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Kristina Valjarevic

Business ManagementTop 10 Time and Attendance Tracking Software
November 1, 2019

Top 10 Time and Attendance Tracking Software

Looking for a perfect time and attendance tracking software? We've reviewed some of the most popular and in demand systems, analyzed their features and compared their prices. The results are in - here are our top 10 suggestions!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Time TrackingDiscovering the Need for Training and Support with Time Tracking Apps for Employees
September 12, 2019

Discovering the Need for Training and Support with Time Tracking Apps for Employees

Providing training and support to your employees is a big part of running a successful business. Let’s find out how to use time tracking apps for employees to do this!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Productivity and Efficiency ImprovementsTime Management Tips for Architects
January 15, 2020

Time Management Tips for Architects

As an architect, you probably have too much work and not enough hours in a day. Let’s see the 7 best things you can do in order to improve your time management!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Time TrackingTime Tracking Dilemma: Is Faster Always Better or Does More Time Mean More Quality?
August 16, 2019

Time Tracking Dilemma: Is Faster Always Better or Does More Time Mean More Quality?

Measuring time with a task timer is an important part of gauging employees’ efficiency, but it’s not the only one. We have four cases when taking the quality of work into consideration is necessary for good performance estimate.

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Time TrackingHow Time Tracker Can Make You Better at Predicting the Future
August 14, 2019

How Time Tracker Can Make You Better at Predicting the Future

Foresight is a must-have quality for top managers, but you don’t have to exhibit it only through big industry-changing decisions. Small predictions are just as important for running a business successfully and we’ll show you how a humble time tracker can help you with this!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Employee Monitoring4 Ways in Which Employee Monitoring Software Can Do More Harm Than Good
July 4, 2019

4 Ways in Which Employee Monitoring Software Can Do More Harm Than Good

Employee monitoring software can do a lot of harm to an organization... Of course, there's a way to avoid this, and keep your office relationships intact. In this article, we're presenting four ways how PC monitoring software can damage your organization, and what can Insightful do to help you prevent that.

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Productivity and Efficiency ImprovementsMultitasking: The Unusual Suspect in the Case of Low Productivity
August 21, 2019

Multitasking: The Unusual Suspect in the Case of Low Productivity

Doing several things at once might sound like a great idea at first but constantly switching tasks has proved to be a real productivity killer that should be kept to a minimum. Read on to learn how work time tracker can help you solve this problem!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Business ManagementMeetings Done Right: How to Make Them Purposeful and Efficient
March 31, 2020

Meetings Done Right: How to Make Them Purposeful and Efficient

One way to better organize your team’s workflow is to cut down on meetings. Let’s review how to do this in the most effective way!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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