Recently, our team has organized the first Insightful webinar in collaboration with our partners at Xoxoday. We focused on the hybrid working model, and what leaders need to do in order to create an effective hybrid workplace. We talked about company culture, employee experience, and we went through Workpuls and empuls by Xoxoday to see how these tools fit into the workplace of the future.


Below, you'll find the full video recording of the webinar, but you can also read the full transcript and check out the videos from Xoxoday and Workpuls as well. Enjoy!



Webinar Intro


Megan: Thanks, everyone for joining us today. We're excited to dive into how people leaders need to adapt to create an effective hybrid workplace.

My name is Megan Gatlin. I'm VP of Customer Experience and Marketing here at Insightful. I'm joined by John Mills, VP of Business Development at empuls by Xoxoday, as well as Radisa Radisic Enterprise Account Executive at Workpuls. And he'll be helping me with the live product demonstration a bit later on.

A little bit about me: I spent the last 10 plus years leading teams globally across emerging industries, including HR Tech. And today at Workpuls, it's really my job to make sure that our customers have the best experience across companies of all sizes that are using our product. So we are really helping them to understand how, why and where their teams do their best work.

I'm going to talk a little bit more about Workpuls: Workpuls is a workforce productivity analytics solution. We really empower our customers to best manage their teams wherever they are. So again, today we're going to be talking about hybrid specifically, but we also work with teams who are remote or in the office as well. And we do this by using deep behavioral insights and workforce analytics. So today we have more than eight hundred companies and over one hundred thousand plus employees using Workpuls on a daily basis.

So we're excited to have you all here. I'm going to turn it over to John to do a brief intro on himself as well as Xoxoday.

John: Thanks, Megan. Good morning and welcome everyone. My name is John Mills. I am the VP of Business Development at Xoxoday and the empuls platform. I have about 25 years in the human capital management space with respect to helping companies build engagement and recognition and surveys, and pulse with respect to how those people are doing within their organizations.

Xoxoday and empuls, we've built a powerful platform, a holistic platform to help people look at connecting, engaging and recognizing individuals across their corporation. So we'll talk a little bit more later about it, but I’m looking forward to getting comments and talking with you folks today.

Megan: Some brief housekeeping items: the total webinar time will be an hour. We'll do a live Q&A session at forty five minutes. If you have any questions as we're going, it seems that you've already started to use the chat functionality of Zoom, which is great. So if anything comes up as we're talking, feel free to type it in there and we'll do our best to answer all the questions we can. And if for some reason we can't get to your question, we will email you directly after the presentation. You'll also be receiving the video recording of this presentation as well via email. So I'll go to the email that you use to sign up. And then finally, we'd love for you to take an exit survey at the conclusion of the webinar. It'll just help us make sure that we can refine our presentations in the future. And you'll also have access to an extended free trial link for both Workpuls and Xoxoday.

So kind of a benefit of sticking around until the end, that you'll get to actually use that link to sign up for an extended free trial. It's kind of a thank you for joining today, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Before we move forward, we'd love to take an attendee poll so you'll be able to see this pop up in your window. But essentially the question is in the context of hybrid work, what is your team's current work structure? We'd love to see who of you are already working hybrid or if you're not, you know, if you're thinking about it, and then we can tailor part of our presentation directly to kind of the results we get from an attendee poll.

Thank you. Ok, so again, you guys should see that in your screen now. So we'll look over the results in a bit.

Again, we're going to go a little bit further into Workpuls and Xoxoday and give you a little bit more information, kind of high level about who we are, what we do. We'll define exactly what is hybrid work. So we'll talk about some of the benefits and real world examples. John will take us through company culture and HR. So specifically how to think about changing or enhancing your company culture and the role of HR in this new hybrid environment. I'll walk us through the employee experience and kind of how important that is to keep your employee engagement high in a hybrid work environment.

And also, we'll talk about preventing the kind of two team syndrome, which is the us versus them, you know, having some people in the office and others remote and how you can continue to use these things like culture, HR and employee experience to make sure that you're continuing to provide your employees with equal opportunities based on where they're working. 

And we'll talk a little bit about some of the challenges of hybrid work and how you can address them. And then we'll do a live Workpuls demo as well as a video of Xoxoday to give you a little bit more information on the product.

And then from there, like I said, we'll do that Q&A. We'll have a live exit survey and we'll talk about some extended trial options for you to really get to use the software yourself. So, John, I'll turn it over to you.


About empuls by Xoxoday

John: Yeah, thank you. So basically what I kind of like a touch on today is how we developed empuls and the product. And as I mentioned at the top of the webinar today, it's really a holistic type of program where you house all your connections, all your recognition, all your engagement and certainly from a pulse perspective, you start surveying to find out how people are feeling in the organization.

Now that we really have moved to work from home in a hybrid type of marketplace, a corporate structure wise, you know, to quote one of my favorite things happening now and in TV and Disney, Mandalorian: “This is the way.” This is the way it's going to be from now on. Some companies will embrace completely work from home. Others will be more of a hybrid model.  Right now statistics are showing up to 75 percent of companies will be allowing their employees to work part time or even full time from home.


So what you need to do is find a way to engage those folks, whether they're working in a home office or if they happen to go to the office a couple of days a week. And that is where this type of solution comes into play. It's a platform where folks can come in and see each other, connect with each other regardless of where they are in the world. Most of us are spending day after day on Zoom's, day after day on Teams platform or Slack, whatever you're using internally, and you don't really get much interaction with folks except on those platforms.

Managers typically aren't giving a lot of praise, aren't giving a lot of recognition, but they are certainly pointing out things that aren't going well. So it really is a platform where you can help connect each other through also a social network that's there. You can align the behaviors that you want to see your employees use and display in the workforce. You can empower your employees to start reaching out and connecting and congratulating each other, sending a badge, sending an e-card, sending some points to them if you want to reward them. And really on top of that we start surveying. So we let employees do their own surveys… They can start surveying: How am I doing? How do you people feel I'm working with you? Am I doing a great job?

You can also pulse the whole corporation with respect to how things are happening in the organization. Who's doing what? How are you feeling today? And gone are the days of the annual employee satisfaction survey, that doesn't work. That's really looking in the rearview mirror. You've got to be more efficient. You have to be more diverse. You have to make sure you're doing it at least quarterly to find out what's happening. And then you can make some changes if you have to.

But it is all about building that culture and making sure that people are recognizing each other. They're engaging each other and they're making sure that they're living your values from a day to day perspective. And that's what we do with Xoxoday.


About Workpuls

Megan: Thanks, John.

Some more on Workpuls: At its core, Workpuls is really a privacy-first workforce analytics and productivity platform. So it's an agent that installs on company or employee personal devices that they use for work, either on Mac, Windows or Linux. And it's available in the cloud or on premise on your private network. So it's incredibly easy to use and deploy through mass installation options. We have very large enterprise customers that are able to get this up and running within minutes.

