Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum


Explore the dynamic world of OKRs and learn how this structured goal-setting framework can drive your team towards measurable success. Discover practical examples across various departments, from HR to sales, and see how integrating Insightful's productivity tracking software can enhance this approach. This article is a guide for managers and team leaders seeking to align their strategies with organizational objectives and boost overall efficiency.

Read time: 5 minutes

Success in today's corporate environment demands a focused and measurable approach to goal-setting. Teams at the forefront of efficiency often rely on a structured strategy like objectives and key results (OKRs). This method reshapes traditional goal-setting, introducing a clear and quantifiable way to track progress and align team efforts.

Many approaches exist for setting goals, yet OKRs distinguish themselves for several reasons. They blend ambition with measurable milestones, striking a balance that many other frameworks lack. 

This balance ensures that while goals are challenging and inspiring, they are also grounded in reality, making them achievable and trackable.

Why choose OKRs?

  • Alignment and Clarity: OKRs provide a clear roadmap, ensuring every team member understands the direction and their role in the journey.

  • Measurable Progress: The quantifiable nature of key results offers a transparent way to track progress, a feature less emphasized in other goal-setting approaches.

  • Flexibility and Focus: OKRs allow teams to adjust their objectives and key results as priorities shift, maintaining relevance in a dynamic business environment.

Objectives: Setting the Course for Ambition

Objectives in OKRs are more than just targets; they are aspirational goals intended to inspire and propel teams forward. They are qualitative, designed to stimulate and challenge. 

Consider the objective of "Increasing brand visibility in the digital space," a directive that sets a clear and motivating path for a marketing team.

OKRs are versatile, fitting a broad range of teams such as sales, marketing, product development, HR, IT, finance, customer service, and operations. They offer a structured way to set and track goals, aligning teams from executive leadership to remote workers with strategic objectives. 

This adaptability makes OKRs a go-to framework for any team aiming to align their efforts with key organizational goals efficiently.

Here are some example objectives that span different team functions:

Human Resources Team: "Cultivate a high-performance workplace culture."

This objective aims to create an environment that fosters employee growth, satisfaction, and productivity, which is essential for organizational success.

Finance Team: "Enhance financial efficiency and cost management."

This goal focuses on improving financial processes, reducing unnecessary expenses, and maximizing resource utilization, crucial for the financial health of the organization.

IT and Tech Support Team: "Optimize system reliability and user support."

Targeting the improvement of technical infrastructure and user experience, this objective is key to ensuring smooth operations and user satisfaction.

Product Development Team: "Innovate and expand the product line."

Aimed at driving creativity and broadening the product range, this goal is vital for staying competitive and meeting evolving market demands.

Sales Team: "Expand market reach and increase sales volume."

This goal focuses on penetrating new markets and boosting sales figures, essential for business growth and revenue generation.

Each of these objectives encapsulates a broad, inspiring target tailored to the unique functions and ambitions of different teams. By setting such aspirational goals, OKRs encourage teams to stretch their capabilities, fostering growth, innovation, and significant accomplishments in their respective domains.

Key Results: Measuring Success with Precision

Key results take these aspirational objectives and anchor them with concrete, numerical benchmarks. They are specific measures that allow teams to track their progress objectively. 

For instance, "Achieving a 25% growth in social media followers in Q1" is a key result that gives a quantifiable dimension to the objective, providing a clear metric for success.

For each objective, a corresponding key result can be crafted to provide measurable, specific targets that indicate progress:

Human Resources Team: "Improve employee engagement scores by 20% and reduce turnover rate by 15% within the year.”

Finance Team: "Reduce operational costs by 10% and improve the budgeting accuracy to within 5% variance by the end of the fiscal year.”

IT and Tech Support Team: "Increase system uptime to 99.9% and reduce average user support response time to under 2 hours within 6 months.”

Product Development Team: "Launch three new product features and achieve a 15% increase in user satisfaction ratings by Q3.”

Sales Team Objective: "Enter two new international markets and achieve a 20% growth in overall sales revenue by Q4.”

These key results provide a clear, quantifiable way to assess the progress towards each objective, ensuring that the teams’ efforts are focused and aligned with the organization's overall strategic goals.

Defining OKRs at Company and Team Levels

Start by establishing OKRs at the organizational level, reflecting the primary aims of the business.

For example, an objective like "Expand into two new international markets this year" could be accompanied by key results like "Form partnerships with local distributors" and "Achieve a 30% increase in international sales."

Next, break down broad company OKRs into specific goals for teams and individuals.

