Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum


In this article, we explore the Eisenhower Matrix, a tool for prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance that significantly enhances team collaboration and communication. The integration of one of best time and attendance software, Insightful, with the Matrix is also examined. Insightful's features, including engagement monitoring, project management integration, and real-time tracking, complement the Matrix's methodology, providing a comprehensive approach to optimizing team time management and productivity.

Read time: 5 minutes

When exploring effective time management strategies, the Eisenhower Matrix emerges as a standout tool for organizing and prioritizing tasks. Rooted in the straightforward yet impactful concept of classifying tasks by their urgency and importance, this method offers a lucid and accessible framework for structuring daily activities.

Also referred to as the Eisenhower Box, this tool categorizes tasks and promotes team collaboration and communication. The Matrix encourages transparent communication, ensuring all team members are aware of task priorities, deadlines, and the significance of their contributions to the team's objectives. This clarity in communication is pivotal in maintaining an informed and cohesive team.

What’s more, the Eisenhower Matrix encourages a collaborative environment where team members support each other, especially in tackling tasks that are both urgent and important. Such mutual support not only boosts efficiency but also strengthens team bonds, creating a more unified and productive work atmosphere.

In this article, we outline how to use the the Eisenhower Matrix's role to elevate productivity and focus, alongside leveraging tools like Insightful’s employee productivity tracking software. The Matrix's systematic strategy for organizing tasks and managing time defines individual duties and also coordinates them with the team's shared objectives, promoting greater efficiency and cooperation among team members.

Understanding the Four Quadrants

The Eisenhower Matrix is divided into four quadrants, each representing a specific category of tasks:

Urgent and Important: These tasks are both time-sensitive and critical for your goals. They demand immediate attention and often carry significant consequences if delayed. Examples include looming deadlines, emergency situations, or critical meetings. Prioritizing these tasks is essential for maintaining progress and achieving key objectives.

Important but Not Urgent: Tasks that fall into this quadrant are vital for long-term success and personal or professional growth. However, they do not require immediate action. This category often includes strategic planning, personal development, relationship building, and long-term project work. Allocating dedicated time to these tasks is crucial for sustained development and reaching overarching goals.

Urgent but Not Important: These are the tasks that require immediate attention but do not significantly contribute to your long-term objectives. They often include interruptions, some emails, and certain meetings. While they can be pressing, their overall impact on your goals and personal growth is minimal. Delegating or efficiently handling these tasks can free up time for more significant activities.

Neither Urgent nor Important: This quadrant comprises activities that are neither time-sensitive nor crucial to your goals. They are often considered distractions or trivial tasks, such as aimless internet browsing or engaging in non-essential social media activities. Minimizing or eliminating these tasks can drastically increase productivity and allow more time for important activities.

Practical Application of the Eisenhower Matrix in Team Management

Implementing the Eisenhower Matrix within a team context involves a structured approach to task organization and prioritization. This method clarifies individual responsibilities and enhances the collective efficiency and productivity of the team. Here’s a guide on how to apply it in team settings:

Step 1: Collaborative Task Identification Session

Initiate the process of applying the Eisenhower Matrix in a team setting by gathering team members for a collaborative task identification session. This meeting is an opportunity for collective brainstorming, where every member contributes to listing all current and upcoming tasks and responsibilities.


Setting: The marketing team of a tech company gathers for a weekly meeting.

Activity: Each team member shares their current and upcoming tasks. These include preparing for an upcoming product launch, responding to client queries, updating the company's social media strategy, and conducting market research for a new campaign.

Outcome: The collective brainstorming results in a comprehensive list of tasks, ranging from urgent client responses to long-term strategy development.

This cooperative process not only aids in the organization of tasks but also fosters a mutual understanding of priorities and deadlines, ensuring that all team members are aligned and aware of their roles and responsibilities within the project framework.

Step 2: Categorizing Tasks Using the Eisenhower Matrix

Inclusive participation ensures a thorough capture of all ongoing and impending activities. Following this, engage the team in a joint effort to categorize each task into one of the four quadrants of the Eisenhower Matrix. 

Quadrant 1 - Urgent and Important


  • Preparing a press release for the imminent product launch.
  • Finalizing the presentation for a major client meeting scheduled for the next day.

