Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • BPOs offer a range of services, including tech infrastructure setup, IT support, cybersecurity, data management, and remote monitoring, to help companies manage remote work effectively.

  • Outsourcing opens the door to cost-effective labor pools, specialized expertise, focus on core competencies, and flexible pricing models, contributing to significant cost savings for companies practicing remote work.

  • Partnering with a BPO company helps scale remote workforce, access global talent pools, use on-demand services, and implement agile project management, allowing businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and business needs.

  • BPOs enhance resilience through business continuity planning, remote security measures, training, strategic planning, and risk management.

Read time: 9 minutes

What role do BPOs have in this new era? 

In this article, we delve into the competitive advantages of choosing to partner with a BBP as a remote company. From embracing employee monitoring solutions to reimagining workforce strategies, we’ll explore the dynamic intersection of remote work and BPO services.

What Services Do BPOs Provide?

First things first: what are BPOs and what do they do?

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies offer a wide range of services, from customer support to back-office tasks like data entry and administrative duties. Other standard outsourcing services include helpdesk support, network management, software development, and IT consulting services.

However, many companies are outsourcing more complex tasks to save resources for core activities. This could include finance and accounting services, like payroll processing and financial reporting, or HR services, such as recruitment and onboarding.

Cost-Effective Access to Advanced Technology 

Remote and hybrid companies often rely on cutting-edge technology for communication, collaboration, and operational processes. Similarly, BPOs constantly invest in advanced technologies to keep a competitive edge in the outsourcing market.

Through working with a BPO, companies can gain access to innovative solutions that might otherwise be too costly or complex. The partnership can ensure remote and hybrid companies can leverage tech advancements to improve their positioning in the marketplace without the need to sacrifice in-house resources. 

What are some of the solutions BPOs can offer remote companies to further their competitive advantage and expand their resources?

Remote IT Setup & Support

By partnering with a BPO for remote IT setup and support, companies can avoid big upfront investments in infrastructure, such as servers, networking equipment, and software licenses. Instead, the BPO typically provides access to cloud-based solutions, platforms, and other IT resources.

BPOs that specialize in IT setup and support have teams of skilled professionals with expertise in various technologies and platforms. Instead of hiring and training in-house IT staff, remote companies can access this expertise on-demand through their BPO partner, paying only for the services they need. This eliminates the overhead costs of maintaining a full-time IT team while ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

Finally, BPOs offer flexible service agreements that allow companies to scale IT support services up or down as needed, providing cost-effective solutions that align with changing business needs. This scalability ensures remote companies can efficiently manage their IT resources without overspending on unnecessary infrastructure or personnel.

Cybersecurity Solutions

Partnering with a cybersecurity-focused BPO means remote companies can have access to advanced security technologies without having to build an in-house security team. It’s a strategic move that allows businesses to benefit from robust protection against cyber threats without spending a fortune on security hardware and software.

Cybersecurity BPOs also have multiple clients, allowing them to spread the costs of security infrastructure and personnel across their customer base. This cost-sharing model means companies can access high-quality cybersecurity services at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, BPOs can offer cybersecurity services on a subscription basis, providing cost-effective solutions that fit within remote companies' budgets.

Data Management & Storage

Instead of investing in elaborate systems, remote companies can use the existing infrastructure of BPOs and only pay for the storage and management services required. The cost-saving strategy allows businesses to distribute their financial resources more efficiently, focusing on core business activities.

To illustrate with an example: in recent years, there has been a significant rise in telemedicine and remote healthcare services, especially with the increasing demand for remote consultations and digital health solutions. As the volume of patient data increases, storage and management become more challenging. By partnering with a BPO, the company can easily scale operations without worrying about infrastructure limitations or data security concerns.

Outsourcing data storage and management to a BPO can also boost the resilience and flexibility of remote companies. BPOs usually put strong data security measures in place, like encryption and regular backups, to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and loss. This allows remote companies to concentrate on innovation and growth, knowing their data is well looked after by a reliable partner.

Strategic Savings & Growth

Remote and hybrid models already save on physical office space and related overheads. The additional cost benefits gained from BPO partnerships—stemming from lower labor costs in BPO locations—further amplify financial efficiency. 

This synergy allows for reallocating saved resources towards growth initiatives, technology upgrades, or enhancing employee benefits, contributing to a more robust and competitive business model.