And what's really cool about Workpuls is that we ourselves have a hybrid team with staff based all across the world. So for example, our head office out of Serbia, where Radisa is logged in from today, I'm actually on the West Coast, specifically Northern California, hence why it's so dark. We love that we can actually practice what we preach and use our own software to gain productivity insights about how our team is actually doing on a day to day basis. 

And so some of the benefits here are on the screen. But I think really looking at the hybrid kind of environment we've been talking about using Workpuls, you can really gain real time visibility into how your team is working, what they're working on throughout the day, how productive they are. And again, you'll see this in the live demonstration, you’ll really be able to also understand and support your entire team using these productivity insights. So, things like productivity trends, labels and metrics.

We also have time and attendance that can be simplified simply through tracking computer activity. This makes clocking in and out very easy, and it's actually based on the activity that's happening on that given period. So this simplifies things like payroll. 

And then again, on that same note, we have automated time tracking which can help to kind of remove any bottlenecks in processes and also award those that are doing a good job and overall, just optimizing that employee productivity and experience is really what we do here at Workpuls. I think, John, you're going to cover kind of setting the scene for what is hybrid work to really set the foundation for the rest of the conversation.


What is Hybrid Work?

John: Sure. And it's funny. Probably two years ago when you talked about people being able to work from home was almost a perk, right. People would say maybe once a week you get to use a day to work at home and people enjoyed it and they found themselves to be more productive. But as I mentioned before, it really is the way that we're going to see some sort of hybrid model and it could be a couple of days a week in the office, it could be one day a week, three days a week. It's really going to depend on the individual and the organization, how they support their employees. You look at some of the companies that have gone totally hybrid or totally work from home. It's quite amazing, but there's really no one size fits all.

You're going to have to let your employees decide what makes sense. And anyone that has worked from home because of the lockdown, they're realizing: “This is pretty cool. I'm up in the morning early, I have kids, I get them off to school. I'm back, I'm in my office all day. And when they come home from school, I can interact as well. And guess what? My day is over at 6:00. If I want it to be over at 6:00, I can work later if I want, but I'm not commuting three hours a day to work.”

The other thing that you have to look at from a hybrid model is how supportive can you be with your employees at home? Do they have all the tools? They have collaboration and, you know, talking about the Workpuls product, for example, you know, how can they meet as teams?

So I think it's here to stay. We're never going back to everyone back in the office. There are some, you know, jobs, logistics and people, you know, work in warehouses, unfortunately they'll be there full time, but they probably enjoy that, they're used to it. 

But for the most part, people like ourselves are going to be in front of a screen a lot of the day. And what we have to do is make sure we're still managing to engage those folks on a day to day basis in that hybrid model.

Megan: Yeah. And to kind of double down on what you just said. So the benefits of working, giving them the option to work from kind of multiple places is that they have the flexibility to work in a way that's most productive to them.

So just like John was saying, it might be just certain hours of the day or days of the week, but either way, you can ensure that they're happy and you want to retain your employees, right? It supports that greater work life balance. Just also, as John mentioned, so folks with kids or people that may prefer to be in the office versus not, but either way, they have that option.

Of course, it reduces overheads and costs, which is pretty self-explanatory. But I definitely have talked to a lot of people about this that see this as a real benefit.

You can downsize your office space. You have less transportation of people coming in and out of the office. And then one thing that I love here also is that companies can hire and employees can move kind of beyond borders. So again, speaking personally with Workpuls and myself, I've had the opportunity to actually go to Belgrade, Serbia multiple times. It's actually encouraged, and those are the times where you can actually get together and make yourself feel like you really are part of the team, even though you could be very much far away in terms of time.

And then companies can also mitigate, of course, potential Ccovid, so things like sign up sheets limiting the number of people in the office, social distancing, all of that becomes a lot easier and makes people feel really comfortable in this new hybrid model.

So some interesting stats that we found as we were going through kind of thinking about hybrid work is that 82 percent of company leaders say they will permit employees to work remotely. Again this is from Gartner.

Web searches for the term hybrid work increased by 400 percent in the first five months of 2021, which shows you a lot of people are looking into this and wanting to learn more. I think the demand from the employees is very high.

And then sixty six percent of leaders say their company is considering redesigning office space for hybrid work. So from the last poll that we took, it looks like we're at about 50/50 in terms of participants either working hybrid or not. So that's good. I think those of you that already are, probably recognize some of these benefits.

And for those of you who aren't, we're hoping today that we can give you some more information that will help you roll that out in the future. So we have one more attendee poll that I believe Mary and Xoxoday is going to help put up on your screen. What is your biggest challenge or obstacle when going hybrid? So you'll see those options in front of you, if you can help us out by answering that as well. And in the meantime, I'm going to turn over to John, he's going to talk a little bit about some real life examples of companies that have already gone hybrid.

John: Yeah, thanks, Megan. These are some of the folks that, you know, obviously big names that you recognize that, to be honest, they weren't sure what they're going to do at the beginning. There was some big discussions in the boardroom about “Do we go fully hybrid? Do we go fully locked down from home?” But all these folks now have come out and said “You know what, our employees can choose to work from home for as long as they want. Forever.” Microsoft, Google, I had a conversation yesterday with someone from Facebook. And believe it or not, they weren't sure what to do the first couple of months. They didn't know how to onboard people. When you think about it now, you know a lot of the onboarding…

I have only seen people from the waist up for about a year and a half. And so when you're interviewing folks, that's what you're seeing, right. You don't know if they can have three legs, six legs, no legs. But I know they're doing the work so that's fine. But that's kind of the reality nowadays. You don't get a chance to really interact with folks. And gone are the days when, you know, if you wanted an answer to a question, you could walk down to this person's office and stand in their door and wait. That's not happening anymore. Everyone's on meetings or, you know, I'm not taking your call because I'm on a Zoom or whatever it might be.

But the nice thing is these companies have decided, and these are major companies I think people will follow, that this is the way of the future. We have to allow employees to be hybrid or be totally out of the office, decide who does what, Making sure I'm empowering them at home, making sure they have all the equipment they require. Make sure I'm interacting with them on a daily basis, not just calling for meetings, but calling to actually speak to them, saying “How are you doing today? Am I doing OK? Is there anything we can do for you?”

And so I think it's here to stay, and I'm sure Megan, you and your group feel the same way. It's how do we engage all these teams across the world to make sure that you are productive?

Megan: So again, to kind of double down on what John is saying, you naturally need to assume that there's going to be change in how you work with your team now that you're moving over to a potentially hybrid model.

And so the three key areas that we see that in is first company culture. So how do you maintain or improve company culture? HR, how do you need to redefine the role of HR in your workplace? And what John was saying, especially with employee onboarding, that's a huge part of it. And also just ongoing, making sure that they're happy and checking in with them. And then, like we said, the employee experience.

So how do you maintain an engagement level with your employees and keeping them productive and happy when you can't actually see them face to face every single day? So these are kind of the main things we're going to be jumping into. So we'll start with company culture. John, back over to you.