Assign these high-priority tasks to team members with the requisite skills and availability. Ensure these tasks receive immediate attention and are monitored closely for timely completion. Emphasize the critical nature of these tasks in achieving short-term team objectives.

Quadrant 2 - Important but Not Urgent


  • Developing a long-term social media strategy to increase brand awareness.
  • Planning a professional development workshop for the team to enhance digital marketing skills.

Schedule dedicated time slots for the team to focus on these tasks. These could involve strategic planning sessions, skill development activities, or long-term project milestones. Regularly review and update these tasks to keep them aligned with team goals.

Quadrant 3 - Urgent but Not Important


  • Responding to routine client emails that require quick, standard replies.
  • Organizing the weekly internal team meetings.

Delegate these tasks efficiently within the team or to support staff, ensuring they do not detract from more important work. Set up quick resolution strategies or automate these tasks where possible to optimize time management.

Quadrant 4 - Neither Urgent nor Important


  • Regularly checking social media notifications that are not related to immediate tasks.
  • Sorting through old files and emails that have no current relevance.

Encourage team members to minimize or eliminate these low-value activities. Offer guidance on how to recognize and avoid such tasks, thereby freeing up more time for higher-priority work.

The outcome?

The team, through a collaborative effort, assigns each task to the appropriate quadrant. This categorization clarifies which tasks require immediate attention (Quadrants 1 and 3) and which ones contribute to the team’s long-term goals (Quadrant 2). Tasks in Quadrant 4 are identified as potential time-wasters.

The team decides to delegate the routine client emails to an intern (Quadrant 3), allowing senior members to focus on the upcoming product launch (Quadrant 1) and the development of the long-term social media strategy (Quadrant 2). The less relevant tasks in Quadrant 4 are scheduled for review during downtime.

This approach ensures that urgent and important tasks are prioritized, while also carving out time for strategic initiatives that drive future growth. By engaging every team member in the process, the team gains a unified understanding of priorities and deadlines, leading to better coordination and efficiency in their collective efforts.

Step 3: Regular Review and Adjustment

Through regular assessment meetings, the marketing team ensures that their efforts are consistently aligned with the company's evolving priorities and objectives. This process helps them stay agile and responsive to changes, ensuring optimal use of their time and resources. By reassessing and adjusting their task categorizations, the team remains focused and effective, capable of quickly adapting to new challenges or opportunities as they arise.


Setting and Frequency: The marketing team schedules bi-weekly meetings specifically dedicated to reviewing their Eisenhower Matrix. These meetings occur every second Monday morning.

Review of Task Matrix: The team revisits the Eisenhower Matrix they created. They assess the progress of each task in every quadrant.

  • Quadrant 1 (Urgent and Important): The team reviews the success of the product launch and the outcome of the client meeting. They recognize that the launch was well-received and that the client meeting led to positive feedback.

  • Quadrant 2 (Important but Not Urgent): They evaluate the development of the long-term social media strategy and the planning of the professional development workshop. It’s noted that the strategy is on track, but the workshop planning needs more focus.

  • Quadrant 3 (Urgent but Not Important): The team acknowledges the efficiency brought in by delegating routine emails to the intern, thereby freeing up time for more critical tasks.

  • Quadrant 4 (Neither Urgent nor Important): They discuss the time spent on non-essential tasks and agree on strategies to further minimize these activities.

The team decides to shift some resources from the now-completed product launch to expedite the planning of the professional development workshop.

A new task, such as preparing for an upcoming trade show, is added to the Matrix under the appropriate quadrant, ensuring its alignment with current priorities.

Outcome: The periodic review enables the team to celebrate their achievements, like the successful product launch, and realign their focus on upcoming important tasks. They adjust their task priorities in response to the completed and newly added tasks, maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of the Matrix.

Insightful: Enhancing the Eisenhower Matrix Approach

When it comes to task management and team coordination, the Eisenhower Matrix can serve as a powerful tool for categorizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. This methodical framework is instrumental in streamlining daily activities and enhancing team collaboration and communication.

When paired with Insightful’s employee tracker software, a comprehensive employee productivity tracking software, the potential for optimizing team time management is significantly amplified. Insightful's capabilities in monitoring employee activities, tracking engagement levels, and integrating with project management tools complement the Eisenhower Matrix's structured approach, providing a holistic solution for managing team time effectively.

