Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum
Workpuls Hubstaff Toggl TimeDoctor Harvest TimeCamp Timely Everhour Tick TMetric
Price (per month) $6 per user $5.83 per user $9 per user $9.99 per user $10.80 per user $5.25 per user $99 for 5 users $7 per user $19 for 10 projects $5 per user
Free trial 7 days 14 days 30 days 14 days 30 days Yes 14 days 14 days 30 days 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Difficult Very easy Easy Very easy Easy Difficult Very easy Difficult
Start/stop buttons
Automatic time mapping
App and website usage
Activity levels coming soon
Real-time tracking
Project adding
Project templates
Project status
Task assignment
Task priorities
Budgeting coming soon
Mark billable/non-billable hours
Payroll calculation
Idle time reminders
Deadline alerts coming soon
Budget alerts coming soon
Client login
Productivity analysis
Email reports coming soon
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app coming soon
iOS app Beta
Android app
Browser extension Chrome Chrome, Firefox Chrome Chrome Chrome, Firefox Chrome Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge
Support Phone and online Email and online Email and online Online Online, email and phone Email, online and support ticket Email and chat Email and chat Email Chat
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations coming soon
On-premise hosting

Key Takeaways:

  • Streamline your daily routine with intentional morning planning, ensuring a clear structure to enhance the productivity of the workday.

  • Incorporate the 18 Minutes technique into your daily schedule consistently to establish a habit of strategically tracking time using specialized employee monitoring & time tracking software, maintaining focus throughout the day.

  • Leverage the benefits of employee time management software during hourly refocusing to ensure alignment with project milestones and team priorities, fostering continuous course correction.

  • Embrace the flexibility of the 18 Minutes routine to respond effectively to unexpected challenges, adaptable for remote workers.

Read time: 9 minutes.

Making sure that your team stays organized and focused on their professional goals is no easy task when you have a constant influx of upcoming assignments and deadlines. Finding a method that helps you stay grounded and gives you a clear and concise way to stay on top of work can be a great asset in advancing your career. 

Peter Bregman's 18 Minutes technique, focusing on intentional morning planning, hourly refocusing, and reflective evening reviews, offers a clear guide for improving focus and amping up productivity. As professionals seek tangible strategies to manage their time more efficiently, the 18 Minutes technique becomes a straightforward approach. 

In this blog, we explore the ins and outs of this method, aiming to equip you with practical insights to optimize your daily routine and adapt your approach to better face the ever-shifting challenges of the modern work world.

Overview of the 18 Minutes Technique

Bregman's approach involves dedicating five minutes each morning to thoughtful planning, ensuring a clear structure for the day. The idea is to simplify and streamline, making it accessible for individuals seeking practical solutions.

The 18 Minutes technique comprises three fundamental steps:

  • Morning Planning: Dedicate five minutes to intentional time management, establishing priorities for the day.

  • Hourly Refocusing: Throughout the day, take a minute at the top of each hour to reinvigorate your team’s focus, making sure that you all have their priorities straight.

  • Evening Reviews: Set aside five minutes at the end of the day to reflect on accomplishments and identify areas for improvement.

Morning: Set Plan

  • Intentional Planning: Begin by identifying the key tasks and priorities for the day. This should be a focused selection that aligns with your overarching goals.

  • With this plan in mind, a content creator can spend five minutes each morning pinpointing the two most critical tasks for the day—be it crafting a compelling blog post or finalizing a social media strategy. This focused planning ensures the day begins with a clear path forward.

  • Clarity of Purpose: The aim is to bring clarity to your day, ensuring that everyone is not just busy but actively working towards meaningful objectives.

  • A financial analytics team, before diving into daily reports, invests five minutes clarifying the primary objective for each individual—either analyzing quarterly trends or preparing for a client meeting. This clarity ensures the workday remains purpose-driven, and that there is no overlap in who’s working on what.

  • Flexibility: Embrace flexibility within this plan. Life is dynamic, and unexpected tasks are sure to come your way. The morning plan is a guide, not a rigid mandate.

  • Within an IT support team, a systems administrator's morning plan includes the day's priorities. However, if an urgent technical issue arises, the plan adjusts while ensuring essential tasks, like system maintenance, still receive attention.