Company Culture in Hybrid Teams

John: Yeah, thanks. So really, it's kind of the HR role to look at how we are going to create or enhance our culture. And typically, regardless of the tools you have, regardless of the training you have internally, we really have tasked our managers in building that culture. But we have to make sure that we're motivating the managers to say, you know, part of your work aside from the task that you have to do is to have some people skills and you have to start trying to engage them on a daily basis with respect to what we're trying to do as a corporation and as a team. And how do I motivate you?

Because a lot of managers get promoted to management because they're good at something. And typically it's a technical skill or I'm a great salesperson. Next thing you know, I'm running a sales team.

I'm a great developer. All of a sudden I'm a project manager. But I don't have the soft side of things to help build that culture internally and to really display to my employees, and to talk to them about why we're doing the things we're doing and what kind of behaviors are important to recognize and develop. 

Culture erosion that's happening now because of the fact that people aren't together very often. And so if they're not engaging and talking to their individuals during the day and saying, Hey, great job, I'm glad you're on the team. What can I do for you today? You're not going to build that culture of inclusion that you want in motivation in the corporation.

What I've seen as well in the last year and a half is really elevation of recognition and rewards. And so you're starting to recognize people internally. There's the old saying that you can recognize people without an award or reward, but never reward somebody without giving them recognition. And there's a big sometimes mix there, because if I'm a manager and I said, Well, I have these great tools and I'm allowed to recognize folks, I just start recognizing, but I don't actually provide the why I'm doing it. There's a rule of specificity that you have to look at, here's why I'm rewarding you and why I'm recognizing you. And here's the impact it had on the organization. The other thing that with our systems and what people are looking at now is really a pulse survey. And so you're reaching out to employees on a regular basis. As I mentioned before, it could be quarterly, it could be monthly, it could be daily, a quick pulse. Hey, how are you feeling today? I'm feeling great, whatever it might be.

Then you get a culture across a corporation. Well, how am I doing? I've got 20000 employees or 5000 employees or 100 employees across the world. How do I know how people are feeling on a daily basis and how they're interacting with each other? And that's where the pulse surveys come into play. And then what that allows you to do is really turn on a dime if you have to. Even a large corporation say, Hey, we have a real problem in this division. No one seems to be engaged with what they're doing. I see it in the surveys. We've got to speak with some of our regional managers. We've got to make sure we're driving down into the workforce. How we feel about them and how important they are and what they're doing makes a difference.

People want to know that their job is specific. They want to know why they're doing it, what it means to the company and they want to be recognized for doing it. That's really what the role of the HR individual comes into play. HR year in the last three or four years, maybe five years, it's finally getting a seat at the C-Suite table because of how important it is to engage employees and to drive the business outcomes of the corporation.

People are looking at the analytics behind the recognition, engagement and what that means to the corporation. Am I measuring it? And then I'm seeing, you know what, the more engaged workforce we have, and the more they feel uncomfortable with what they're doing and [] th\ey are, the more happier our customers are. And that's driving our business outcomes.

So what they're doing is they're looking at, well, how do we do that? How do we adjust it accordingly across our corporation? Do we give? You know, and now because we're going hybrid, why do we look at the work hours? How do we do flexible schedules? How do we give work-life balance? How are we helping our employees with their mental illness and mental anxiety they're having from working from home?

For example, in the Canadian marketplace, where I'm based, in the last year, one in five Canadians left their job due to anxiety and stress. That is a tremendous amount of people when you think of the lost productivity in corporations. So that's where the HR role has really changed from making sure payroll is great and benefits are great to more driving behaviors in an organization to help that company prosper.

Employee Experience in Hybrid Teams

Megan: All right. Thanks, John. So I'll talk a little bit about employee experience. So we just covered culture and HR.

On the kind of experience side of the employees and talking about the best way to make sure that as you're moving over to the hybrid environment, that you're looking at things like employee engagement and monitoring productivity is basically a starting point as you need a way to measure it. And so something you'll see in the Workpuls demos also like the starting point for monitoring and improving productivity is really having a way to actually measure it with data and making that meaningful and being able to track it kind of before and after you move over to these models and how you do that.

And so, for example, you can look at things like productivity trends that show you where employees are more productive? Are they more productive at home or in the office? And by looking at those kinds of things, you can also think about the tools and processes you're using today and how you need to adapt those as you move over to a hybrid model. And so kind of the three pillars under employment engagement is, like we said, depending on data. So use that data, measure it often, involve the employees in the process. So something that we think is really important is actually giving employees the knowledge that you are helping them to be more productive by using these systems and tools and then involving them in the process through reviewing that with them.

And for example, again, with Workpuls you can actually show the employees the data themselves. So it's not just a tool for the managers to know what employees are working on, but also for the employees themselves to be able to benchmark their own success.

And to John's point, also always rewarding and recognizing good behavior and being loud about it. Even if your methods are Slack or on your company all-hands, continuing to drive the positive behavior from your top employees to keep motivating the rest of the team. And then, you know, we talk about this avoided two team syndrome, which again basically is just a fancy way of saying making sure that everyone's included.

So again, if you have maybe a couple of people that are remote, but the majority of the rest of the team is in the office. Thinking about how you can include those people, whether it's like I said, monthly, quarterly, maybe even having a budget set aside that you would normally spend on office time, but actually using that budget for team activities and things like that, which is something that we do at Workpuls often.

I wanted to very quickly highlight one customer that's been very successful in a hybrid model for us. And so this is a company Farmers Insurance and if you're familiar with them, but this is an enterprise level insurance company, they have bit of a franchise model, so they have lots of different offices around the US. And so they're able to actually use our software. And as a result, we're able to drive productivity significantly up as well as increase their revenue. And so I think this is a really good example of tracking productivity and making it fun, as we said. So we're actually giving the employees an opportunity to, as you see in this quote, come up to their managers and say, Hey, how did I do today and start a conversation. And then also getting the employees on board with the entire process.

So something we hear a lot is, well, how do I explain to my employees that we're going to be now using this software to see what they're doing. And the truth is, that's not the goal of Workpuls or I think of any company. Of course, you can use it for that reason, but it's really to start that conversation and allow employees to feel that they're part of the process and getting their feedback on their own performance.  And so this is one company that's been very successful doing that. So I wanted to share that with you all.

And then very quickly, before we jump into the demo portion of today, you know, these are some of the challenges of hybrid work and in the survey that we, the results from before 67 percent said their biggest challenge was or thing they were worried about to overcome was productivity. So we're talking a lot about that.

And then thirty three percent of you said that it was the employee's overall well-being. So I think all that's very much aligned with the things we're talking about today. For me, I've highlighted a few of these that I find most interesting.So I think one, if you look at risk number three, thinking the same systems and processes will naturally translate.

So as we said, I think really analyzing your tool stack and maybe adding new tools or taking some away that are no longer relevant. Something that's really cool with Workpuls also is that actually when you're looking at your teams productivity, you'll be able to see maybe that some applications are no longer being used by certain teams. So it can actually save you some money because you can maybe remove those licenses if they're no longer necessary based on the teams and how they use their systems and tools every day.

