
Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Information is the lynchpin of every data-driven business. It’s the basis of all core business processes and the fuel behind important decision-making. 

The quality and timeliness of information are what determine coordinated moves and the future of the company, especially in uncertain times. 

One of the most important pieces of information companies often neglect relates to time tracking for remote employees and the way this data affects all other aspects of running a company. 

That’s why this information should come from a dependable source - like Insightful’s employee performance monitoring software.


Information vs. Data

Information is closely related to data, and the two are often confused and incorrectly represented. 

Data presents a raw fact that is collected, but unorganized and unpurposeful until processed. Once data is analyzed, has produced conclusions, and has become relevant in a context - that’s when it turns into information. 

Think about it - when your marketing and sales teams create strategies, they rely on data, but the conclusions they draw are information. 

Employee Data Analysis

The same goes for the time tracking for remote employees’ data Insightful's workforce productivity software collects - it’s raw until processed into information your company can utilize to optimize performance. It’s extremely useful in this respect, as it provides relevant insights into productivity on all company levels - for individual employees, separate teams, and the whole company - which provides a 360-view of the state of affairs in the company. 

To do this properly, the information needs to come from a good, reliable source, must have a competitive advantage, and possess valid necessity. That, integrated with relevant experiences, is what turns it into leverageable knowledge - a high commodity in the business world. 

Finding Useful Information

Information, like that resulting from employee productivity monitoring, has great value for both businesses and individuals alike. 

Not only do you rely on it to make complex business decisions, but also to complete simple daily working tasks. 

For example, knowing what type of in-office activities derail the working day of your employees can greatly improve both office organization and workers’ productivity.

On the other hand, having insight into the activities that improve their concentration and increase productivity can be beneficial for establishing and maintaining a healthy company culture. 

This is where productivity time tracker software can come in handy - having access to quality information right when and where you need it. 

In that sense, these are the criteria to follow in order to distinguish between good and poor information: 

  • Timelines
  • Accuracy
  • Completeness
  • Relevance
  • Availability


The momentum of each piece of information can make a great difference in the way a strategic decision is made, as well as its outcome. Yesterday’s news can not only set you back in the race against the competition, but can also halt your own company and product development. 

Identifying bottlenecks in company processes via employee monitoring software - like what activities the staff wastes most time on - can lead to the improvement of business procedures. The importance of increasing productivity in the workplace can never be stressed enough, but once it’s evident in the end-of-the-year financial statements, it becomes obvious and highly sought-after. 

That’s why it’s important for quality employee monitoring information to reach you at the precise time you need it - not a moment sooner or later. Otherwise, its worth diminishes significantly until it becomes inconsequential. 

If you seek to improve productivity in the workplace, being alerted about unprofessional employee behavior by a tool like Insightful is indispensable. It’s precisely when information is up to date and fresh that it’s most actionable - and thus most valuable. That’s why real-time performance monitoring is worth gold in today’s business world. 


Material errors, about employee productivity monitoring, for instance, are inexcusable. 

When your company relies on having accurate statistics and usable insights into workforce productivity, it can be sure any moves taken based on these steps are made in the right direction. 

That is why Insightful should be your chosen source for this kind of information. Not only is it error-free, detailed, and forthcoming, but the software itself is non-invasive in terms of user privacy. Moreover, all the user data is stored securely - either on your company’s premises or on Google’s secure servers. 

This high-end workforce productivity software presents information in a clear and unbiased way. 


Workpuls Productive, Unproductive, Neutral Time


That way, any subjective influences on workforce relations and performance evaluations can be avoided with access to accurate employee productivity insights. Not only does having reliable monitoring software in your workplace encourage higher productivity, better interpersonal relations, and more open communication, but it also provides fair treatment of the entire staff and an overall growing company. 


In order for productivity time tracker software to have an impact on business processes and company growth, the information it provides must be wholesome. All information-based decision-making depends on successfully completing these five criteria:

  • What?
  • Why?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • Who?

Information unable to answer even one of these questions is incomplete and should be considered improper for utilization in a business setting. Not only is it a waste of time to attempt to decipher incomplete reports as part of your employee productivity monitoring efforts, but without an in-depth understanding of internal issues, you’re running the chance of missing a potentially deeply rooted issue with great and perhaps irreparable consequences. 

In that sense, the way Insightful presents information to the user makes it infinitely easy to comprehend, use, and share. 


Optimal resource use dictates that you only seek information - like that from employee performance monitoring software - with a clear goal or purpose in mind. Therefore, in order for information to be useful in a given situation, it demands to be relevant. 

For example, you’ve been experiencing a slump in customer retention since your company has gone remote, and have an idea as to why. You might be suspecting your customer service agents aren’t that diligent in responding to requests, but to understand why - ineffective tools, lack of enthusiasm, neglecting duties - you want to introduce remote employee time tracking software. 