Throughout the Day: Refocus

  • Consistent Check-ins: Hourly refocusing acts as consistent check-ins, providing professionals, such as project managers overseeing complex initiatives, with crucial navigation points. These one-minute pauses ensure that tasks align with project milestones and team priorities, fostering continuous course correction.

  • Adaptable Focus: This component is about cultivating an adaptable focus. In a bustling customer support environment, hourly refocusing becomes a strategic maneuver. For example, a customer support representative redirects attention to urgent tickets or customer inquiries. This adaptability ensures that the team remains responsive and customer-centric throughout the day, addressing evolving needs promptly.

  • Alignment with Goals: Hourly Refocusing is also a conscious effort to maintain alignment with overarching goals. In a creative department, a graphic design team’s hourly refocusing involves a brief pause to align ongoing design tasks with overarching project goals. It ensures that the creative work seamlessly contributes to larger objectives, maintaining alignment with the team's creative vision.

Evening Review

  • Reflective Assessment: This component involves a thoughtful assessment of the day's accomplishments and areas for improvement. For instance, a project manager dedicates five minutes to gauge what was achieved in alignment with the initial morning plan, ensuring project milestones and team priorities were met.

  • Learning and Adaptation: Evening reviews foster a culture of learning and adaptation, steering away from dwelling on shortcomings. Consider a financial analyst using this time to review the success of daily reports and client meetings. This reflective approach enables the analyst to adapt strategies for more effective future engagements.

  • Strategic Planning for Tomorrow: The final aspect of evening reviews is strategic planning for the next day. An example could be a customer support team lead utilizing this time to outline priorities for the upcoming day, ensuring a seamless transition and a proactive start.

Practical Tips for Implementation

Now that we've explored the core components of the 18 Minutes technique, let's shift our focus to practical tips.

Consistency is Key

Incorporate the 18 Minutes routine into your daily schedule consistently. This ensures that intentional planning, hourly refocusing, and evening reviews become ingrained habits.

Tailor to Your Style

Customize the technique to suit each member of your team. Working with digital tools, handwritten notes, or a combination of both, the 18 Minutes technique can be adapted to align with everyone’s individual preferences.

Prioritize Tasks Effectively

During morning planning, make sure that you check in with members of your teams and remind them of what takes precedence. This will help gather focus and ensure that critical tasks receive the attention they deserve.

Embrace Flexibility

While structure is beneficial, remain open to adapting the technique as needed. Embrace flexibility, especially during hourly refocusing, to respond effectively to unexpected challenges.

Challenges and Solutions

Addressing the challenges of effective time management requires practical solutions. A significant challenge arises from time constraints, especially during busy workdays. To address this, adjust time-management techniques to fit shorter intervals. This ensures that even brief moments of planning, refocusing, and review significantly contribute to overall efficiency.

Another obstacle is resistance to change, often encountered when individuals are accustomed to existing routines. To mitigate this resistance, emphasize the gradual integration of the 18 Minutes routine. This allows for an organic shift in habits, making it easier for individuals to embrace and incorporate the new time-management method into their daily lives.

Distractions and interruptions in the dynamic nature of workplaces pose another challenge. Solutions involve setting boundaries during focused intervals, utilizing technology for reminders, and creating a conducive work environment that minimizes disruptions.

Additionally, the lack of immediate results can be discouraging for some team members. It is crucial to remind them that the 18 Minutes technique is a gradual process, and long-term benefits will emerge as consistent habits develop over time. This perspective helps maintain motivation and reinforces the understanding that the positive impact of the technique unfolds gradually.

Enhancing the 18 Minutes Method with Tools and Resources

Adapting to the 18 Minutes method is made more seamless and impactful with the aid of purpose-built tools contributing to enhancing productivity, tracking time, and supporting remote workers.

Insightful: Elevating Workforce Analytics

  • Why Insightful?

    Insightful, as an  employee monitoring & time tracking software, is tailored for modern workplaces, supporting productivity and efficiency. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive analytics make it an ideal companion for businesses embracing the 18 Minutes method.

  • Implementation Highlights:

  • Benchmark Performance: Insightful allows professionals to benchmark their performance, providing valuable insights into productivity trends.

  • Remote Work Adaptability: Purpose-built for remote and hybrid work, Insightful eases the stress of adapting to the flexible nature of modern workplaces, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to enhance the productivity of their team in diverse work environments.