Also, as John really touched on well, having a hybrid goal means you're kind of disconnected. So you need to make sure that you really double down on things like quarterly goals, OKRs, all of those things to really make everyone's marching in the same direction. 

It'll be pretty clear to you if people aren't. Because as long as you put the playbook down and people know what their expectations are, then regardless of where they're working or when they decide to work, they're going to be able to show that productivity because it's going to show in the results and their day to day activities.

And then finally, also only monitoring performance of remote, for example. So this is also a common misconception. It actually reinforces that two team syndrome. Don't just monitor the employees that might be at home. If you're going to be using the software and other things, make sure that you're touching base with everyone and treating everyone the same regardless. And again, some people prefer to be in the office, some people prefer to be at home, and regardless they should have the same access to the same information as everyone else.

Let’s go to the demo portion of today. So the first thing that we have to show you is going to be a quick video on Xoxoday and empuls. 

Xoxoday empuls Promo‍


Workpuls Demo




Megan: So now for any of the attendees, if you guys have any questions, I haven't seen any come in yet. Let's see. So there are a couple that came in. Ok, the first one, I guess, John, that is for you. The question is how does empulse fit into the hybrid model?

John: Well, it fits fantastically because it is able to integrate, as you saw before, with teams, with Slack, with success factors. At the same time, it allows you to communicate across the company through single sign on. It's a mobile app as well. So you're never away from being able to collaborate and congratulate folks and then reach out and see what's happening in your organization. So it's fantastic for a hybrid model.

The good thing is that it allows you to get everyone involved in your organization. And if we talked before you mentioned about the team environment and people on zooms and stuff, the risk that you have right now in the hybrid model is maybe one of your performers or someone who's not a large performer in a team, never speaks, never gets a chance, his camera is turned off, you don't see him on Zoom. Versus being in the office when you get that face to face and you interact with them. So this allows employees to reach out to each other very effectively and say, Hey, how are you doing? You know what's going on? How's your day? Ping me back through the system and I want to talk to you.

So it fits great in the hybrid model, and it allows companies to interact with everyone across your organization and for all the employees to interact with each other as well.

Megan: Ok, great. And this is what I think both of us can answer, but I'll kick it off. So it says as a team leader, do you have any advice for getting buy-in from higher ups to adopt a hybrid model?

My take around this and from what we've talked to our customers about is it's important to kind of make your own business case for why hybrid is important. So if you are someone who's reporting up to someone who's more of a decision maker and you're really just trying to get the ball rolling, really talking to the employees put together highlight, I guess, the reasons why you think this is going to be beneficial and also try a pilot.

So I talked to a lot of customers who started with a few people coming into the office and then they slowly built it out. And that allowed them to really kind of take charge of maybe mistakes that they would have made or sensitivities to the employees and really constantly. I mean, John's really touched on this, but constantly checking in also.

So if you do roll this model out, making sure that you have those regular touchpoints to really talk about, not just their productivity, which obviously is why we're here today to talk about, but also their wellbeing. And I think that that's a good way to roll it out in kind of phases and to also be doing a good job of monitoring how you roll it out to make sure that you don't do it too fast and that you do it correctly. I don't know, John, if there's anything you want to add to that.

John: Yeah, I think that the whole thought process around a pilot makes sense. And I think why there's some hesitancy in the workplace is a lot of senior leaders have never worked this way before. And so well, how do I know people are actually productive and actually working? I don't see them every day. I don't see them in the office. I don't see them on the phone if I'm running a call center or whatever it might be.

So there's an inherent fact that you think, Well, if some people are working from home, they're goofing off half the day, they're not actually productive for us. So as you mentioned, it's taking some isolated case. And you know what? Let's see this whole region here. We're going to have them work hybrid and see what their production is like versus someone who's always in the office, and you're probably going to see that they're more productive. And so far it has been the case because first of all, I'm in my office, you know, in my pajamas, at 08:00 in the morning or 7:30 in the morning, and I sit there all day and work hard on Zoom and this and that. And then, you know, I shut my day down, but I'm not spending two and a half hours in traffic. So, of course, I need to be more productive. It's just changing that mindset internally  tha when I trust my employees the employees feel I'm being trusted to work on my own, and I still collaborate, but I'm going to turn in their results as well. And then, as you say, once you prove it, it's going to be easy to expand.

Megan: Yeah, and that's a good dovetail into this next question, which is what insights can get from Workpuls reports?

And so talking about productivity insights is just one piece of it, but that goes much further past just hours worked. So that's why with things, like Radisa showed you, productivity labeling, tracking those specific web or app usage, the time associated with certain projects and tasks. That gives you a whole picture of kind of what your employees are doing. And I think I'd like to double down also on really building that culture of self-improvement by sharing that productivity data with your employees and exactly, to John's point, making sure that you're constantly having rewards and things like that along with that data, so that if there is a maybe not a super positive story, you use it as a point to jump off and try to work together to find a solution versus just pointing the finger. So it really should be a collaboration between HR managers and the employees.

So one other question, John, that I have, maybe for you, it says, what are some of the key points to consider when creating a long term hybrid work strategy? So we talked about kind of a pilot, but what are, I guess, the kinds of things we should consistently be checking in on throughout the process?

John: I think it's really deciding what are your key performance indicators internally you want to measure either from a productivity perspective, customer service perspective and how over time, because you're doing pulse surveys every quarter, you can see why are people more engaged. You can also overlay that with some results because you have your business results that you can look at. So you can really start using that data you talked about from an analytical perspective as saying, you know, here's a region where it's hybrid, here's also a region where they're engaging and recognizing each other, and here's their key performance indicators from a perspective of customer service and business results. And the other thing that we measure, as well as your net promoter scores.

Let's face it, we really want that to be up because the battle for the talent is still out there. And this whole big resignation thought process that people have been coming up with over the last three or four months. You know what, three years ago before COVID forty five percent of your population was still looking to move. It hasn't changed. So if you're not motivating and engaging your employees, especially now during this hybrid model, they're going to be spending half a day looking elsewhere. So you've really got to start doing it and prove it, that it works.

Megan: Yep, Absolutely. Well, those are the questions that we had, so John, I don't know if there's anything else you want to add kind of in closing.

John: No, I just wanted to thank everyone that participated. I think it's a very thought provoking discussion about hybrid. And as I say, it is here to stay. It's just the companies that are able to make it work better and engage their workforce are the ones that are going to thrive. So thanks everybody, and let's talk again soon.

Megan: Yep. And then we'll be following up, like I said, for the trial links for everyone. So if you want to learn more about Workpuls, we'll also include my contact information as well as, John’s. So, thanks so much, guys, and we appreciate it and good luck managing your teams and you'll see in the chat right there. That's the link to sign up for a trial. And again, thanks everyone so much. You'll also be receiving, as I mentioned, the recording and you're free to share that with anyone else that wasn't able to join today. So thank you again. And we look forward to hopefully working and hearing from you guys soon.

Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
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Workpuls & Xoxoday Webinar: How People Leaders Need To Adapt To Create An Effective Hybrid Workplace

Written by
Bojana Djordjevic
Published on
November 17, 2021

Recently, our team has organized the first Insightful webinar in collaboration with our partners at Xoxoday. We focused on the hybrid working model, and what leaders need to do in order to create an effective hybrid workplace. We talked about company culture, employee experience, and we went through Workpuls and empuls by Xoxoday to see how these tools fit into the workplace of the future.


Below, you'll find the full video recording of the webinar, but you can also read the full transcript and check out the videos from Xoxoday and Workpuls as well. Enjoy!



Webinar Intro


Megan: Thanks, everyone for joining us today. We're excited to dive into how people leaders need to adapt to create an effective hybrid workplace.

My name is Megan Gatlin. I'm VP of Customer Experience and Marketing here at Insightful. I'm joined by John Mills, VP of Business Development at empuls by Xoxoday, as well as Radisa Radisic Enterprise Account Executive at Workpuls. And he'll be helping me with the live product demonstration a bit later on.

A little bit about me: I spent the last 10 plus years leading teams globally across emerging industries, including HR Tech. And today at Workpuls, it's really my job to make sure that our customers have the best experience across companies of all sizes that are using our product. So we are really helping them to understand how, why and where their teams do their best work.

I'm going to talk a little bit more about Workpuls: Workpuls is a workforce productivity analytics solution. We really empower our customers to best manage their teams wherever they are. So again, today we're going to be talking about hybrid specifically, but we also work with teams who are remote or in the office as well. And we do this by using deep behavioral insights and workforce analytics. So today we have more than eight hundred companies and over one hundred thousand plus employees using Workpuls on a daily basis.

So we're excited to have you all here. I'm going to turn it over to John to do a brief intro on himself as well as Xoxoday.

John: Thanks, Megan. Good morning and welcome everyone. My name is John Mills. I am the VP of Business Development at Xoxoday and the empuls platform. I have about 25 years in the human capital management space with respect to helping companies build engagement and recognition and surveys, and pulse with respect to how those people are doing within their organizations.

Xoxoday and empuls, we've built a powerful platform, a holistic platform to help people look at connecting, engaging and recognizing individuals across their corporation. So we'll talk a little bit more later about it, but I’m looking forward to getting comments and talking with you folks today.

Megan: Some brief housekeeping items: the total webinar time will be an hour. We'll do a live Q&A session at forty five minutes. If you have any questions as we're going, it seems that you've already started to use the chat functionality of Zoom, which is great. So if anything comes up as we're talking, feel free to type it in there and we'll do our best to answer all the questions we can. And if for some reason we can't get to your question, we will email you directly after the presentation. You'll also be receiving the video recording of this presentation as well via email. So I'll go to the email that you use to sign up. And then finally, we'd love for you to take an exit survey at the conclusion of the webinar. It'll just help us make sure that we can refine our presentations in the future. And you'll also have access to an extended free trial link for both Workpuls and Xoxoday.

So kind of a benefit of sticking around until the end, that you'll get to actually use that link to sign up for an extended free trial. It's kind of a thank you for joining today, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Before we move forward, we'd love to take an attendee poll so you'll be able to see this pop up in your window. But essentially the question is in the context of hybrid work, what is your team's current work structure? We'd love to see who of you are already working hybrid or if you're not, you know, if you're thinking about it, and then we can tailor part of our presentation directly to kind of the results we get from an attendee poll.

Thank you. Ok, so again, you guys should see that in your screen now. So we'll look over the results in a bit.

Again, we're going to go a little bit further into Workpuls and Xoxoday and give you a little bit more information, kind of high level about who we are, what we do. We'll define exactly what is hybrid work. So we'll talk about some of the benefits and real world examples. John will take us through company culture and HR. So specifically how to think about changing or enhancing your company culture and the role of HR in this new hybrid environment. I'll walk us through the employee experience and kind of how important that is to keep your employee engagement high in a hybrid work environment.

And also, we'll talk about preventing the kind of two team syndrome, which is the us versus them, you know, having some people in the office and others remote and how you can continue to use these things like culture, HR and employee experience to make sure that you're continuing to provide your employees with equal opportunities based on where they're working. 

And we'll talk a little bit about some of the challenges of hybrid work and how you can address them. And then we'll do a live Workpuls demo as well as a video of Xoxoday to give you a little bit more information on the product.

And then from there, like I said, we'll do that Q&A. We'll have a live exit survey and we'll talk about some extended trial options for you to really get to use the software yourself. So, John, I'll turn it over to you.


About empuls by Xoxoday

John: Yeah, thank you. So basically what I kind of like a touch on today is how we developed empuls and the product. And as I mentioned at the top of the webinar today, it's really a holistic type of program where you house all your connections, all your recognition, all your engagement and certainly from a pulse perspective, you start surveying to find out how people are feeling in the organization.

Now that we really have moved to work from home in a hybrid type of marketplace, a corporate structure wise, you know, to quote one of my favorite things happening now and in TV and Disney, Mandalorian: “This is the way.” This is the way it's going to be from now on. Some companies will embrace completely work from home. Others will be more of a hybrid model.  Right now statistics are showing up to 75 percent of companies will be allowing their employees to work part time or even full time from home.


So what you need to do is find a way to engage those folks, whether they're working in a home office or if they happen to go to the office a couple of days a week. And that is where this type of solution comes into play. It's a platform where folks can come in and see each other, connect with each other regardless of where they are in the world. Most of us are spending day after day on Zoom's, day after day on Teams platform or Slack, whatever you're using internally, and you don't really get much interaction with folks except on those platforms.

Managers typically aren't giving a lot of praise, aren't giving a lot of recognition, but they are certainly pointing out things that aren't going well. So it really is a platform where you can help connect each other through also a social network that's there. You can align the behaviors that you want to see your employees use and display in the workforce. You can empower your employees to start reaching out and connecting and congratulating each other, sending a badge, sending an e-card, sending some points to them if you want to reward them. And really on top of that we start surveying. So we let employees do their own surveys… They can start surveying: How am I doing? How do you people feel I'm working with you? Am I doing a great job?

You can also pulse the whole corporation with respect to how things are happening in the organization. Who's doing what? How are you feeling today? And gone are the days of the annual employee satisfaction survey, that doesn't work. That's really looking in the rearview mirror. You've got to be more efficient. You have to be more diverse. You have to make sure you're doing it at least quarterly to find out what's happening. And then you can make some changes if you have to.

But it is all about building that culture and making sure that people are recognizing each other. They're engaging each other and they're making sure that they're living your values from a day to day perspective. And that's what we do with Xoxoday.


About Workpuls

Megan: Thanks, John.

Some more on Workpuls: At its core, Workpuls is really a privacy-first workforce analytics and productivity platform. So it's an agent that installs on company or employee personal devices that they use for work, either on Mac, Windows or Linux. And it's available in the cloud or on premise on your private network. So it's incredibly easy to use and deploy through mass installation options. We have very large enterprise customers that are able to get this up and running within minutes.

