Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum
Workpuls Hubstaff Toggl TimeDoctor Harvest TimeCamp Timely Everhour Tick TMetric
Price (per month) $6 per user $5.83 per user $9 per user $9.99 per user $10.80 per user $5.25 per user $99 for 5 users $7 per user $19 for 10 projects $5 per user
Free trial 7 days 14 days 30 days 14 days 30 days Yes 14 days 14 days 30 days 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Difficult Very easy Easy Very easy Easy Difficult Very easy Difficult
Start/stop buttons
Automatic time mapping
App and website usage
Activity levels coming soon
Real-time tracking
Project adding
Project templates
Project status
Task assignment
Task priorities
Budgeting coming soon
Mark billable/non-billable hours
Payroll calculation
Idle time reminders
Deadline alerts coming soon
Budget alerts coming soon
Client login
Productivity analysis
Email reports coming soon
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app coming soon
iOS app Beta
Android app
Browser extension Chrome Chrome, Firefox Chrome Chrome Chrome, Firefox Chrome Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge
Support Phone and online Email and online Email and online Online Online, email and phone Email, online and support ticket Email and chat Email and chat Email Chat
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations coming soon
On-premise hosting

Key Takeaways:

  • Utilize the 10 Minutes Rule to overcome initial resistance and kickstart focused work, reducing unproductivity and enhancing team performance through effective employee time tracking.

  • Employ the 10 Minutes Rule and the 10 Minute Task method as productive tools to streamline workflow.

  • Implementing these methods can alleviate stress associated with daunting tasks, fostering a healthier work environment and promoting better time and attendance management.

Read time: 9 minutes

Productivity is a universal challenge, and many of us struggle with the initial inertia that often accompanies the start of a new task. Overcoming procrastination is key to unlocking your team’s full potential and achieving goals. 

This blog introduces two powerful productivity methods, the 10 Minutes Rule and the 10 Minute Task, offering practical approaches that you can coach your teams on to tackle tasks of any size.

Engaging the 10 Minutes Rule

The 10 Minutes Rule helps overcome initial resistance by committing to a brief ten-minute task, initiating focused work, and reducing mental barriers.

What are the benefits?

  • Overcoming Initial Resistance: Focusing on a short time frame helps individuals conquer the initial hurdle of starting a task.

  • Enhanced Focus: The rule fosters heightened concentration during the dedicated ten-minute period, leading to more efficient work.

  • Stress Reduction: Breaking tasks into smaller intervals can alleviate stress associated with big and important projects.

How do I implement it?

Select a Task: Begin by choosing a task that requires attention.

Set a Timer: Set a ten-minute timer and fully engage in the chosen activity during that time. Whether it's responding to emails, initiating a writing project, or organizing your workspace, the key is to kickstart with a focused burst of activity. This approach is particularly useful for tasks you may have been postponing, as it provides a manageable entry point.

Build Momentum: Once the timer signals the end of the ten minutes, you likely find that you're already invested in the task and may choose to continue. Breaking the work into smaller, more digestible parts makes the overall effort feel less Herculean. It's a shift from viewing the task as a colossal challenge to seeing it as a series of manageable steps.

Flexibility and Adaptability: The 10 Minutes Rule is versatile and applicable in various contexts. Whether you're a professional working on a project or a manager overseeing a team, the rule adapts to different scenarios. Its simplicity is its strength; it's a productive tool accessible to anyone seeking a practical approach to overcoming procrastination.

Engaging the 10 Minute Task

While the 10 Minutes Rule provides a jumpstart to individual tasks, the 10 Minute Task method offers a strategic framework for managing the entirety of large team projects. By breaking down tasks into smaller segments, it reduces the perceived complexity and facilitates progress in a systematic manner.

In summary, while both methods share the objective of enhancing productivity, they operate at different levels. The 10 Minutes Rule targets the initiation of tasks, while the 10 Minute Task method provides a strategic roadmap for managing larger projects by breaking them down into smaller, achievable segments.

Implementation Tips:

  • Identify main tasks.

  • Allocate 10-minute time blocks.

  • Track progress and apply adaptability based on task nature.

The 10 Minute Approach: Crafting Actionable Tasks in Team Projects

Within a team project framework, integrating the 10 Minutes Rule and 10 Minute Task offers a comprehensive method to address operational aspects and common challenges like procrastination and the overwhelming nature of large-scale tasks. 

Below, we outline how managers can incorporate these elements into a cohesive plan and show you what it looks like in practice:

Establishing the Framework in the Initial Team Meeting

In the initial team meeting, the manager gathers the team to introduce the new project: launching a new product line. The manager outlines the project's objectives and emphasizes the need to approach it systematically for success.

The manager introduces the 10 Minutes Rule as a method to break down the project into manageable tasks, explaining its benefits in combating procrastination, enhancing focus, and reducing stress.