Access to a Cost-Effective Labor Pool

Outsourcing gives access to a cost-effective labor pool, especially in offshore and nearshore locations where labor costs may be lower compared to traditional onshore options. That way, companies can use this cost advantage and save up on labor expenses

Take, for example, a tech startup in Silicon Valley that, facing high local labor costs, partners with a BPO firm in Eastern Europe to develop a new mobile application. 

The strategic collaboration provides access to a skilled yet cost-effective labor pool, significantly reducing development expenses. The savings enable the startup to enhance the app's features, amplify marketing efforts, and set aside resources for future projects. 

As seen in our example, outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs can optimize budgets without compromising quality, fostering growth and competitiveness.

Leveraging Specialized Expertise

Remote companies that partner with BPOs have access to specialized expertise, meaning they can benefit from high-quality services without the need to hire and train in-house personnel. This allows them to execute projects more efficiently, achieve better outcomes, and drive growth through innovation and improved service. 

Let’s look at a hypothetical situation. A financial services company partners with a BPO specializing in AI to develop an advanced chatbot. They specifically want to bypass the need to recruit and train a specialized team internally. 

Using the BPO's expertise in AI and financial applications, the company was able to launch the chatbot and enhance customer service quickly. At the same time, they achieved significant cost savings by not having to hire additional customer service reps or retrain current employees.

Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing non-core activities to BPOs allows remote companies to focus their internal resources and expertise on core competencies that directly contribute to their competitive advantage and business objectives. 

Hiring BPOs for tasks like administrative support, payroll processing, or customer service means remote companies can streamline operations, increase efficiency, and accelerate growth without 

To illustrate the point, imagine an e-commerce startup specializing in artisanal products. The company decides to outsource its customer service to a BPO to save time and money for more important tasks. The business can now focus on activities that drive growth, like sourcing unique items, marketing, and enhancing its platform. 

Flexible Pricing Models

BPOs often offer flexible pricing models, like pay-per-service or subscription-based arrangements, which allow remote companies to adjust based on budget and business needs. The flexibility allows businesses to tailor their outsourcing efforts based on changes in demand or market conditions. Plus, it helps companies save costs and stay agile in how they operate.

By working with BPOs, remote companies can achieve strategic savings and distribute resources more effectively to support sustainable growth and potential expansion.

Take for instance a software development company experiencing fluctuating project demands. They partner with a BPO for quality assurance (QA) testing. Given the project-based nature of their work, the company opts for a pay-per-use pricing model with the BPO. 

This arrangement means the company only engages and pays for QA services when there's an active development cycle, avoiding fixed costs during downtimes. Working with a BPO ensures they maintain high-quality outputs without the financial burden of an in-house QA team. As a result, the company optimizes its budget and enhances operational efficiency.

Scalability & Efficiency with Zero Overhead

Remote and hybrid companies often experience fluctuating work volumes due to their dynamic business environments. The scalability offered by BPOs aligns perfectly with this, allowing for swift adjustment of team sizes without impacting the core team's stability. 

This elasticity is crucial for maintaining service levels during demand spikes or scaling back during quieter periods. In other words, scalability ensures operational efficiency without the burden of fixed long-term overheads.

Flexible Remote Workforce

Companies can rely on BPOs to build a flexible remote workforce by outsourcing tasks to remote workers as needed. Instead of hiring full-time employees, businesses can engage with BPOs to quickly scale up or down based on project requirements or changes in workload

Scalability allows companies to manage their workforce without the burden of fixed long-term overheads. As a result, they can make sure resources are used wisely and adapt to business needs.

How does this translate to the real world? For example, a software development startup with a distributed team of developers and designers could benefit from partnering with a BPO. 

During peak development phases, the startup can quickly scale up by outsourcing additional developers or designers. On the other hand, during quieter periods, they can reduce staffing levels to optimize costs, remaining flexible in their remote work setup.

On-Demand Remote Services 

With BPOs' on-demand remote services, companies can access specialized skills and resources without committing to long-term contracts or fixed costs. Whether it's customer support, data entry, or software development, BPOs offer services that can be easily scaled up or down based on business demand. 

The on-demand model means companies are only paying for the services they use, without the costs associated with maintaining an in-house team for every task.

Put simply, if a company specializes in social media management, having a BPO  handle content creation, graphic design, or customer support would be a cost-effective strategy. 

