Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Read time: 7 minutes

Today, nearly three-quarters of large companies admit they are exposed to significant risks from their own staff, with incidents on the rise by 47% in the last two years. These threats come from within: employees or partners who misuse their access to vital systems and data. 

In recent years, reports have highlighted a disturbing trend: It takes an average of 86 days to identify and contain insider incidents. Each day that an insider threat goes unnoticed could potentially lead to irreversible damage to a company's operations, its reputation, and its bottom line.

Could organizations become more secure if they had the computer monitoring tools to swiftly detect and manage these risks before any damage is done?

We dive deeper into the nature of insider threats to help you understand how they manifest— from data exfiltration to outright sabotage. In addition, find out how Insightful’s employee activity monitoring software, real-time analytics, and security alerts empower organizations to anticipate and respond to threats.

Understanding Insider Threats

Insider threats manifest in various ways, each with its distinct impact on an organization. These can be broadly categorized into intentional acts and accidents, driven by different motivations:

Intentional Misconduct

❗Data Theft:
Employees might access and exfiltrate sensitive information such as customer data, trade secrets, or proprietary research for personal gain or to benefit a competitor.

This includes deliberate actions aimed at disrupting operations, damaging systems, or financially harming the organization, often triggered by dissatisfaction or revenge against the company.

Employees may manipulate financial records or embezzle funds, typically for personal financial benefit.

Disclosing confidential information to external parties, compromising the organization’s competitive edge, often motivated by ideological beliefs or financial incentives.

Accidental Actions

Careless behavior such as mishandling data, poor password management, or failure to follow security protocols, usually stemming from a lack of awareness or training.

The motivations behind these actions vary widely, ranging from financial gain, revenge for perceived mistreatment, ideological reasons, or simply opportunism. In some cases, external pressures or coercion from criminal groups or competitors can drive an insider to act against their organization.

With the proper tools, you can tailor your preventive strategies to address the risks posed by different insider profiles. Monitoring tools like Insightful's user activity monitoring software can be critical in detecting unusual activities that may indicate insider threats before they result in significant damage.

Unpacking the Dynamics of Insider Threats

While the basic categories of insider threats provide a foundation for understanding these risks, a deeper dive into the psychological, technological, and societal layers reveals a more complex picture. 

As organizations strive to fortify their defenses, it's important to explore beyond the obvious and consider the subtler forces that shape insider behaviors. 

Psychological Factors Influencing Insider Behavior

While motivations like financial gain or revenge are well-documented, the psychological underpinnings of insider threats often receive less attention. 

Factors such as job dissatisfaction, perceived injustice, or loyalty shifts can subtly influence an employee's actions. Understanding these nuances can help you develop more targeted interventions:

  • Organizational Climate: A toxic work environment, lack of recognition, and perceived inequality can foster negative behaviors.

  • Psychological Ownership: Employees with a strong sense of entitlement towards company data or projects might justify unethical actions to protect what they perceive as theirs.

  • Behavioral Cues: Changes in mood, work habits, or social dynamics can be early indicators of potential insider threats.

Best Practice

✅ Cultivate a Positive Organizational Climate:
Foster an inclusive, transparent culture through open communication, fair treatment, and employee recognition.

✅ Manage Psychological Ownership: Clearly define data ownership policies while promoting collective responsibility and ethical data management.

✅ Detect Behavioral Cues: Train managers to identify behavioral changes and establish anonymous reporting channels for early detection of insider threats.

Technological Trends & Insider Threats

The rapid evolution of technology requires more sophisticated security measures as it introduces new vulnerabilities. Here are a few of the ways tech trends impact security: 

  • Remote Work Dynamics: The shift to remote work systems has expanded the traditional perimeter, making it harder to monitor and control access points, requiring novel security approaches that consider use of personal computers and off-site risks.

  • AI & Automation: While AI can enhance employee productivity monitoring and detection, it also raises concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse in crafting more sophisticated attacks.

  • Cloud Storage & Data Access: Increased reliance on cloud services makes centralized monitoring challenging. Ensuring secure data access across multiple platforms and devices is now more important than ever.

🔓 Best Practice

✅ Adapt to Remote Work Dynamics:
Implement novel security approaches that consider off-site risks by expanding access controls and monitoring across remote networks.

✅ Leverage AI & Automation Responsibly: Use AI to enhance monitoring while addressing privacy concerns and preventing misuse through strict governance policies.

✅ Securing Cloud Storage & Data Access: Ensure secure data access across platforms and devices by centralizing monitoring and reinforcing access controls.

Societal & Economic Impacts of Insider Threats

The consequences of insider threats extend beyond individual organizations, affecting entire industries and economies:

  • Market Stability: High-profile insider incidents can shake investor confidence and affect market stability. Industries heavily reliant on data security, such as finance and healthcare, are particularly vulnerable.