Task Breakdown & Delegation

Together, the manager and the team brainstorm and identify the various tasks required for launching the new product line. They consider each task's complexity, urgency, and importance.

Collaboratively, they break down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks. Each team member takes ownership of specific tasks based on their strengths and expertise, ensuring equitable workload distribution.

This step organizes workflow and makes the project's scale more approachable, addressing potential team-wide procrastination.

Tip: Consider integrating the Eisenhower Matrix, a strategic framework that categorizes tasks by their urgency and importance. This method helps in identifying tasks that require immediate attention (urgent and important), planning for those that are important but not urgent, delegating tasks that are urgent but not important, and eliminating those that are neither.

Applying this matrix can significantly enhance decision-making and priority-setting, leading to more effective task management and resource utilization.

Implementing the 10 Minute Rule with a Collective Twist

To combat procrastination and promote unity, the manager schedules structured team sessions to implement the 10 Minutes Rule and sets a timer for the tasks. During these sessions, team members commit to focused 10-minute sprints to initiate individual tasks.

These sessions serve as opportunities for both individual task initiation and collective engagement. They support and encourage one another, fostering a sense of teamwork and accountability within the team. The manager leads by example, actively participating in the 10-minute sprints and demonstrating commitment to the project's success.

Regular Progress Reviews & Tactical Adjustments

The manager conducts regular progress reviews to assess the team's trajectory and reflect. Team members share updates on their progress, highlight challenges, and offer suggestions for improvement during these check-ins.

Based on the team's feedback, the manager makes tactical real-time adjustments to task allocations and strategies. These sessions maintain momentum, ensuring consistent application of the 10 Minutes Rule, promptly addressing challenges, and celebrating successes, further motivating the team.

Celebrating successes and addressing obstacles promptly helps maintain momentum and keep the project on track.

Monitoring Progress & Acknowledging Achievements

The manager implements a shared progress tracking system to visually represent the team's progress. Team members use this system to mark advancements and celebrate milestones together.

Acknowledging incremental achievements made through 10-minute efforts reinforces the value of collective progress towards the project's goals, motivating the team to continue their efforts.

Tip: Creating a visual representation, such as a chart or graph, where team members can fill in segments for every 10-minute task completed, can be particularly motivating. This tangible form of progress tracking provides immediate satisfaction and helps foster a sense of collective achievement, encouraging continued engagement and effort from all team members.

Encouraging Adaptability & Customization

The manager encourages team members to adapt the 10 Minutes Rule to suit their individual work styles and preferences. Providing support and guidance helps team members integrate the rule effectively into their workflows.

Experimenting with different approaches and sharing insights with one another allows the team to refine the application of the 10 Minutes Rule, ensuring its effectiveness and relevance to their needs.

Fostering a Culture of Evolution & Improvement

The manager fosters a culture of innovation and adaptability within the team, actively seeking and valuing feedback. Team members participate in the iterative process of refining project methodologies and processes.

Embracing change as an opportunity for growth and continuous improvement ensures that the team remains agile and responsive to evolving needs and challenges.

Tools & Resources for Effective Implementation


Insightful is a powerful project employee time tracking software that provides valuable insights into productivity trends. Insightful can help with implementing the 10 Minutes Rule and the 10 Minute Task method.

10 Minutes Rule
‍Suppose your team struggles with unproductivity when starting tasks. Insightful can help by tracking the time and attendance spent on tasks initiated using the 10 Minutes Rule. You can analyze the data to identify patterns and trends, such as shorter initiation times for tasks started with the 10 Minutes Rule compared to those without it.

Additionally, managers can utilize Insightful employee tracking app to track average productivity and time spent completing a project before and after the implementation of the 10-minute sessions. This allows them to assess the effectiveness of the method and make necessary adjustments to optimize productivity.

10 Minute Task

With Insightful, you can track the time spent on individual segments of a larger task broken down using the 10 Minute Task method. This allows you to monitor progress and identify areas where adjustments may be needed to improve efficiency. For instance, if certain segments consistently take longer than 10 minutes, it may indicate the need for further task breakdown or optimization.

Similarly, managers can leverage Insightful to compare the average time spent on tasks before and after the adoption of the 10 Minute Task method. This comparison enables them to gauge the method's impact on task efficiency and make informed decisions for process improvement.


The ClickUp integration offers robust time tracking features and integrates seamlessly with Insightful cloud based employee monitoring for enhanced productivity management. Here's how ClickUp can support the implementation of the 10 Minutes Rule and the 10 Minute Task method:

10 Minutes Rule

ClickUp's time tracking feature allows team members to log time and attendance on tasks initiated using the 10 Minutes Rule directly within the platform. This enables managers to monitor adherence to the rule and provide support or guidance as needed. Additionally, ClickUp's reporting capabilities provide insights into how the 10 Minutes Rule impacts overall team productivity over time.