Outsourcing these tasks would help the agency scale its remote workforce according to client demands without long-term commitments. This flexibility allows them to effectively manage workload fluctuations while delivering high-quality services to clients.

Agile Project Management 

Agile project management is the ability to adapt to changing project requirements and priorities. BPOs that specialize in agile methods help keep projects on course by dividing them into smaller tasks and regularly checking progress.

A more agile approach helps remote companies work more efficiently by reducing delays and making better use of resources, all without committing to long-term plans or fixed costs like traditional project management. This is especially useful to companies working on multiple client projects. 

Cost-Effective 24/7 Operations & Risk Management 

The flexibility that comes with remote and hybrid work setups can be enhanced by BPOs and their 24/7 operational capabilities. Outsourcing means companies can offer uninterrupted services to their global clientele, a critical factor for customer satisfaction and retention in today's always-on economy. Providing round-the-clock services without burdening the core team enhances brand reputation and operational resilience.

Partnering with BPOs that offer 24/7 service also extends a company’s reach across different time zones and markets. This opens the door to new customer segments and drives growth without the constraints of traditional business hours.

Risk Assessment & Contingency Planning

BPOs help remote companies prevent costly disruptions to their operations. Experience and specialized outsourcing teams can conduct thorough assessments efficiently, ensuring that no critical risks are overlooked.

For example, in the event of a network outage or cybersecurity breach, the cost of downtime for remote companies can be quite high. It may lead to lost revenue, decreased productivity, and even damage their reputation. Partnering with a BPO that offers uninterrupted risk management services can minimize the likelihood and impact of such disruptions.

Bump Up the BPO and Facilitate Remote Work with Insightful

Insightful, an advanced remote staff monitoring software, revolutionizes remote work and outsourcing operations. With real-time employee computer monitoring and time tracking, the platform provides valuable insights into remote workforce dynamics.

However, Insightful goes beyond monitoring remote teams, offering detailed process analysis and task tracking to address workflow inefficiencies. The software was designed to foster transparency and collaboration within remote teams. 

Through data-driven decision-making, Insightful empowers companies to make informed choices, optimize resource allocation, and capitalize on remote work and outsourcing.

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Business Management

The Strategic Advantage of BPO Partnership for Remote Companies

Written by
Sonja Glisic
Published on
March 6, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • BPOs offer a range of services, including tech infrastructure setup, IT support, cybersecurity, data management, and remote monitoring, to help companies manage remote work effectively.

  • Outsourcing opens the door to cost-effective labor pools, specialized expertise, focus on core competencies, and flexible pricing models, contributing to significant cost savings for companies practicing remote work.

  • Partnering with a BPO company helps scale remote workforce, access global talent pools, use on-demand services, and implement agile project management, allowing businesses to adapt to changing market conditions and business needs.

  • BPOs enhance resilience through business continuity planning, remote security measures, training, strategic planning, and risk management.

Read time: 9 minutes

What role do BPOs have in this new era? 

In this article, we delve into the competitive advantages of choosing to partner with a BBP as a remote company. From embracing employee monitoring solutions to reimagining workforce strategies, we’ll explore the dynamic intersection of remote work and BPO services.

What Services Do BPOs Provide?

First things first: what are BPOs and what do they do?

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies offer a wide range of services, from customer support to back-office tasks like data entry and administrative duties. Other standard outsourcing services include helpdesk support, network management, software development, and IT consulting services.

However, many companies are outsourcing more complex tasks to save resources for core activities. This could include finance and accounting services, like payroll processing and financial reporting, or HR services, such as recruitment and onboarding.

Cost-Effective Access to Advanced Technology 

Remote and hybrid companies often rely on cutting-edge technology for communication, collaboration, and operational processes. Similarly, BPOs constantly invest in advanced technologies to keep a competitive edge in the outsourcing market.

Through working with a BPO, companies can gain access to innovative solutions that might otherwise be too costly or complex. The partnership can ensure remote and hybrid companies can leverage tech advancements to improve their positioning in the marketplace without the need to sacrifice in-house resources. 

What are some of the solutions BPOs can offer remote companies to further their competitive advantage and expand their resources?

Remote IT Setup & Support

By partnering with a BPO for remote IT setup and support, companies can avoid big upfront investments in infrastructure, such as servers, networking equipment, and software licenses. Instead, the BPO typically provides access to cloud-based solutions, platforms, and other IT resources.