And what's really cool about Workpuls is that we ourselves have a hybrid team with staff based all across the world. So for example, our head office out of Serbia, where Radisa is logged in from today, I'm actually on the West Coast, specifically Northern California, hence why it's so dark. We love that we can actually practice what we preach and use our own software to gain productivity insights about how our team is actually doing on a day to day basis. 

And so some of the benefits here are on the screen. But I think really looking at the hybrid kind of environment we've been talking about using Workpuls, you can really gain real time visibility into how your team is working, what they're working on throughout the day, how productive they are. And again, you'll see this in the live demonstration, you’ll really be able to also understand and support your entire team using these productivity insights. So, things like productivity trends, labels and metrics.

We also have time and attendance that can be simplified simply through tracking computer activity. This makes clocking in and out very easy, and it's actually based on the activity that's happening on that given period. So this simplifies things like payroll. 

And then again, on that same note, we have automated time tracking which can help to kind of remove any bottlenecks in processes and also award those that are doing a good job and overall, just optimizing that employee productivity and experience is really what we do here at Workpuls. I think, John, you're going to cover kind of setting the scene for what is hybrid work to really set the foundation for the rest of the conversation.


What is Hybrid Work?

John: Sure. And it's funny. Probably two years ago when you talked about people being able to work from home was almost a perk, right. People would say maybe once a week you get to use a day to work at home and people enjoyed it and they found themselves to be more productive. But as I mentioned before, it really is the way that we're going to see some sort of hybrid model and it could be a couple of days a week in the office, it could be one day a week, three days a week. It's really going to depend on the individual and the organization, how they support their employees. You look at some of the companies that have gone totally hybrid or totally work from home. It's quite amazing, but there's really no one size fits all.

You're going to have to let your employees decide what makes sense. And anyone that has worked from home because of the lockdown, they're realizing: “This is pretty cool. I'm up in the morning early, I have kids, I get them off to school. I'm back, I'm in my office all day. And when they come home from school, I can interact as well. And guess what? My day is over at 6:00. If I want it to be over at 6:00, I can work later if I want, but I'm not commuting three hours a day to work.”

The other thing that you have to look at from a hybrid model is how supportive can you be with your employees at home? Do they have all the tools? They have collaboration and, you know, talking about the Workpuls product, for example, you know, how can they meet as teams?

So I think it's here to stay. We're never going back to everyone back in the office. There are some, you know, jobs, logistics and people, you know, work in warehouses, unfortunately they'll be there full time, but they probably enjoy that, they're used to it. 

But for the most part, people like ourselves are going to be in front of a screen a lot of the day. And what we have to do is make sure we're still managing to engage those folks on a day to day basis in that hybrid model.

Megan: Yeah. And to kind of double down on what you just said. So the benefits of working, giving them the option to work from kind of multiple places is that they have the flexibility to work in a way that's most productive to them.

So just like John was saying, it might be just certain hours of the day or days of the week, but either way, you can ensure that they're happy and you want to retain your employees, right? It supports that greater work life balance. Just also, as John mentioned, so folks with kids or people that may prefer to be in the office versus not, but either way, they have that option.

Of course, it reduces overheads and costs, which is pretty self-explanatory. But I definitely have talked to a lot of people about this that see this as a real benefit.

You can downsize your office space. You have less transportation of people coming in and out of the office. And then one thing that I love here also is that companies can hire and employees can move kind of beyond borders. So again, speaking personally with Workpuls and myself, I've had the opportunity to actually go to Belgrade, Serbia multiple times. It's actually encouraged, and those are the times where you can actually get together and make yourself feel like you really are part of the team, even though you could be very much far away in terms of time.

And then companies can also mitigate, of course, potential Ccovid, so things like sign up sheets limiting the number of people in the office, social distancing, all of that becomes a lot easier and makes people feel really comfortable in this new hybrid model.

So some interesting stats that we found as we were going through kind of thinking about hybrid work is that 82 percent of company leaders say they will permit employees to work remotely. Again this is from Gartner.

Web searches for the term hybrid work increased by 400 percent in the first five months of 2021, which shows you a lot of people are looking into this and wanting to learn more. I think the demand from the employees is very high.

And then sixty six percent of leaders say their company is considering redesigning office space for hybrid work. So from the last poll that we took, it looks like we're at about 50/50 in terms of participants either working hybrid or not. So that's good. I think those of you that already are, probably recognize some of these benefits.

And for those of you who aren't, we're hoping today that we can give you some more information that will help you roll that out in the future. So we have one more attendee poll that I believe Mary and Xoxoday is going to help put up on your screen. What is your biggest challenge or obstacle when going hybrid? So you'll see those options in front of you, if you can help us out by answering that as well. And in the meantime, I'm going to turn over to John, he's going to talk a little bit about some real life examples of companies that have already gone hybrid.

John: Yeah, thanks, Megan. These are some of the folks that, you know, obviously big names that you recognize that, to be honest, they weren't sure what they're going to do at the beginning. There was some big discussions in the boardroom about “Do we go fully hybrid? Do we go fully locked down from home?” But all these folks now have come out and said “You know what, our employees can choose to work from home for as long as they want. Forever.” Microsoft, Google, I had a conversation yesterday with someone from Facebook. And believe it or not, they weren't sure what to do the first couple of months. They didn't know how to onboard people. When you think about it now, you know a lot of the onboarding…

I have only seen people from the waist up for about a year and a half. And so when you're interviewing folks, that's what you're seeing, right. You don't know if they can have three legs, six legs, no legs. But I know they're doing the work so that's fine. But that's kind of the reality nowadays. You don't get a chance to really interact with folks. And gone are the days when, you know, if you wanted an answer to a question, you could walk down to this person's office and stand in their door and wait. That's not happening anymore. Everyone's on meetings or, you know, I'm not taking your call because I'm on a Zoom or whatever it might be.

But the nice thing is these companies have decided, and these are major companies I think people will follow, that this is the way of the future. We have to allow employees to be hybrid or be totally out of the office, decide who does what, Making sure I'm empowering them at home, making sure they have all the equipment they require. Make sure I'm interacting with them on a daily basis, not just calling for meetings, but calling to actually speak to them, saying “How are you doing today? Am I doing OK? Is there anything we can do for you?”

And so I think it's here to stay, and I'm sure Megan, you and your group feel the same way. It's how do we engage all these teams across the world to make sure that you are productive?

Megan: So again, to kind of double down on what John is saying, you naturally need to assume that there's going to be change in how you work with your team now that you're moving over to a potentially hybrid model.

And so the three key areas that we see that in is first company culture. So how do you maintain or improve company culture? HR, how do you need to redefine the role of HR in your workplace? And what John was saying, especially with employee onboarding, that's a huge part of it. And also just ongoing, making sure that they're happy and checking in with them. And then, like we said, the employee experience.

So how do you maintain an engagement level with your employees and keeping them productive and happy when you can't actually see them face to face every single day? So these are kind of the main things we're going to be jumping into. So we'll start with company culture. John, back over to you.