For example the marketing team's objective might be "Enhance international brand recognition," with key results like "Execute a localized marketing campaign" and "Increase website traffic from international visitors by 40%."

To further distill the OKR approach to an individual level, we can take the overarching company objective and the marketing team's specific goal and create an individualized set of OKRs. This helps align the individual's efforts with the broader objectives of the team and the company as a whole.

Company Objective: "Expand into two new international markets this year."

Marketing Team Objective: "Enhance international brand recognition."

Individual Marketing Executive's Objective: "Drive successful launch of localized marketing campaigns in new markets."

Here are some examples of possible key results for the individual marketing professional:

Key Result 1: Develop and launch two localized marketing campaigns targeting the new international markets within the next quarter.

Key Result 2: Collaborate with at least five major influencers or local brands in each new market to boost campaign reach by the end of Q3.

Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation of OKRs: Strategies for Success

The effectiveness of the OKR framework lies not just in setting ambitious goals but also in the ongoing evaluation and refinement of these objectives and their corresponding key results. Regular monitoring is crucial to ensure that the set targets remain relevant and achievable.

Hold Monthly Review Meetings

Implementing monthly meetings to assess the progress of OKRs is a fundamental practice. During these sessions, teams can analyze specific metrics, such as website traffic growth or the success rate of marketing initiatives in new markets. This regular assessment allows for a real-time understanding of whether the efforts are moving in the right direction and aligning with the overarching goals.


The key to successful OKR implementation is flexibility. The ability to adapt objectives and key results in response to changes, market conditions, or internal challenges is essential. If metrics indicate a deviation from expected outcomes, teams should be ready to recalibrate their OKRs, ensuring they remain relevant and attainable. 

Encourage a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Each OKR cycle should be seen as an opportunity to refine goal-setting and execution strategies based on previous experiences. Encourage team members to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved for future cycles.

Encourage Open Dialogue & Team Collaboration

An open and collaborative culture significantly enhances the effectiveness of OKRs. Encouraging team members to share their experiences, challenges, and insights regarding their OKRs fosters a supportive environment where learning and improvement are continual.

Create opportunities for team members to openly discuss their progress and challenges related to OKRs. These discussions can take place in team meetings, one-on-one sessions, or even informal settings. The objective is to create a platform where experiences and strategies are shared, providing valuable insights for all team members.

Be Transparent

Implementing a shared dashboard or a tracking system where every team member can update and view the progress of their OKRs is highly beneficial. Such tools promote transparency and enable collective responsibility. They provide a visual representation of progress, making it easier for everyone to understand how their efforts contribute to the team’s and company’s success.

Celebrate Milestones

Recognize and celebrate when key results are achieved or when significant progress is made towards an objective. Acknowledging these milestones boosts morale and reinforces the value of the OKR framework.

Tracking Workers’ OKRs with Insightful 

Insightful’s computer activity tracker offers a range of features that can significantly aid managers and teams in effectively tracking and managing their OKRs. Here’s how Insightful’s computer tracker can be utilized across teams for optimal OKR implementation:

Real-Time Monitoring and Engagement Analysis

Managers can use Insightful’s real-time monitoring to observe team activities, ensuring that efforts are aligned with set OKRs. Engagement Level analysis further provides insights into how actively team members are working towards their objectives, highlighting areas of high productivity and identifying where additional support might be needed.

Project Management Tool Integration

Insightful's integration with project management software like Jira and Basecamp allows managers to seamlessly track progress on specific OKRs. This feature is essential for keeping up with various milestones and deadlines, ensuring that the team is on track to meet their key results.

Custom Alerts and Comprehensive Reporting

Insightful’s custom alert system can notify managers of any significant deviations or milestones achieved in OKR progress. Additionally, the software’s comprehensive reporting capabilities provide detailed insights into team performance, offering valuable data for reviewing and adjusting OKRs.

Productivity Trends Dashboard

The Productivity Trends Dashboard in Insightful allows managers to observe long-term trends in team productivity. This feature is particularly useful for evaluating the effectiveness of strategies implemented to achieve OKRs and for making data-driven decisions for future OKR cycles.

Insightful’s remote workforce management software equips managers with the tools to closely monitor and analyze team performance in relation to their OKRs. Whether it’s through tracking real-time engagement, integrating with project management tools, or analyzing productivity trends, Insightful enables a more informed and effective approach to achieving strategic goals set by OKRs.