BPOs that specialize in IT setup and support have teams of skilled professionals with expertise in various technologies and platforms. Instead of hiring and training in-house IT staff, remote companies can access this expertise on-demand through their BPO partner, paying only for the services they need. This eliminates the overhead costs of maintaining a full-time IT team while ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

Finally, BPOs offer flexible service agreements that allow companies to scale IT support services up or down as needed, providing cost-effective solutions that align with changing business needs. This scalability ensures remote companies can efficiently manage their IT resources without overspending on unnecessary infrastructure or personnel.

Cybersecurity Solutions

Partnering with a cybersecurity-focused BPO means remote companies can have access to advanced security technologies without having to build an in-house security team. It’s a strategic move that allows businesses to benefit from robust protection against cyber threats without spending a fortune on security hardware and software.

Cybersecurity BPOs also have multiple clients, allowing them to spread the costs of security infrastructure and personnel across their customer base. This cost-sharing model means companies can access high-quality cybersecurity services at a fraction of the cost. Additionally, BPOs can offer cybersecurity services on a subscription basis, providing cost-effective solutions that fit within remote companies' budgets.

Data Management & Storage

Instead of investing in elaborate systems, remote companies can use the existing infrastructure of BPOs and only pay for the storage and management services required. The cost-saving strategy allows businesses to distribute their financial resources more efficiently, focusing on core business activities.

To illustrate with an example: in recent years, there has been a significant rise in telemedicine and remote healthcare services, especially with the increasing demand for remote consultations and digital health solutions. As the volume of patient data increases, storage and management become more challenging. By partnering with a BPO, the company can easily scale operations without worrying about infrastructure limitations or data security concerns.

Outsourcing data storage and management to a BPO can also boost the resilience and flexibility of remote companies. BPOs usually put strong data security measures in place, like encryption and regular backups, to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and loss. This allows remote companies to concentrate on innovation and growth, knowing their data is well looked after by a reliable partner.

Strategic Savings & Growth

Remote and hybrid models already save on physical office space and related overheads. The additional cost benefits gained from BPO partnerships—stemming from lower labor costs in BPO locations—further amplify financial efficiency. 

This synergy allows for reallocating saved resources towards growth initiatives, technology upgrades, or enhancing employee benefits, contributing to a more robust and competitive business model.

Access to a Cost-Effective Labor Pool

Outsourcing gives access to a cost-effective labor pool, especially in offshore and nearshore locations where labor costs may be lower compared to traditional onshore options. That way, companies can use this cost advantage and save up on labor expenses

Take, for example, a tech startup in Silicon Valley that, facing high local labor costs, partners with a BPO firm in Eastern Europe to develop a new mobile application. 

The strategic collaboration provides access to a skilled yet cost-effective labor pool, significantly reducing development expenses. The savings enable the startup to enhance the app's features, amplify marketing efforts, and set aside resources for future projects. 

As seen in our example, outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs can optimize budgets without compromising quality, fostering growth and competitiveness.

Leveraging Specialized Expertise

Remote companies that partner with BPOs have access to specialized expertise, meaning they can benefit from high-quality services without the need to hire and train in-house personnel. This allows them to execute projects more efficiently, achieve better outcomes, and drive growth through innovation and improved service. 

Let’s look at a hypothetical situation. A financial services company partners with a BPO specializing in AI to develop an advanced chatbot. They specifically want to bypass the need to recruit and train a specialized team internally. 

Using the BPO's expertise in AI and financial applications, the company was able to launch the chatbot and enhance customer service quickly. At the same time, they achieved significant cost savings by not having to hire additional customer service reps or retrain current employees.

Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing non-core activities to BPOs allows remote companies to focus their internal resources and expertise on core competencies that directly contribute to their competitive advantage and business objectives. 

Hiring BPOs for tasks like administrative support, payroll processing, or customer service means remote companies can streamline operations, increase efficiency, and accelerate growth without 

To illustrate the point, imagine an e-commerce startup specializing in artisanal products. The company decides to outsource its customer service to a BPO to save time and money for more important tasks. The business can now focus on activities that drive growth, like sourcing unique items, marketing, and enhancing its platform. 

Flexible Pricing Models

BPOs often offer flexible pricing models, like pay-per-service or subscription-based arrangements, which allow remote companies to adjust based on budget and business needs. The flexibility allows businesses to tailor their outsourcing efforts based on changes in demand or market conditions. Plus, it helps companies save costs and stay agile in how they operate.