Company Culture in Hybrid Teams

John: Yeah, thanks. So really, it's kind of the HR role to look at how we are going to create or enhance our culture. And typically, regardless of the tools you have, regardless of the training you have internally, we really have tasked our managers in building that culture. But we have to make sure that we're motivating the managers to say, you know, part of your work aside from the task that you have to do is to have some people skills and you have to start trying to engage them on a daily basis with respect to what we're trying to do as a corporation and as a team. And how do I motivate you?

Because a lot of managers get promoted to management because they're good at something. And typically it's a technical skill or I'm a great salesperson. Next thing you know, I'm running a sales team.

I'm a great developer. All of a sudden I'm a project manager. But I don't have the soft side of things to help build that culture internally and to really display to my employees, and to talk to them about why we're doing the things we're doing and what kind of behaviors are important to recognize and develop. 

Culture erosion that's happening now because of the fact that people aren't together very often. And so if they're not engaging and talking to their individuals during the day and saying, Hey, great job, I'm glad you're on the team. What can I do for you today? You're not going to build that culture of inclusion that you want in motivation in the corporation.

What I've seen as well in the last year and a half is really elevation of recognition and rewards. And so you're starting to recognize people internally. There's the old saying that you can recognize people without an award or reward, but never reward somebody without giving them recognition. And there's a big sometimes mix there, because if I'm a manager and I said, Well, I have these great tools and I'm allowed to recognize folks, I just start recognizing, but I don't actually provide the why I'm doing it. There's a rule of specificity that you have to look at, here's why I'm rewarding you and why I'm recognizing you. And here's the impact it had on the organization. The other thing that with our systems and what people are looking at now is really a pulse survey. And so you're reaching out to employees on a regular basis. As I mentioned before, it could be quarterly, it could be monthly, it could be daily, a quick pulse. Hey, how are you feeling today? I'm feeling great, whatever it might be.

Then you get a culture across a corporation. Well, how am I doing? I've got 20000 employees or 5000 employees or 100 employees across the world. How do I know how people are feeling on a daily basis and how they're interacting with each other? And that's where the pulse surveys come into play. And then what that allows you to do is really turn on a dime if you have to. Even a large corporation say, Hey, we have a real problem in this division. No one seems to be engaged with what they're doing. I see it in the surveys. We've got to speak with some of our regional managers. We've got to make sure we're driving down into the workforce. How we feel about them and how important they are and what they're doing makes a difference.

People want to know that their job is specific. They want to know why they're doing it, what it means to the company and they want to be recognized for doing it. That's really what the role of the HR individual comes into play. HR year in the last three or four years, maybe five years, it's finally getting a seat at the C-Suite table because of how important it is to engage employees and to drive the business outcomes of the corporation.

People are looking at the analytics behind the recognition, engagement and what that means to the corporation. Am I measuring it? And then I'm seeing, you know what, the more engaged workforce we have, and the more they feel uncomfortable with what they're doing and [] th\ey are, the more happier our customers are. And that's driving our business outcomes.

So what they're doing is they're looking at, well, how do we do that? How do we adjust it accordingly across our corporation? Do we give? You know, and now because we're going hybrid, why do we look at the work hours? How do we do flexible schedules? How do we give work-life balance? How are we helping our employees with their mental illness and mental anxiety they're having from working from home?

For example, in the Canadian marketplace, where I'm based, in the last year, one in five Canadians left their job due to anxiety and stress. That is a tremendous amount of people when you think of the lost productivity in corporations. So that's where the HR role has really changed from making sure payroll is great and benefits are great to more driving behaviors in an organization to help that company prosper.

Employee Experience in Hybrid Teams

Megan: All right. Thanks, John. So I'll talk a little bit about employee experience. So we just covered culture and HR.

On the kind of experience side of the employees and talking about the best way to make sure that as you're moving over to the hybrid environment, that you're looking at things like employee engagement and monitoring productivity is basically a starting point as you need a way to measure it. And so something you'll see in the Workpuls demos also like the starting point for monitoring and improving productivity is really having a way to actually measure it with data and making that meaningful and being able to track it kind of before and after you move over to these models and how you do that.

And so, for example, you can look at things like productivity trends that show you where employees are more productive? Are they more productive at home or in the office? And by looking at those kinds of things, you can also think about the tools and processes you're using today and how you need to adapt those as you move over to a hybrid model. And so kind of the three pillars under employment engagement is, like we said, depending on data. So use that data, measure it often, involve the employees in the process. So something that we think is really important is actually giving employees the knowledge that you are helping them to be more productive by using these systems and tools and then involving them in the process through reviewing that with them.

And for example, again, with Workpuls you can actually show the employees the data themselves. So it's not just a tool for the managers to know what employees are working on, but also for the employees themselves to be able to benchmark their own success.

And to John's point, also always rewarding and recognizing good behavior and being loud about it. Even if your methods are Slack or on your company all-hands, continuing to drive the positive behavior from your top employees to keep motivating the rest of the team. And then, you know, we talk about this avoided two team syndrome, which again basically is just a fancy way of saying making sure that everyone's included.

So again, if you have maybe a couple of people that are remote, but the majority of the rest of the team is in the office. Thinking about how you can include those people, whether it's like I said, monthly, quarterly, maybe even having a budget set aside that you would normally spend on office time, but actually using that budget for team activities and things like that, which is something that we do at Workpuls often.

I wanted to very quickly highlight one customer that's been very successful in a hybrid model for us. And so this is a company Farmers Insurance and if you're familiar with them, but this is an enterprise level insurance company, they have bit of a franchise model, so they have lots of different offices around the US. And so they're able to actually use our software. And as a result, we're able to drive productivity significantly up as well as increase their revenue. And so I think this is a really good example of tracking productivity and making it fun, as we said. So we're actually giving the employees an opportunity to, as you see in this quote, come up to their managers and say, Hey, how did I do today and start a conversation. And then also getting the employees on board with the entire process.

So something we hear a lot is, well, how do I explain to my employees that we're going to be now using this software to see what they're doing. And the truth is, that's not the goal of Workpuls or I think of any company. Of course, you can use it for that reason, but it's really to start that conversation and allow employees to feel that they're part of the process and getting their feedback on their own performance.  And so this is one company that's been very successful doing that. So I wanted to share that with you all.

And then very quickly, before we jump into the demo portion of today, you know, these are some of the challenges of hybrid work and in the survey that we, the results from before 67 percent said their biggest challenge was or thing they were worried about to overcome was productivity. So we're talking a lot about that.

And then thirty three percent of you said that it was the employee's overall well-being. So I think all that's very much aligned with the things we're talking about today. For me, I've highlighted a few of these that I find most interesting.So I think one, if you look at risk number three, thinking the same systems and processes will naturally translate.

So as we said, I think really analyzing your tool stack and maybe adding new tools or taking some away that are no longer relevant. Something that's really cool with Workpuls also is that actually when you're looking at your teams productivity, you'll be able to see maybe that some applications are no longer being used by certain teams. So it can actually save you some money because you can maybe remove those licenses if they're no longer necessary based on the teams and how they use their systems and tools every day.