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Business Management

Effective Goal-Setting with OKRs: Strategies for High-Impact Team Management

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
December 12, 2023


Explore the dynamic world of OKRs and learn how this structured goal-setting framework can drive your team towards measurable success. Discover practical examples across various departments, from HR to sales, and see how integrating Insightful's productivity tracking software can enhance this approach. This article is a guide for managers and team leaders seeking to align their strategies with organizational objectives and boost overall efficiency.

Read time: 5 minutes

Success in today's corporate environment demands a focused and measurable approach to goal-setting. Teams at the forefront of efficiency often rely on a structured strategy like objectives and key results (OKRs). This method reshapes traditional goal-setting, introducing a clear and quantifiable way to track progress and align team efforts.

Many approaches exist for setting goals, yet OKRs distinguish themselves for several reasons. They blend ambition with measurable milestones, striking a balance that many other frameworks lack. 

This balance ensures that while goals are challenging and inspiring, they are also grounded in reality, making them achievable and trackable.

Why choose OKRs?

  • Alignment and Clarity: OKRs provide a clear roadmap, ensuring every team member understands the direction and their role in the journey.

  • Measurable Progress: The quantifiable nature of key results offers a transparent way to track progress, a feature less emphasized in other goal-setting approaches.

  • Flexibility and Focus: OKRs allow teams to adjust their objectives and key results as priorities shift, maintaining relevance in a dynamic business environment.

Objectives: Setting the Course for Ambition

Objectives in OKRs are more than just targets; they are aspirational goals intended to inspire and propel teams forward. They are qualitative, designed to stimulate and challenge. 

Consider the objective of "Increasing brand visibility in the digital space," a directive that sets a clear and motivating path for a marketing team.

OKRs are versatile, fitting a broad range of teams such as sales, marketing, product development, HR, IT, finance, customer service, and operations. They offer a structured way to set and track goals, aligning teams from executive leadership to remote workers with strategic objectives. 

This adaptability makes OKRs a go-to framework for any team aiming to align their efforts with key organizational goals efficiently.

Here are some example objectives that span different team functions:

Human Resources Team: "Cultivate a high-performance workplace culture."

This objective aims to create an environment that fosters employee growth, satisfaction, and productivity, which is essential for organizational success.

Finance Team: "Enhance financial efficiency and cost management."

This goal focuses on improving financial processes, reducing unnecessary expenses, and maximizing resource utilization, crucial for the financial health of the organization.

IT and Tech Support Team: "Optimize system reliability and user support."

Targeting the improvement of technical infrastructure and user experience, this objective is key to ensuring smooth operations and user satisfaction.

Product Development Team: "Innovate and expand the product line."

Aimed at driving creativity and broadening the product range, this goal is vital for staying competitive and meeting evolving market demands.

Sales Team: "Expand market reach and increase sales volume."

This goal focuses on penetrating new markets and boosting sales figures, essential for business growth and revenue generation.

Each of these objectives encapsulates a broad, inspiring target tailored to the unique functions and ambitions of different teams. By setting such aspirational goals, OKRs encourage teams to stretch their capabilities, fostering growth, innovation, and significant accomplishments in their respective domains.

Key Results: Measuring Success with Precision

Key results take these aspirational objectives and anchor them with concrete, numerical benchmarks. They are specific measures that allow teams to track their progress objectively. 

For instance, "Achieving a 25% growth in social media followers in Q1" is a key result that gives a quantifiable dimension to the objective, providing a clear metric for success.

For each objective, a corresponding key result can be crafted to provide measurable, specific targets that indicate progress:

Human Resources Team: "Improve employee engagement scores by 20% and reduce turnover rate by 15% within the year.”

Finance Team: "Reduce operational costs by 10% and improve the budgeting accuracy to within 5% variance by the end of the fiscal year.”

IT and Tech Support Team: "Increase system uptime to 99.9% and reduce average user support response time to under 2 hours within 6 months.”

Product Development Team: "Launch three new product features and achieve a 15% increase in user satisfaction ratings by Q3.”

Sales Team Objective: "Enter two new international markets and achieve a 20% growth in overall sales revenue by Q4.”

These key results provide a clear, quantifiable way to assess the progress towards each objective, ensuring that the teams’ efforts are focused and aligned with the organization's overall strategic goals.

Defining OKRs at Company and Team Levels

Start by establishing OKRs at the organizational level, reflecting the primary aims of the business.

For example, an objective like "Expand into two new international markets this year" could be accompanied by key results like "Form partnerships with local distributors" and "Achieve a 30% increase in international sales."