Workpuls App & Website Usage


If you come to discover that your employees are indulging in distractions from work, like watching cartoons with their children during working hours, then you have identified the problem and can take the necessary steps to resolve it and alleviate negative consequences. 


If you’ve, however, found out that some of your employees interact among themselves way more than expected at work, this information is irrelevant at this point unless it lowers their productivity levels. 

In this sense, productivity time tracker software is there to provide relevant information and, by doing so, encourage critical thinking among your managers - especially when it comes to successful issue resolution.


What good is any information if it’s inaccessible in the time of need? 

In today’s world, the Internet has made all kinds of information available to everyone and has thus made us all very reliant on easy access to it. However, there is much more emphasis on business information availability, especially if you consider that it’s often confidential and time-sensitive. 

In this sense, team leaders and HR managers who have constant access to employee productivity monitoring information have certain aspects of their jobs facilitated.

However, with it comes the responsibility to use it when the need arises, whether that is at the time of employee performance reviews or to resolve a conflict in the team. 

On the other hand, it also imposes a sense of responsibility in terms of how worker performance information is used, and what can be done to prevent misuse.

In regard to this, it’s important to note that Insightful staff has no access to customer company employee monitoring data, thus you can rest assured that there is no danger of information misuse on our side. 

The Value of Employee Performance Information

When it allows companies to accomplish pioneer advantage or maintain competitive advantage - that’s when information becomes a strategically important business resource.


Only savvy business owners and C-level executives - granted with considerable niche market expertise - can tell the difference between the type of information that offers a competitive advantage and that which clutters the system and scatters resources. 

While information impacts business decision-making in different ways, there is also a universality to the manner in which employee productivity monitoring shapes the direction companies usually take once they take a good look at the analyses provided by tools like Insightful. 

For instance, having a clear insight into various distractions that employees from different teams face directly translates into streamlining related business processes, removing operational bottlenecks, and empowering employees to give their best performance in the office in order for the company to grow in a consistent manner. 

‍Interpreting Employee Data

A wide variety of information coming from every direction requires critical thinking and refinement. 

Choosing which information to use for making strategically significant business decisions is a skill that is acquired over time and with plenty of experience. However, choosing the right employee performance monitoring software - like Insightful - can facilitate the process greatly by providing quality employee performance information at the right time and at the tip of your fingers.


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Business Management

The Importance of Employee Performance Information

Written by
Aleksandra Djordjevic
Published on
October 12, 2023

Information is the lynchpin of every data-driven business. It’s the basis of all core business processes and the fuel behind important decision-making. 

The quality and timeliness of information are what determine coordinated moves and the future of the company, especially in uncertain times. 

One of the most important pieces of information companies often neglect relates to time tracking for remote employees and the way this data affects all other aspects of running a company. 

That’s why this information should come from a dependable source - like Insightful’s employee performance monitoring software.


Information vs. Data

Information is closely related to data, and the two are often confused and incorrectly represented. 

Data presents a raw fact that is collected, but unorganized and unpurposeful until processed. Once data is analyzed, has produced conclusions, and has become relevant in a context - that’s when it turns into information. 

Think about it - when your marketing and sales teams create strategies, they rely on data, but the conclusions they draw are information. 

Employee Data Analysis

The same goes for the time tracking for remote employees’ data Insightful's workforce productivity software collects - it’s raw until processed into information your company can utilize to optimize performance. It’s extremely useful in this respect, as it provides relevant insights into productivity on all company levels - for individual employees, separate teams, and the whole company - which provides a 360-view of the state of affairs in the company. 

To do this properly, the information needs to come from a good, reliable source, must have a competitive advantage, and possess valid necessity. That, integrated with relevant experiences, is what turns it into leverageable knowledge - a high commodity in the business world. 

Finding Useful Information

Information, like that resulting from employee productivity monitoring, has great value for both businesses and individuals alike. 

Not only do you rely on it to make complex business decisions, but also to complete simple daily working tasks. 

For example, knowing what type of in-office activities derail the working day of your employees can greatly improve both office organization and workers’ productivity.

On the other hand, having insight into the activities that improve their concentration and increase productivity can be beneficial for establishing and maintaining a healthy company culture. 

This is where productivity time tracker software can come in handy - having access to quality information right when and where you need it. 

In that sense, these are the criteria to follow in order to distinguish between good and poor information: 

  • Timelines
  • Accuracy
  • Completeness
  • Relevance
  • Availability


The momentum of each piece of information can make a great difference in the way a strategic decision is made, as well as its outcome. Yesterday’s news can not only set you back in the race against the competition, but can also halt your own company and product development. 

Identifying bottlenecks in company processes via employee monitoring software - like what activities the staff wastes most time on - can lead to the improvement of business procedures. The importance of increasing productivity in the workplace can never be stressed enough, but once it’s evident in the end-of-the-year financial statements, it becomes obvious and highly sought-after. 