By working with BPOs, remote companies can achieve strategic savings and distribute resources more effectively to support sustainable growth and potential expansion.

Take for instance a software development company experiencing fluctuating project demands. They partner with a BPO for quality assurance (QA) testing. Given the project-based nature of their work, the company opts for a pay-per-use pricing model with the BPO. 

This arrangement means the company only engages and pays for QA services when there's an active development cycle, avoiding fixed costs during downtimes. Working with a BPO ensures they maintain high-quality outputs without the financial burden of an in-house QA team. As a result, the company optimizes its budget and enhances operational efficiency.

Scalability & Efficiency with Zero Overhead

Remote and hybrid companies often experience fluctuating work volumes due to their dynamic business environments. The scalability offered by BPOs aligns perfectly with this, allowing for swift adjustment of team sizes without impacting the core team's stability. 

This elasticity is crucial for maintaining service levels during demand spikes or scaling back during quieter periods. In other words, scalability ensures operational efficiency without the burden of fixed long-term overheads.

Flexible Remote Workforce

Companies can rely on BPOs to build a flexible remote workforce by outsourcing tasks to remote workers as needed. Instead of hiring full-time employees, businesses can engage with BPOs to quickly scale up or down based on project requirements or changes in workload

Scalability allows companies to manage their workforce without the burden of fixed long-term overheads. As a result, they can make sure resources are used wisely and adapt to business needs.

How does this translate to the real world? For example, a software development startup with a distributed team of developers and designers could benefit from partnering with a BPO. 

During peak development phases, the startup can quickly scale up by outsourcing additional developers or designers. On the other hand, during quieter periods, they can reduce staffing levels to optimize costs, remaining flexible in their remote work setup.

On-Demand Remote Services 

With BPOs' on-demand remote services, companies can access specialized skills and resources without committing to long-term contracts or fixed costs. Whether it's customer support, data entry, or software development, BPOs offer services that can be easily scaled up or down based on business demand. 

The on-demand model means companies are only paying for the services they use, without the costs associated with maintaining an in-house team for every task.

Put simply, if a company specializes in social media management, having a BPO  handle content creation, graphic design, or customer support would be a cost-effective strategy. 

Outsourcing these tasks would help the agency scale its remote workforce according to client demands without long-term commitments. This flexibility allows them to effectively manage workload fluctuations while delivering high-quality services to clients.

Agile Project Management 

Agile project management is the ability to adapt to changing project requirements and priorities. BPOs that specialize in agile methods help keep projects on course by dividing them into smaller tasks and regularly checking progress.

A more agile approach helps remote companies work more efficiently by reducing delays and making better use of resources, all without committing to long-term plans or fixed costs like traditional project management. This is especially useful to companies working on multiple client projects. 

Cost-Effective 24/7 Operations & Risk Management 

The flexibility that comes with remote and hybrid work setups can be enhanced by BPOs and their 24/7 operational capabilities. Outsourcing means companies can offer uninterrupted services to their global clientele, a critical factor for customer satisfaction and retention in today's always-on economy. Providing round-the-clock services without burdening the core team enhances brand reputation and operational resilience.

Partnering with BPOs that offer 24/7 service also extends a company’s reach across different time zones and markets. This opens the door to new customer segments and drives growth without the constraints of traditional business hours.

Risk Assessment & Contingency Planning

BPOs help remote companies prevent costly disruptions to their operations. Experience and specialized outsourcing teams can conduct thorough assessments efficiently, ensuring that no critical risks are overlooked.

For example, in the event of a network outage or cybersecurity breach, the cost of downtime for remote companies can be quite high. It may lead to lost revenue, decreased productivity, and even damage their reputation. Partnering with a BPO that offers uninterrupted risk management services can minimize the likelihood and impact of such disruptions.

Bump Up the BPO and Facilitate Remote Work with Insightful

Insightful, an advanced remote staff monitoring software, revolutionizes remote work and outsourcing operations. With real-time employee computer monitoring and time tracking, the platform provides valuable insights into remote workforce dynamics.

However, Insightful goes beyond monitoring remote teams, offering detailed process analysis and task tracking to address workflow inefficiencies. The software was designed to foster transparency and collaboration within remote teams. 

Through data-driven decision-making, Insightful empowers companies to make informed choices, optimize resource allocation, and capitalize on remote work and outsourcing.