Next, break down broad company OKRs into specific goals for teams and individuals.

For example the marketing team's objective might be "Enhance international brand recognition," with key results like "Execute a localized marketing campaign" and "Increase website traffic from international visitors by 40%."

To further distill the OKR approach to an individual level, we can take the overarching company objective and the marketing team's specific goal and create an individualized set of OKRs. This helps align the individual's efforts with the broader objectives of the team and the company as a whole.

Company Objective: "Expand into two new international markets this year."

Marketing Team Objective: "Enhance international brand recognition."

Individual Marketing Executive's Objective: "Drive successful launch of localized marketing campaigns in new markets."

Here are some examples of possible key results for the individual marketing professional:

Key Result 1: Develop and launch two localized marketing campaigns targeting the new international markets within the next quarter.

Key Result 2: Collaborate with at least five major influencers or local brands in each new market to boost campaign reach by the end of Q3.

Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation of OKRs: Strategies for Success

The effectiveness of the OKR framework lies not just in setting ambitious goals but also in the ongoing evaluation and refinement of these objectives and their corresponding key results. Regular monitoring is crucial to ensure that the set targets remain relevant and achievable.

Hold Monthly Review Meetings

Implementing monthly meetings to assess the progress of OKRs is a fundamental practice. During these sessions, teams can analyze specific metrics, such as website traffic growth or the success rate of marketing initiatives in new markets. This regular assessment allows for a real-time understanding of whether the efforts are moving in the right direction and aligning with the overarching goals.


The key to successful OKR implementation is flexibility. The ability to adapt objectives and key results in response to changes, market conditions, or internal challenges is essential. If metrics indicate a deviation from expected outcomes, teams should be ready to recalibrate their OKRs, ensuring they remain relevant and attainable. 

Encourage a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Each OKR cycle should be seen as an opportunity to refine goal-setting and execution strategies based on previous experiences. Encourage team members to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved for future cycles.

Encourage Open Dialogue & Team Collaboration

An open and collaborative culture significantly enhances the effectiveness of OKRs. Encouraging team members to share their experiences, challenges, and insights regarding their OKRs fosters a supportive environment where learning and improvement are continual.

Create opportunities for team members to openly discuss their progress and challenges related to OKRs. These discussions can take place in team meetings, one-on-one sessions, or even informal settings. The objective is to create a platform where experiences and strategies are shared, providing valuable insights for all team members.

Be Transparent

Implementing a shared dashboard or a tracking system where every team member can update and view the progress of their OKRs is highly beneficial. Such tools promote transparency and enable collective responsibility. They provide a visual representation of progress, making it easier for everyone to understand how their efforts contribute to the team’s and company’s success.

Celebrate Milestones

Recognize and celebrate when key results are achieved or when significant progress is made towards an objective. Acknowledging these milestones boosts morale and reinforces the value of the OKR framework.

Tracking Workers’ OKRs with Insightful 

Insightful’s computer activity tracker offers a range of features that can significantly aid managers and teams in effectively tracking and managing their OKRs. Here’s how Insightful’s computer tracker can be utilized across teams for optimal OKR implementation:

Real-Time Monitoring and Engagement Analysis

Managers can use Insightful’s real-time monitoring to observe team activities, ensuring that efforts are aligned with set OKRs. Engagement Level analysis further provides insights into how actively team members are working towards their objectives, highlighting areas of high productivity and identifying where additional support might be needed.

Project Management Tool Integration

Insightful's integration with project management software like Jira and Basecamp allows managers to seamlessly track progress on specific OKRs. This feature is essential for keeping up with various milestones and deadlines, ensuring that the team is on track to meet their key results.

Custom Alerts and Comprehensive Reporting

Insightful’s custom alert system can notify managers of any significant deviations or milestones achieved in OKR progress. Additionally, the software’s comprehensive reporting capabilities provide detailed insights into team performance, offering valuable data for reviewing and adjusting OKRs.

Productivity Trends Dashboard

The Productivity Trends Dashboard in Insightful allows managers to observe long-term trends in team productivity. This feature is particularly useful for evaluating the effectiveness of strategies implemented to achieve OKRs and for making data-driven decisions for future OKR cycles.

Insightful’s remote workforce management software equips managers with the tools to closely monitor and analyze team performance in relation to their OKRs. Whether it’s through tracking real-time engagement, integrating with project management tools, or analyzing productivity trends, Insightful enables a more informed and effective approach to achieving strategic goals set by OKRs.