Engagement Level Monitoring: Insightful's Engagement Level tool can monitor employees' computer activity and provide workforce engagement based on mouse and keyboard usage, aligns seamlessly with the Eisenhower Matrix. This feature allows managers to understand which tasks in the 'Urgent and Important' quadrant are receiving the right amount of attention and which ones might require additional resources.

Project Management Integration: With Insightful's integration capabilities, especially in its beta phase with tools like Jira and Basecamp, the management of 'Important but Not Urgent' tasks in the Matrix becomes more streamlined. This integration facilitates enhanced time tracking and data management, ensuring long-term projects are progressing as planned.

Real-Time Monitoring and Activity Tracking: Insightful's real-time monitoring and activity tracking provide valuable insights into how team members are spending their time. This feature helps identify tasks in the 'Neither Urgent nor Important' quadrant that may be consuming unnecessary time, allowing teams to redirect their focus to more impactful activities.

Productivity Trends Dashboard: The Productivity Trends Dashboard in Insightful offers a macro view of productivity patterns over time. Teams can leverage this to track progress on 'Important but Not Urgent' tasks, ensuring these critical objectives are not overshadowed by more immediate concerns.

Insightful Alerts for Efficient Management: Insightful's alert system is crucial for maintaining efficiency, especially for 'Urgent and Important' tasks. Real-time notifications about attendance and potential security threats help in preemptively addressing issues that could impact task completion.

Customizable Settings for Diverse Team Needs: The customizable nature of Insightful allows it to be tailored to fit the specific requirements of different teams. This adaptability ensures that the tool complements the Eisenhower Matrix approach, regardless of the team’s unique project needs.

The combination of Insightful's advanced tools for time tracking remote employees and monitoring with the Eisenhower Matrix's clear task categorization provides teams with a robust framework for managing time and priorities. 

Insightful’s best employee tracking software enhances the Matrix by offering detailed insights into team productivity and engagement, facilitating a more data-driven approach to task management. This integration leads to a more organized, focused, and productive team environment, where individual responsibilities are clearly defined and aligned with the collective goals of the team.

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Time Tracking

Optimizing Task Management with the Eisenhower Matrix

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
December 8, 2023


In this article, we explore the Eisenhower Matrix, a tool for prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance that significantly enhances team collaboration and communication. The integration of one of best time and attendance software, Insightful, with the Matrix is also examined. Insightful's features, including engagement monitoring, project management integration, and real-time tracking, complement the Matrix's methodology, providing a comprehensive approach to optimizing team time management and productivity.

Read time: 5 minutes

When exploring effective time management strategies, the Eisenhower Matrix emerges as a standout tool for organizing and prioritizing tasks. Rooted in the straightforward yet impactful concept of classifying tasks by their urgency and importance, this method offers a lucid and accessible framework for structuring daily activities.

Also referred to as the Eisenhower Box, this tool categorizes tasks and promotes team collaboration and communication. The Matrix encourages transparent communication, ensuring all team members are aware of task priorities, deadlines, and the significance of their contributions to the team's objectives. This clarity in communication is pivotal in maintaining an informed and cohesive team.

What’s more, the Eisenhower Matrix encourages a collaborative environment where team members support each other, especially in tackling tasks that are both urgent and important. Such mutual support not only boosts efficiency but also strengthens team bonds, creating a more unified and productive work atmosphere.

In this article, we outline how to use the the Eisenhower Matrix's role to elevate productivity and focus, alongside leveraging tools like Insightful’s employee productivity tracking software. The Matrix's systematic strategy for organizing tasks and managing time defines individual duties and also coordinates them with the team's shared objectives, promoting greater efficiency and cooperation among team members.

Understanding the Four Quadrants

The Eisenhower Matrix is divided into four quadrants, each representing a specific category of tasks:

Urgent and Important: These tasks are both time-sensitive and critical for your goals. They demand immediate attention and often carry significant consequences if delayed. Examples include looming deadlines, emergency situations, or critical meetings. Prioritizing these tasks is essential for maintaining progress and achieving key objectives.

Important but Not Urgent: Tasks that fall into this quadrant are vital for long-term success and personal or professional growth. However, they do not require immediate action. This category often includes strategic planning, personal development, relationship building, and long-term project work. Allocating dedicated time to these tasks is crucial for sustained development and reaching overarching goals.