10 Minute Task

ClickUp's task management features facilitate the breakdown of larger tasks into smaller, more manageable segments. Team members can create subtasks within ClickUp and allocate 10-minute time blocks to each segment. ClickUp's intuitive interface and customizable views make it easy to visualize progress and see time spent on individual tasks through time tracking for remote workers, ensuring alignment with the principles of the 10 Minute Task method.

We’ve reserved a 7-day free trial for you….

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Claim your free 7-Day full feature trial of Insightful today. Insightful’s actionable work insights make your team more productive, efficient and accountable.

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Productivity and Efficiency Improvements

Effortless Productivity: How Short Bursts of Focus Can Lead to Big Results

Written by
Dora Ordanić
Published on
February 8, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Utilize the 10 Minutes Rule to overcome initial resistance and kickstart focused work, reducing unproductivity and enhancing team performance through effective employee time tracking.

  • Employ the 10 Minutes Rule and the 10 Minute Task method as productive tools to streamline workflow.

  • Implementing these methods can alleviate stress associated with daunting tasks, fostering a healthier work environment and promoting better time and attendance management.

Read time: 9 minutes

Productivity is a universal challenge, and many of us struggle with the initial inertia that often accompanies the start of a new task. Overcoming procrastination is key to unlocking your team’s full potential and achieving goals. 

This blog introduces two powerful productivity methods, the 10 Minutes Rule and the 10 Minute Task, offering practical approaches that you can coach your teams on to tackle tasks of any size.

Engaging the 10 Minutes Rule

The 10 Minutes Rule helps overcome initial resistance by committing to a brief ten-minute task, initiating focused work, and reducing mental barriers.

What are the benefits?

  • Overcoming Initial Resistance: Focusing on a short time frame helps individuals conquer the initial hurdle of starting a task.

  • Enhanced Focus: The rule fosters heightened concentration during the dedicated ten-minute period, leading to more efficient work.

  • Stress Reduction: Breaking tasks into smaller intervals can alleviate stress associated with big and important projects.

How do I implement it?

Select a Task: Begin by choosing a task that requires attention.

Set a Timer: Set a ten-minute timer and fully engage in the chosen activity during that time. Whether it's responding to emails, initiating a writing project, or organizing your workspace, the key is to kickstart with a focused burst of activity. This approach is particularly useful for tasks you may have been postponing, as it provides a manageable entry point.

Build Momentum: Once the timer signals the end of the ten minutes, you likely find that you're already invested in the task and may choose to continue. Breaking the work into smaller, more digestible parts makes the overall effort feel less Herculean. It's a shift from viewing the task as a colossal challenge to seeing it as a series of manageable steps.

Flexibility and Adaptability: The 10 Minutes Rule is versatile and applicable in various contexts. Whether you're a professional working on a project or a manager overseeing a team, the rule adapts to different scenarios. Its simplicity is its strength; it's a productive tool accessible to anyone seeking a practical approach to overcoming procrastination.

Engaging the 10 Minute Task

While the 10 Minutes Rule provides a jumpstart to individual tasks, the 10 Minute Task method offers a strategic framework for managing the entirety of large team projects. By breaking down tasks into smaller segments, it reduces the perceived complexity and facilitates progress in a systematic manner.

In summary, while both methods share the objective of enhancing productivity, they operate at different levels. The 10 Minutes Rule targets the initiation of tasks, while the 10 Minute Task method provides a strategic roadmap for managing larger projects by breaking them down into smaller, achievable segments.

Implementation Tips:

  • Identify main tasks.

  • Allocate 10-minute time blocks.

  • Track progress and apply adaptability based on task nature.

The 10 Minute Approach: Crafting Actionable Tasks in Team Projects

Within a team project framework, integrating the 10 Minutes Rule and 10 Minute Task offers a comprehensive method to address operational aspects and common challenges like procrastination and the overwhelming nature of large-scale tasks. 

Below, we outline how managers can incorporate these elements into a cohesive plan and show you what it looks like in practice:

Establishing the Framework in the Initial Team Meeting

In the initial team meeting, the manager gathers the team to introduce the new project: launching a new product line. The manager outlines the project's objectives and emphasizes the need to approach it systematically for success.

The manager introduces the 10 Minutes Rule as a method to break down the project into manageable tasks, explaining its benefits in combating procrastination, enhancing focus, and reducing stress.

Task Breakdown & Delegation

Together, the manager and the team brainstorm and identify the various tasks required for launching the new product line. They consider each task's complexity, urgency, and importance.

Collaboratively, they break down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks. Each team member takes ownership of specific tasks based on their strengths and expertise, ensuring equitable workload distribution.

This step organizes workflow and makes the project's scale more approachable, addressing potential team-wide procrastination.