That’s why it’s important for quality employee monitoring information to reach you at the precise time you need it - not a moment sooner or later. Otherwise, its worth diminishes significantly until it becomes inconsequential. 

If you seek to improve productivity in the workplace, being alerted about unprofessional employee behavior by a tool like Insightful is indispensable. It’s precisely when information is up to date and fresh that it’s most actionable - and thus most valuable. That’s why real-time performance monitoring is worth gold in today’s business world. 


Material errors, about employee productivity monitoring, for instance, are inexcusable. 

When your company relies on having accurate statistics and usable insights into workforce productivity, it can be sure any moves taken based on these steps are made in the right direction. 

That is why Insightful should be your chosen source for this kind of information. Not only is it error-free, detailed, and forthcoming, but the software itself is non-invasive in terms of user privacy. Moreover, all the user data is stored securely - either on your company’s premises or on Google’s secure servers. 

This high-end workforce productivity software presents information in a clear and unbiased way. 


Workpuls Productive, Unproductive, Neutral Time


That way, any subjective influences on workforce relations and performance evaluations can be avoided with access to accurate employee productivity insights. Not only does having reliable monitoring software in your workplace encourage higher productivity, better interpersonal relations, and more open communication, but it also provides fair treatment of the entire staff and an overall growing company. 


In order for productivity time tracker software to have an impact on business processes and company growth, the information it provides must be wholesome. All information-based decision-making depends on successfully completing these five criteria:

  • What?
  • Why?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • Who?

Information unable to answer even one of these questions is incomplete and should be considered improper for utilization in a business setting. Not only is it a waste of time to attempt to decipher incomplete reports as part of your employee productivity monitoring efforts, but without an in-depth understanding of internal issues, you’re running the chance of missing a potentially deeply rooted issue with great and perhaps irreparable consequences. 

In that sense, the way Insightful presents information to the user makes it infinitely easy to comprehend, use, and share. 


Optimal resource use dictates that you only seek information - like that from employee performance monitoring software - with a clear goal or purpose in mind. Therefore, in order for information to be useful in a given situation, it demands to be relevant. 

For example, you’ve been experiencing a slump in customer retention since your company has gone remote, and have an idea as to why. You might be suspecting your customer service agents aren’t that diligent in responding to requests, but to understand why - ineffective tools, lack of enthusiasm, neglecting duties - you want to introduce remote employee time tracking software. 


Workpuls App & Website Usage


If you come to discover that your employees are indulging in distractions from work, like watching cartoons with their children during working hours, then you have identified the problem and can take the necessary steps to resolve it and alleviate negative consequences. 


If you’ve, however, found out that some of your employees interact among themselves way more than expected at work, this information is irrelevant at this point unless it lowers their productivity levels. 

In this sense, productivity time tracker software is there to provide relevant information and, by doing so, encourage critical thinking among your managers - especially when it comes to successful issue resolution.


What good is any information if it’s inaccessible in the time of need? 

In today’s world, the Internet has made all kinds of information available to everyone and has thus made us all very reliant on easy access to it. However, there is much more emphasis on business information availability, especially if you consider that it’s often confidential and time-sensitive. 

In this sense, team leaders and HR managers who have constant access to employee productivity monitoring information have certain aspects of their jobs facilitated.

However, with it comes the responsibility to use it when the need arises, whether that is at the time of employee performance reviews or to resolve a conflict in the team. 

On the other hand, it also imposes a sense of responsibility in terms of how worker performance information is used, and what can be done to prevent misuse.

In regard to this, it’s important to note that Insightful staff has no access to customer company employee monitoring data, thus you can rest assured that there is no danger of information misuse on our side. 

The Value of Employee Performance Information

When it allows companies to accomplish pioneer advantage or maintain competitive advantage - that’s when information becomes a strategically important business resource.


Only savvy business owners and C-level executives - granted with considerable niche market expertise - can tell the difference between the type of information that offers a competitive advantage and that which clutters the system and scatters resources. 

While information impacts business decision-making in different ways, there is also a universality to the manner in which employee productivity monitoring shapes the direction companies usually take once they take a good look at the analyses provided by tools like Insightful. 

For instance, having a clear insight into various distractions that employees from different teams face directly translates into streamlining related business processes, removing operational bottlenecks, and empowering employees to give their best performance in the office in order for the company to grow in a consistent manner. 

‍Interpreting Employee Data

A wide variety of information coming from every direction requires critical thinking and refinement. 

Choosing which information to use for making strategically significant business decisions is a skill that is acquired over time and with plenty of experience. However, choosing the right employee performance monitoring software - like Insightful - can facilitate the process greatly by providing quality employee performance information at the right time and at the tip of your fingers.