Urgent but Not Important: These are the tasks that require immediate attention but do not significantly contribute to your long-term objectives. They often include interruptions, some emails, and certain meetings. While they can be pressing, their overall impact on your goals and personal growth is minimal. Delegating or efficiently handling these tasks can free up time for more significant activities.

Neither Urgent nor Important: This quadrant comprises activities that are neither time-sensitive nor crucial to your goals. They are often considered distractions or trivial tasks, such as aimless internet browsing or engaging in non-essential social media activities. Minimizing or eliminating these tasks can drastically increase productivity and allow more time for important activities.

Practical Application of the Eisenhower Matrix in Team Management

Implementing the Eisenhower Matrix within a team context involves a structured approach to task organization and prioritization. This method clarifies individual responsibilities and enhances the collective efficiency and productivity of the team. Here’s a guide on how to apply it in team settings:

Step 1: Collaborative Task Identification Session

Initiate the process of applying the Eisenhower Matrix in a team setting by gathering team members for a collaborative task identification session. This meeting is an opportunity for collective brainstorming, where every member contributes to listing all current and upcoming tasks and responsibilities.


Setting: The marketing team of a tech company gathers for a weekly meeting.

Activity: Each team member shares their current and upcoming tasks. These include preparing for an upcoming product launch, responding to client queries, updating the company's social media strategy, and conducting market research for a new campaign.

Outcome: The collective brainstorming results in a comprehensive list of tasks, ranging from urgent client responses to long-term strategy development.

This cooperative process not only aids in the organization of tasks but also fosters a mutual understanding of priorities and deadlines, ensuring that all team members are aligned and aware of their roles and responsibilities within the project framework.

Step 2: Categorizing Tasks Using the Eisenhower Matrix

Inclusive participation ensures a thorough capture of all ongoing and impending activities. Following this, engage the team in a joint effort to categorize each task into one of the four quadrants of the Eisenhower Matrix. 

Quadrant 1 - Urgent and Important


  • Preparing a press release for the imminent product launch.
  • Finalizing the presentation for a major client meeting scheduled for the next day.

Assign these high-priority tasks to team members with the requisite skills and availability. Ensure these tasks receive immediate attention and are monitored closely for timely completion. Emphasize the critical nature of these tasks in achieving short-term team objectives.

Quadrant 2 - Important but Not Urgent


  • Developing a long-term social media strategy to increase brand awareness.
  • Planning a professional development workshop for the team to enhance digital marketing skills.

Schedule dedicated time slots for the team to focus on these tasks. These could involve strategic planning sessions, skill development activities, or long-term project milestones. Regularly review and update these tasks to keep them aligned with team goals.

Quadrant 3 - Urgent but Not Important


  • Responding to routine client emails that require quick, standard replies.
  • Organizing the weekly internal team meetings.

Delegate these tasks efficiently within the team or to support staff, ensuring they do not detract from more important work. Set up quick resolution strategies or automate these tasks where possible to optimize time management.

Quadrant 4 - Neither Urgent nor Important


  • Regularly checking social media notifications that are not related to immediate tasks.
  • Sorting through old files and emails that have no current relevance.

Encourage team members to minimize or eliminate these low-value activities. Offer guidance on how to recognize and avoid such tasks, thereby freeing up more time for higher-priority work.

The outcome?

The team, through a collaborative effort, assigns each task to the appropriate quadrant. This categorization clarifies which tasks require immediate attention (Quadrants 1 and 3) and which ones contribute to the team’s long-term goals (Quadrant 2). Tasks in Quadrant 4 are identified as potential time-wasters.

The team decides to delegate the routine client emails to an intern (Quadrant 3), allowing senior members to focus on the upcoming product launch (Quadrant 1) and the development of the long-term social media strategy (Quadrant 2). The less relevant tasks in Quadrant 4 are scheduled for review during downtime.

This approach ensures that urgent and important tasks are prioritized, while also carving out time for strategic initiatives that drive future growth. By engaging every team member in the process, the team gains a unified understanding of priorities and deadlines, leading to better coordination and efficiency in their collective efforts.