Tip: Consider integrating the Eisenhower Matrix, a strategic framework that categorizes tasks by their urgency and importance. This method helps in identifying tasks that require immediate attention (urgent and important), planning for those that are important but not urgent, delegating tasks that are urgent but not important, and eliminating those that are neither.

Applying this matrix can significantly enhance decision-making and priority-setting, leading to more effective task management and resource utilization.

Implementing the 10 Minute Rule with a Collective Twist

To combat procrastination and promote unity, the manager schedules structured team sessions to implement the 10 Minutes Rule and sets a timer for the tasks. During these sessions, team members commit to focused 10-minute sprints to initiate individual tasks.

These sessions serve as opportunities for both individual task initiation and collective engagement. They support and encourage one another, fostering a sense of teamwork and accountability within the team. The manager leads by example, actively participating in the 10-minute sprints and demonstrating commitment to the project's success.

Regular Progress Reviews & Tactical Adjustments

The manager conducts regular progress reviews to assess the team's trajectory and reflect. Team members share updates on their progress, highlight challenges, and offer suggestions for improvement during these check-ins.

Based on the team's feedback, the manager makes tactical real-time adjustments to task allocations and strategies. These sessions maintain momentum, ensuring consistent application of the 10 Minutes Rule, promptly addressing challenges, and celebrating successes, further motivating the team.

Celebrating successes and addressing obstacles promptly helps maintain momentum and keep the project on track.

Monitoring Progress & Acknowledging Achievements

The manager implements a shared progress tracking system to visually represent the team's progress. Team members use this system to mark advancements and celebrate milestones together.

Acknowledging incremental achievements made through 10-minute efforts reinforces the value of collective progress towards the project's goals, motivating the team to continue their efforts.

Tip: Creating a visual representation, such as a chart or graph, where team members can fill in segments for every 10-minute task completed, can be particularly motivating. This tangible form of progress tracking provides immediate satisfaction and helps foster a sense of collective achievement, encouraging continued engagement and effort from all team members.

Encouraging Adaptability & Customization

The manager encourages team members to adapt the 10 Minutes Rule to suit their individual work styles and preferences. Providing support and guidance helps team members integrate the rule effectively into their workflows.

Experimenting with different approaches and sharing insights with one another allows the team to refine the application of the 10 Minutes Rule, ensuring its effectiveness and relevance to their needs.

Fostering a Culture of Evolution & Improvement

The manager fosters a culture of innovation and adaptability within the team, actively seeking and valuing feedback. Team members participate in the iterative process of refining project methodologies and processes.

Embracing change as an opportunity for growth and continuous improvement ensures that the team remains agile and responsive to evolving needs and challenges.

Tools & Resources for Effective Implementation


Insightful is a powerful project employee time tracking software that provides valuable insights into productivity trends. Insightful can help with implementing the 10 Minutes Rule and the 10 Minute Task method.

10 Minutes Rule
‍Suppose your team struggles with unproductivity when starting tasks. Insightful can help by tracking the time and attendance spent on tasks initiated using the 10 Minutes Rule. You can analyze the data to identify patterns and trends, such as shorter initiation times for tasks started with the 10 Minutes Rule compared to those without it.

Additionally, managers can utilize Insightful employee tracking app to track average productivity and time spent completing a project before and after the implementation of the 10-minute sessions. This allows them to assess the effectiveness of the method and make necessary adjustments to optimize productivity.

10 Minute Task

With Insightful, you can track the time spent on individual segments of a larger task broken down using the 10 Minute Task method. This allows you to monitor progress and identify areas where adjustments may be needed to improve efficiency. For instance, if certain segments consistently take longer than 10 minutes, it may indicate the need for further task breakdown or optimization.

Similarly, managers can leverage Insightful to compare the average time spent on tasks before and after the adoption of the 10 Minute Task method. This comparison enables them to gauge the method's impact on task efficiency and make informed decisions for process improvement.


The ClickUp integration offers robust time tracking features and integrates seamlessly with Insightful cloud based employee monitoring for enhanced productivity management. Here's how ClickUp can support the implementation of the 10 Minutes Rule and the 10 Minute Task method:

10 Minutes Rule

ClickUp's time tracking feature allows team members to log time and attendance on tasks initiated using the 10 Minutes Rule directly within the platform. This enables managers to monitor adherence to the rule and provide support or guidance as needed. Additionally, ClickUp's reporting capabilities provide insights into how the 10 Minutes Rule impacts overall team productivity over time.

10 Minute Task

ClickUp's task management features facilitate the breakdown of larger tasks into smaller, more manageable segments. Team members can create subtasks within ClickUp and allocate 10-minute time blocks to each segment. ClickUp's intuitive interface and customizable views make it easy to visualize progress and see time spent on individual tasks through time tracking for remote workers, ensuring alignment with the principles of the 10 Minute Task method.