Also, as John really touched on well, having a hybrid goal means you're kind of disconnected. So you need to make sure that you really double down on things like quarterly goals, OKRs, all of those things to really make everyone's marching in the same direction. 

It'll be pretty clear to you if people aren't. Because as long as you put the playbook down and people know what their expectations are, then regardless of where they're working or when they decide to work, they're going to be able to show that productivity because it's going to show in the results and their day to day activities.

And then finally, also only monitoring performance of remote, for example. So this is also a common misconception. It actually reinforces that two team syndrome. Don't just monitor the employees that might be at home. If you're going to be using the software and other things, make sure that you're touching base with everyone and treating everyone the same regardless. And again, some people prefer to be in the office, some people prefer to be at home, and regardless they should have the same access to the same information as everyone else.

Let’s go to the demo portion of today. So the first thing that we have to show you is going to be a quick video on Xoxoday and empuls. 

Xoxoday empuls Promo‍


Workpuls Demo




Megan: So now for any of the attendees, if you guys have any questions, I haven't seen any come in yet. Let's see. So there are a couple that came in. Ok, the first one, I guess, John, that is for you. The question is how does empulse fit into the hybrid model?

John: Well, it fits fantastically because it is able to integrate, as you saw before, with teams, with Slack, with success factors. At the same time, it allows you to communicate across the company through single sign on. It's a mobile app as well. So you're never away from being able to collaborate and congratulate folks and then reach out and see what's happening in your organization. So it's fantastic for a hybrid model.

The good thing is that it allows you to get everyone involved in your organization. And if we talked before you mentioned about the team environment and people on zooms and stuff, the risk that you have right now in the hybrid model is maybe one of your performers or someone who's not a large performer in a team, never speaks, never gets a chance, his camera is turned off, you don't see him on Zoom. Versus being in the office when you get that face to face and you interact with them. So this allows employees to reach out to each other very effectively and say, Hey, how are you doing? You know what's going on? How's your day? Ping me back through the system and I want to talk to you.

So it fits great in the hybrid model, and it allows companies to interact with everyone across your organization and for all the employees to interact with each other as well.

Megan: Ok, great. And this is what I think both of us can answer, but I'll kick it off. So it says as a team leader, do you have any advice for getting buy-in from higher ups to adopt a hybrid model?

My take around this and from what we've talked to our customers about is it's important to kind of make your own business case for why hybrid is important. So if you are someone who's reporting up to someone who's more of a decision maker and you're really just trying to get the ball rolling, really talking to the employees put together highlight, I guess, the reasons why you think this is going to be beneficial and also try a pilot.

So I talked to a lot of customers who started with a few people coming into the office and then they slowly built it out. And that allowed them to really kind of take charge of maybe mistakes that they would have made or sensitivities to the employees and really constantly. I mean, John's really touched on this, but constantly checking in also.

So if you do roll this model out, making sure that you have those regular touchpoints to really talk about, not just their productivity, which obviously is why we're here today to talk about, but also their wellbeing. And I think that that's a good way to roll it out in kind of phases and to also be doing a good job of monitoring how you roll it out to make sure that you don't do it too fast and that you do it correctly. I don't know, John, if there's anything you want to add to that.

John: Yeah, I think that the whole thought process around a pilot makes sense. And I think why there's some hesitancy in the workplace is a lot of senior leaders have never worked this way before. And so well, how do I know people are actually productive and actually working? I don't see them every day. I don't see them in the office. I don't see them on the phone if I'm running a call center or whatever it might be.

So there's an inherent fact that you think, Well, if some people are working from home, they're goofing off half the day, they're not actually productive for us. So as you mentioned, it's taking some isolated case. And you know what? Let's see this whole region here. We're going to have them work hybrid and see what their production is like versus someone who's always in the office, and you're probably going to see that they're more productive. And so far it has been the case because first of all, I'm in my office, you know, in my pajamas, at 08:00 in the morning or 7:30 in the morning, and I sit there all day and work hard on Zoom and this and that. And then, you know, I shut my day down, but I'm not spending two and a half hours in traffic. So, of course, I need to be more productive. It's just changing that mindset internally  tha when I trust my employees the employees feel I'm being trusted to work on my own, and I still collaborate, but I'm going to turn in their results as well. And then, as you say, once you prove it, it's going to be easy to expand.

Megan: Yeah, and that's a good dovetail into this next question, which is what insights can get from Workpuls reports?

And so talking about productivity insights is just one piece of it, but that goes much further past just hours worked. So that's why with things, like Radisa showed you, productivity labeling, tracking those specific web or app usage, the time associated with certain projects and tasks. That gives you a whole picture of kind of what your employees are doing. And I think I'd like to double down also on really building that culture of self-improvement by sharing that productivity data with your employees and exactly, to John's point, making sure that you're constantly having rewards and things like that along with that data, so that if there is a maybe not a super positive story, you use it as a point to jump off and try to work together to find a solution versus just pointing the finger. So it really should be a collaboration between HR managers and the employees.

So one other question, John, that I have, maybe for you, it says, what are some of the key points to consider when creating a long term hybrid work strategy? So we talked about kind of a pilot, but what are, I guess, the kinds of things we should consistently be checking in on throughout the process?

John: I think it's really deciding what are your key performance indicators internally you want to measure either from a productivity perspective, customer service perspective and how over time, because you're doing pulse surveys every quarter, you can see why are people more engaged. You can also overlay that with some results because you have your business results that you can look at. So you can really start using that data you talked about from an analytical perspective as saying, you know, here's a region where it's hybrid, here's also a region where they're engaging and recognizing each other, and here's their key performance indicators from a perspective of customer service and business results. And the other thing that we measure, as well as your net promoter scores.

Let's face it, we really want that to be up because the battle for the talent is still out there. And this whole big resignation thought process that people have been coming up with over the last three or four months. You know what, three years ago before COVID forty five percent of your population was still looking to move. It hasn't changed. So if you're not motivating and engaging your employees, especially now during this hybrid model, they're going to be spending half a day looking elsewhere. So you've really got to start doing it and prove it, that it works.

Megan: Yep, Absolutely. Well, those are the questions that we had, so John, I don't know if there's anything else you want to add kind of in closing.

John: No, I just wanted to thank everyone that participated. I think it's a very thought provoking discussion about hybrid. And as I say, it is here to stay. It's just the companies that are able to make it work better and engage their workforce are the ones that are going to thrive. So thanks everybody, and let's talk again soon.

Megan: Yep. And then we'll be following up, like I said, for the trial links for everyone. So if you want to learn more about Workpuls, we'll also include my contact information as well as, John’s. So, thanks so much, guys, and we appreciate it and good luck managing your teams and you'll see in the chat right there. That's the link to sign up for a trial. And again, thanks everyone so much. You'll also be receiving, as I mentioned, the recording and you're free to share that with anyone else that wasn't able to join today. So thank you again. And we look forward to hopefully working and hearing from you guys soon.

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