Step 3: Regular Review and Adjustment

Through regular assessment meetings, the marketing team ensures that their efforts are consistently aligned with the company's evolving priorities and objectives. This process helps them stay agile and responsive to changes, ensuring optimal use of their time and resources. By reassessing and adjusting their task categorizations, the team remains focused and effective, capable of quickly adapting to new challenges or opportunities as they arise.


Setting and Frequency: The marketing team schedules bi-weekly meetings specifically dedicated to reviewing their Eisenhower Matrix. These meetings occur every second Monday morning.

Review of Task Matrix: The team revisits the Eisenhower Matrix they created. They assess the progress of each task in every quadrant.

  • Quadrant 1 (Urgent and Important): The team reviews the success of the product launch and the outcome of the client meeting. They recognize that the launch was well-received and that the client meeting led to positive feedback.

  • Quadrant 2 (Important but Not Urgent): They evaluate the development of the long-term social media strategy and the planning of the professional development workshop. It’s noted that the strategy is on track, but the workshop planning needs more focus.

  • Quadrant 3 (Urgent but Not Important): The team acknowledges the efficiency brought in by delegating routine emails to the intern, thereby freeing up time for more critical tasks.

  • Quadrant 4 (Neither Urgent nor Important): They discuss the time spent on non-essential tasks and agree on strategies to further minimize these activities.

The team decides to shift some resources from the now-completed product launch to expedite the planning of the professional development workshop.

A new task, such as preparing for an upcoming trade show, is added to the Matrix under the appropriate quadrant, ensuring its alignment with current priorities.

Outcome: The periodic review enables the team to celebrate their achievements, like the successful product launch, and realign their focus on upcoming important tasks. They adjust their task priorities in response to the completed and newly added tasks, maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of the Matrix.

Insightful: Enhancing the Eisenhower Matrix Approach

When it comes to task management and team coordination, the Eisenhower Matrix can serve as a powerful tool for categorizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. This methodical framework is instrumental in streamlining daily activities and enhancing team collaboration and communication.

When paired with Insightful’s employee tracker software, a comprehensive employee productivity tracking software, the potential for optimizing team time management is significantly amplified. Insightful's capabilities in monitoring employee activities, tracking engagement levels, and integrating with project management tools complement the Eisenhower Matrix's structured approach, providing a holistic solution for managing team time effectively.

Engagement Level Monitoring: Insightful's Engagement Level tool can monitor employees' computer activity and provide workforce engagement based on mouse and keyboard usage, aligns seamlessly with the Eisenhower Matrix. This feature allows managers to understand which tasks in the 'Urgent and Important' quadrant are receiving the right amount of attention and which ones might require additional resources.

Project Management Integration: With Insightful's integration capabilities, especially in its beta phase with tools like Jira and Basecamp, the management of 'Important but Not Urgent' tasks in the Matrix becomes more streamlined. This integration facilitates enhanced time tracking and data management, ensuring long-term projects are progressing as planned.

Real-Time Monitoring and Activity Tracking: Insightful's real-time monitoring and activity tracking provide valuable insights into how team members are spending their time. This feature helps identify tasks in the 'Neither Urgent nor Important' quadrant that may be consuming unnecessary time, allowing teams to redirect their focus to more impactful activities.

Productivity Trends Dashboard: The Productivity Trends Dashboard in Insightful offers a macro view of productivity patterns over time. Teams can leverage this to track progress on 'Important but Not Urgent' tasks, ensuring these critical objectives are not overshadowed by more immediate concerns.

Insightful Alerts for Efficient Management: Insightful's alert system is crucial for maintaining efficiency, especially for 'Urgent and Important' tasks. Real-time notifications about attendance and potential security threats help in preemptively addressing issues that could impact task completion.

Customizable Settings for Diverse Team Needs: The customizable nature of Insightful allows it to be tailored to fit the specific requirements of different teams. This adaptability ensures that the tool complements the Eisenhower Matrix approach, regardless of the team’s unique project needs.

The combination of Insightful's advanced tools for time tracking remote employees and monitoring with the Eisenhower Matrix's clear task categorization provides teams with a robust framework for managing time and priorities. 

Insightful’s best employee tracking software enhances the Matrix by offering detailed insights into team productivity and engagement, facilitating a more data-driven approach to task management. This integration leads to a more organized, focused, and productive team environment, where individual responsibilities are clearly defined and aligned with the collective goals of the team.