  • Regulatory Evolution: As insider threats evolve, so do the regulatory frameworks designed to combat them. Organizations must stay ahead of compliance requirements that are increasingly complex and global in scope.

  • Public Trust & Privacy Concerns: Effective handling of insider threats is crucial in maintaining public trust. Conversely, overly aggressive monitoring can lead to privacy infringements, creating a delicate balance for organizations to manage.

🔓 Best Practice

✅ Protect Market Stability:
Strengthen data security in industries like finance and healthcare to prevent high-profile insider incidents that could undermine investor confidence.

✅ Navigate Regulatory Evolution: Stay ahead of complex global compliance requirements by proactively monitoring insider threat trends and adapting security measures accordingly.

✅ Maintaining Public Trust & Privacy: Balance effective insider threat management with privacy concerns by implementing transparent monitoring practices and clearly communicating data policies.

Having explored the complex dynamics behind insider threats, it is clear that an integrated tactic is necessary to combat them.

Luckily, Insightful is one of many time tracking online tools poised to address these challenges.

Leveraging Insightful for Insider Threat Detection

Insightful employee productivity tracking software is a sophisticated monitoring and application time tracking platform that equips organizations to manage insider threats effectively. It features real-time security alerts essential for administrators and managers to maintain vigilance and swiftly respond to suspicious activities.

Insightful's alert system focuses on critical incidents to provide managers with concise, actionable information:

  • Customizable Alerts: Tailor alerts to notify administrators about specific unauthorized actions quickly, preventing potential breaches.

  • User Engagement Monitoring: Monitor engagement levels to identify potentially disengaged employees who might pose insider threats.

Insightful productivity monitoring tool enhances insider threat detection, enabling managers to effectively safeguard sensitive data and ensure productivity. The platform’s real-time monitoring and customizable alerts swiftly pinpoint suspicious activities, reducing the risk of breaches that can be costly—estimating losses up to $18.33 million annually. 

Understanding insider threats is the first step; actively mitigating them is where Insightful activity tracking software makes a difference. This blog has outlined the subtle yet significant behaviors that signal risks within an organization. Now, equipped with this knowledge, it's crucial to integrate Insightful's advanced tools for PC monitoring screen activity and capabilities to enhance your security framework.

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It Takes 86 Days to Detect a Threat from Within - Here’s How Insightful Can Help

Written by
Dora Ordanić
Published on
May 9, 2024

Read time: 7 minutes

Today, nearly three-quarters of large companies admit they are exposed to significant risks from their own staff, with incidents on the rise by 47% in the last two years. These threats come from within: employees or partners who misuse their access to vital systems and data. 

In recent years, reports have highlighted a disturbing trend: It takes an average of 86 days to identify and contain insider incidents. Each day that an insider threat goes unnoticed could potentially lead to irreversible damage to a company's operations, its reputation, and its bottom line.

Could organizations become more secure if they had the computer monitoring tools to swiftly detect and manage these risks before any damage is done?

We dive deeper into the nature of insider threats to help you understand how they manifest— from data exfiltration to outright sabotage. In addition, find out how Insightful’s employee activity monitoring software, real-time analytics, and security alerts empower organizations to anticipate and respond to threats.

Understanding Insider Threats

Insider threats manifest in various ways, each with its distinct impact on an organization. These can be broadly categorized into intentional acts and accidents, driven by different motivations:

Intentional Misconduct

❗Data Theft:
Employees might access and exfiltrate sensitive information such as customer data, trade secrets, or proprietary research for personal gain or to benefit a competitor.

This includes deliberate actions aimed at disrupting operations, damaging systems, or financially harming the organization, often triggered by dissatisfaction or revenge against the company.

Employees may manipulate financial records or embezzle funds, typically for personal financial benefit.

Disclosing confidential information to external parties, compromising the organization’s competitive edge, often motivated by ideological beliefs or financial incentives.

Accidental Actions

Careless behavior such as mishandling data, poor password management, or failure to follow security protocols, usually stemming from a lack of awareness or training.

The motivations behind these actions vary widely, ranging from financial gain, revenge for perceived mistreatment, ideological reasons, or simply opportunism. In some cases, external pressures or coercion from criminal groups or competitors can drive an insider to act against their organization.

With the proper tools, you can tailor your preventive strategies to address the risks posed by different insider profiles. Monitoring tools like Insightful's user activity monitoring software can be critical in detecting unusual activities that may indicate insider threats before they result in significant damage.

Unpacking the Dynamics of Insider Threats

While the basic categories of insider threats provide a foundation for understanding these risks, a deeper dive into the psychological, technological, and societal layers reveals a more complex picture. 

As organizations strive to fortify their defenses, it's important to explore beyond the obvious and consider the subtler forces that shape insider behaviors. 