ClickUp: Comprehensive Time Tracking for Enhanced Productivity

  • Why ClickUp?

    The ClickUp integration with Insightful stands out for its ability to monitor time on projects, tasks, and subtasks, making it a perfect fit for the nuanced approach advocated by the 18 Minutes technique.

  • Implementation Highlights:

  • Granular Time Tracking: ClickUp can provide detailed insights into the time spent on specific tasks and subtasks.

Productivity Analysis: The tool allows professionals to evaluate and optimize their time allocation across different levels of their workflow.

We’ve reserved a 7-day free trial for you….

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Productivity and Efficiency Improvements

In Sync with Success: A Blueprint for Productivity Using the 18 Minutes Method

Written by
Dora Ordanić
Published on
February 6, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Streamline your daily routine with intentional morning planning, ensuring a clear structure to enhance the productivity of the workday.

  • Incorporate the 18 Minutes technique into your daily schedule consistently to establish a habit of strategically tracking time using specialized employee monitoring & time tracking software, maintaining focus throughout the day.

  • Leverage the benefits of employee time management software during hourly refocusing to ensure alignment with project milestones and team priorities, fostering continuous course correction.

  • Embrace the flexibility of the 18 Minutes routine to respond effectively to unexpected challenges, adaptable for remote workers.

Read time: 9 minutes.

Making sure that your team stays organized and focused on their professional goals is no easy task when you have a constant influx of upcoming assignments and deadlines. Finding a method that helps you stay grounded and gives you a clear and concise way to stay on top of work can be a great asset in advancing your career. 

Peter Bregman's 18 Minutes technique, focusing on intentional morning planning, hourly refocusing, and reflective evening reviews, offers a clear guide for improving focus and amping up productivity. As professionals seek tangible strategies to manage their time more efficiently, the 18 Minutes technique becomes a straightforward approach. 

In this blog, we explore the ins and outs of this method, aiming to equip you with practical insights to optimize your daily routine and adapt your approach to better face the ever-shifting challenges of the modern work world.

Overview of the 18 Minutes Technique

Bregman's approach involves dedicating five minutes each morning to thoughtful planning, ensuring a clear structure for the day. The idea is to simplify and streamline, making it accessible for individuals seeking practical solutions.

The 18 Minutes technique comprises three fundamental steps:

  • Morning Planning: Dedicate five minutes to intentional time management, establishing priorities for the day.

  • Hourly Refocusing: Throughout the day, take a minute at the top of each hour to reinvigorate your team’s focus, making sure that you all have their priorities straight.

  • Evening Reviews: Set aside five minutes at the end of the day to reflect on accomplishments and identify areas for improvement.

Morning: Set Plan

  • Intentional Planning: Begin by identifying the key tasks and priorities for the day. This should be a focused selection that aligns with your overarching goals.

  • With this plan in mind, a content creator can spend five minutes each morning pinpointing the two most critical tasks for the day—be it crafting a compelling blog post or finalizing a social media strategy. This focused planning ensures the day begins with a clear path forward.

  • Clarity of Purpose: The aim is to bring clarity to your day, ensuring that everyone is not just busy but actively working towards meaningful objectives.

  • A financial analytics team, before diving into daily reports, invests five minutes clarifying the primary objective for each individual—either analyzing quarterly trends or preparing for a client meeting. This clarity ensures the workday remains purpose-driven, and that there is no overlap in who’s working on what.

  • Flexibility: Embrace flexibility within this plan. Life is dynamic, and unexpected tasks are sure to come your way. The morning plan is a guide, not a rigid mandate.

  • Within an IT support team, a systems administrator's morning plan includes the day's priorities. However, if an urgent technical issue arises, the plan adjusts while ensuring essential tasks, like system maintenance, still receive attention.

Throughout the Day: Refocus

  • Consistent Check-ins: Hourly refocusing acts as consistent check-ins, providing professionals, such as project managers overseeing complex initiatives, with crucial navigation points. These one-minute pauses ensure that tasks align with project milestones and team priorities, fostering continuous course correction.

  • Adaptable Focus: This component is about cultivating an adaptable focus. In a bustling customer support environment, hourly refocusing becomes a strategic maneuver. For example, a customer support representative redirects attention to urgent tickets or customer inquiries. This adaptability ensures that the team remains responsive and customer-centric throughout the day, addressing evolving needs promptly.

