monitoring employees' computers offers comprehensive reporting, real-time alerts, customizable dashboards, and engagement levels to provide managers with actionable insights. These features enable timely identification of trends and potential issues, aiding in informed decision-making regarding staffing and resource allocation. 

The integration with project management platforms offers a deeper look into project labor intensity, guiding adjustments in staffing and billing rates as needed. By leveraging Insightful's diverse functionalities, businesses can ensure efficient utilization of their workforce while maintaining a balanced workload, ultimately enhancing overall productivity and employee well-being.