Psychological Factors Influencing Insider Behavior

While motivations like financial gain or revenge are well-documented, the psychological underpinnings of insider threats often receive less attention. 

Factors such as job dissatisfaction, perceived injustice, or loyalty shifts can subtly influence an employee's actions. Understanding these nuances can help you develop more targeted interventions:

  • Organizational Climate: A toxic work environment, lack of recognition, and perceived inequality can foster negative behaviors.

  • Psychological Ownership: Employees with a strong sense of entitlement towards company data or projects might justify unethical actions to protect what they perceive as theirs.

  • Behavioral Cues: Changes in mood, work habits, or social dynamics can be early indicators of potential insider threats.

Best Practice

✅ Cultivate a Positive Organizational Climate:
Foster an inclusive, transparent culture through open communication, fair treatment, and employee recognition.

✅ Manage Psychological Ownership: Clearly define data ownership policies while promoting collective responsibility and ethical data management.

✅ Detect Behavioral Cues: Train managers to identify behavioral changes and establish anonymous reporting channels for early detection of insider threats.

Technological Trends & Insider Threats

The rapid evolution of technology requires more sophisticated security measures as it introduces new vulnerabilities. Here are a few of the ways tech trends impact security: 

  • Remote Work Dynamics: The shift to remote work systems has expanded the traditional perimeter, making it harder to monitor and control access points, requiring novel security approaches that consider use of personal computers and off-site risks.

  • AI & Automation: While AI can enhance employee productivity monitoring and detection, it also raises concerns about privacy and the potential for misuse in crafting more sophisticated attacks.

  • Cloud Storage & Data Access: Increased reliance on cloud services makes centralized monitoring challenging. Ensuring secure data access across multiple platforms and devices is now more important than ever.

🔓 Best Practice

✅ Adapt to Remote Work Dynamics:
Implement novel security approaches that consider off-site risks by expanding access controls and monitoring across remote networks.

✅ Leverage AI & Automation Responsibly: Use AI to enhance monitoring while addressing privacy concerns and preventing misuse through strict governance policies.

✅ Securing Cloud Storage & Data Access: Ensure secure data access across platforms and devices by centralizing monitoring and reinforcing access controls.

Societal & Economic Impacts of Insider Threats

The consequences of insider threats extend beyond individual organizations, affecting entire industries and economies:

  • Market Stability: High-profile insider incidents can shake investor confidence and affect market stability. Industries heavily reliant on data security, such as finance and healthcare, are particularly vulnerable.

  • Regulatory Evolution: As insider threats evolve, so do the regulatory frameworks designed to combat them. Organizations must stay ahead of compliance requirements that are increasingly complex and global in scope.

  • Public Trust & Privacy Concerns: Effective handling of insider threats is crucial in maintaining public trust. Conversely, overly aggressive monitoring can lead to privacy infringements, creating a delicate balance for organizations to manage.

🔓 Best Practice

✅ Protect Market Stability:
Strengthen data security in industries like finance and healthcare to prevent high-profile insider incidents that could undermine investor confidence.

✅ Navigate Regulatory Evolution: Stay ahead of complex global compliance requirements by proactively monitoring insider threat trends and adapting security measures accordingly.

✅ Maintaining Public Trust & Privacy: Balance effective insider threat management with privacy concerns by implementing transparent monitoring practices and clearly communicating data policies.

Having explored the complex dynamics behind insider threats, it is clear that an integrated tactic is necessary to combat them.

Luckily, Insightful is one of many time tracking online tools poised to address these challenges.

Leveraging Insightful for Insider Threat Detection

Insightful employee productivity tracking software is a sophisticated monitoring and application time tracking platform that equips organizations to manage insider threats effectively. It features real-time security alerts essential for administrators and managers to maintain vigilance and swiftly respond to suspicious activities.

Insightful's alert system focuses on critical incidents to provide managers with concise, actionable information:

  • Customizable Alerts: Tailor alerts to notify administrators about specific unauthorized actions quickly, preventing potential breaches.

  • User Engagement Monitoring: Monitor engagement levels to identify potentially disengaged employees who might pose insider threats.

Insightful productivity monitoring tool enhances insider threat detection, enabling managers to effectively safeguard sensitive data and ensure productivity. The platform’s real-time monitoring and customizable alerts swiftly pinpoint suspicious activities, reducing the risk of breaches that can be costly—estimating losses up to $18.33 million annually. 

Understanding insider threats is the first step; actively mitigating them is where Insightful activity tracking software makes a difference. This blog has outlined the subtle yet significant behaviors that signal risks within an organization. Now, equipped with this knowledge, it's crucial to integrate Insightful's advanced tools for PC monitoring screen activity and capabilities to enhance your security framework.

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