  • Alignment with Goals: Hourly Refocusing is also a conscious effort to maintain alignment with overarching goals. In a creative department, a graphic design team’s hourly refocusing involves a brief pause to align ongoing design tasks with overarching project goals. It ensures that the creative work seamlessly contributes to larger objectives, maintaining alignment with the team's creative vision.

Evening Review

  • Reflective Assessment: This component involves a thoughtful assessment of the day's accomplishments and areas for improvement. For instance, a project manager dedicates five minutes to gauge what was achieved in alignment with the initial morning plan, ensuring project milestones and team priorities were met.

  • Learning and Adaptation: Evening reviews foster a culture of learning and adaptation, steering away from dwelling on shortcomings. Consider a financial analyst using this time to review the success of daily reports and client meetings. This reflective approach enables the analyst to adapt strategies for more effective future engagements.

  • Strategic Planning for Tomorrow: The final aspect of evening reviews is strategic planning for the next day. An example could be a customer support team lead utilizing this time to outline priorities for the upcoming day, ensuring a seamless transition and a proactive start.

Practical Tips for Implementation

Now that we've explored the core components of the 18 Minutes technique, let's shift our focus to practical tips.

Consistency is Key

Incorporate the 18 Minutes routine into your daily schedule consistently. This ensures that intentional planning, hourly refocusing, and evening reviews become ingrained habits.

Tailor to Your Style

Customize the technique to suit each member of your team. Working with digital tools, handwritten notes, or a combination of both, the 18 Minutes technique can be adapted to align with everyone’s individual preferences.

Prioritize Tasks Effectively

During morning planning, make sure that you check in with members of your teams and remind them of what takes precedence. This will help gather focus and ensure that critical tasks receive the attention they deserve.

Embrace Flexibility

While structure is beneficial, remain open to adapting the technique as needed. Embrace flexibility, especially during hourly refocusing, to respond effectively to unexpected challenges.

Challenges and Solutions

Addressing the challenges of effective time management requires practical solutions. A significant challenge arises from time constraints, especially during busy workdays. To address this, adjust time-management techniques to fit shorter intervals. This ensures that even brief moments of planning, refocusing, and review significantly contribute to overall efficiency.

Another obstacle is resistance to change, often encountered when individuals are accustomed to existing routines. To mitigate this resistance, emphasize the gradual integration of the 18 Minutes routine. This allows for an organic shift in habits, making it easier for individuals to embrace and incorporate the new time-management method into their daily lives.

Distractions and interruptions in the dynamic nature of workplaces pose another challenge. Solutions involve setting boundaries during focused intervals, utilizing technology for reminders, and creating a conducive work environment that minimizes disruptions.

Additionally, the lack of immediate results can be discouraging for some team members. It is crucial to remind them that the 18 Minutes technique is a gradual process, and long-term benefits will emerge as consistent habits develop over time. This perspective helps maintain motivation and reinforces the understanding that the positive impact of the technique unfolds gradually.

Enhancing the 18 Minutes Method with Tools and Resources

Adapting to the 18 Minutes method is made more seamless and impactful with the aid of purpose-built tools contributing to enhancing productivity, tracking time, and supporting remote workers.

Insightful: Elevating Workforce Analytics

  • Why Insightful?

    Insightful, as an  employee monitoring & time tracking software, is tailored for modern workplaces, supporting productivity and efficiency. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive analytics make it an ideal companion for businesses embracing the 18 Minutes method.

  • Implementation Highlights:

  • Benchmark Performance: Insightful allows professionals to benchmark their performance, providing valuable insights into productivity trends.

  • Remote Work Adaptability: Purpose-built for remote and hybrid work, Insightful eases the stress of adapting to the flexible nature of modern workplaces, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to enhance the productivity of their team in diverse work environments.

ClickUp: Comprehensive Time Tracking for Enhanced Productivity

  • Why ClickUp?

    The ClickUp integration with Insightful stands out for its ability to monitor time on projects, tasks, and subtasks, making it a perfect fit for the nuanced approach advocated by the 18 Minutes technique.

  • Implementation Highlights:

  • Granular Time Tracking: ClickUp can provide detailed insights into the time spent on specific tasks and subtasks.

Productivity Analysis: The tool allows professionals to evaluate and optimize their time allocation across different levels of their workflow.