Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore the enhancement of project management through the Insightful - Teamwork integration, enabling precise tracking for various projects and tasks.

  • Discover the advanced time tracking features of Insightful that offer in-depth insights into project progress and efficient resource utilization.

  • Learn how Insightful aids in detecting and addressing inefficiencies in project workflows.

  • Understand the role of Insightful-Teamwork time tracking in ensuring accurate and transparent client billing.

Read time: 7 minutes

In the realm of project management, two platforms stand out for their exceptional support to teams focused on efficiency and precision: Insightful and Teamwork.

Insightful is recognized for its comprehensive monitoring capabilities, playing a vital role in enhancing the management of remote teams. It specializes in tracking employee engagement and productivity, providing detailed insights into team dynamics and efficiency.

Teamwork, known for its versatile project management features, offers a structured framework for managing a diverse range of projects. Its adaptability and user-friendly interface make it ideal for various project methodologies, including agile and traditional approaches.

This article explores the combined strengths of Insightful’s detailed productivity and time tracking and Teamwork’s flexible project management system. The Insightful - Teamwork integration forms a potent duo, offering teams exceptional oversight and control over their projects and tasks, ensuring optimal performance for both remote and in-office environments.

Join us as we explore the functionalities, advantages, and transformative effects of this integration across different professional settings.

Exploring Teamwork: The Client-Centric Project Management Solution

For professionals managing client-focused projects, Teamwork emerges as the definitive project management platform, tailored to streamline the complex dynamics of client relations and project delivery. This tool is uniquely constructed to cater to the nuanced requirements of client-oriented teams, offering a robust system for task organization and project oversight from inception to culmination.

Central to Teamwork's utility is its comprehensive approach to project tracking. It excels in monitoring tasks, milestones, and deliverables across every phase of a project's journey. What distinguishes Teamwork is its remarkable flexibility; teams have the freedom to customize workflows, adjust user interfaces, and reconfigure settings to resonate seamlessly with their specific project needs.

Such flexibility positions Teamwork as an invaluable asset across various project management methodologies, adapting effortlessly to diverse management styles, from traditional to agile approaches.

Teamwork's strength is in harmonizing the entire project management spectrum. Teams can plan objectives, assign tasks, track progress, and manage resources, all within a singular, integrated environment. This precision in project orchestration empowers teams to drive project management to its highest efficiency, ensuring client satisfaction and success.

A key aspect of Teamwork is its insightful reporting capabilities. These analytical tools offer critical data and metrics, enabling teams to continuously optimize their strategies and workflows, thereby elevating project performance.

Additionally, Teamwork's capacity to integrate with a broad range of systems, including CRM, document management, and time tracking tools, amplifies its effectiveness. This interconnected ecosystem not only streamlines project workflows but also enhances client communication and coordination, making Teamwork a cornerstone for effective project management in client-centered environments.

Exploring Insightful: Elevating Remote Team Management with Precision

Insightful distinguishes itself as an essential instrument for organizations transitioning into or enhancing their remote work frameworks. This tool is ingeniously crafted to meet the distinct challenges associated with remote team management, presenting an extensive array of features that not only simplify managerial tasks but also amplify productivity.

At its core, Insightful boasts sophisticated monitoring technologies. The software’s prowess lies in its meticulous tracking of employee engagement and output. This system offers deep insights into how team members engage with their tasks and digital tools, discerning active engagement from idle periods. Such precision provides a transparent and accurate assessment of team productivity.

The software’s customizability stands out prominently. It empowers managers to shape the platform to align with their specific requirements. Whether it involves configuring custom alerts for attendance and security protocols, or tweaking the system to monitor certain activities, Insightful can be adapted to suit an array of operational strategies.

Beyond its monitoring capabilities, Insightful serves as a comprehensive tool for enhancing team efficiency. The software enables live observation of computer usage, shedding light on which applications are contributing to productivity and which are not. Leveraging this information is crucial for identifying bottlenecks and streamlining workflows.

Insightful’s ability to integrate with other tools, such as Teamwork, further elevates its utility. This seamless integration aids in refining time tracking and enhancing data management. The synergy created by the integration of these tools fosters an effective and comprehensive system for managing remote teams, ensuring thorough oversight and heightened operational efficiency.

Insightful Time Tracker - Teamwork Integration

The integration of Insightful with Teamwork redefines the approach to time tracking and productivity management in project tasks and activities. This synergistic union introduces several advanced features:

Detailed Time Monitoring on Teamwork Tasks: Through Insightful's integration, a thorough analysis of time spent on each Teamwork task and project is available. This feature provides a detailed breakdown of time allocation and activities, enabling teams to precisely understand where their efforts are being invested.

Enhancing Productivity and Workflow Efficiency: The integration identifies areas within Teamwork projects where productivity may be lagging. By pinpointing these bottlenecks, teams can refine their workflows and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Accurate Billing and Enhanced Client Visibility: This combined functionality supports precise invoicing for time dedicated to projects. Additionally, it allows clients to observe project progress, fostering a transparent and trustful relationship.

Simple and Effective Time Tracking: The integration offers an easy-to-use, one-click timer along with optional screenshot capabilities, making time tracking straightforward and verifiable. This is suitable for both remote and in-office settings.

In-Depth Productivity Insights: Beyond just time quantification, the integration delivers qualitative insights into productivity. This aspect helps in understanding the impact of different work environments on both productivity and employee well-being.

Technical Features:

  • The integration links Insightful's robust time tracking features directly with Teamwork’s project and task management tools.

  • Users can activate and deactivate the time tracker within Teamwork effortlessly, weaving time tracking naturally into their usual workflows.

  • Features like screenshot capture and providing clients access to view project advancements are integrated, ensuring functionality and user-friendliness.

  • Designed to cater to a variety of work arrangements, including remote, hybrid, and office settings, the system adapts seamlessly to different organizational requirements.

Integrating Insightful with Teamwork elevates time tracking from a mere measurement to a comprehensive analytical tool. This integration supplies teams with essential data, enhancing their decision-making capabilities, refining processes, and significantly contributing to project success by boosting productivity and efficiency.

Enhancing Team Collaboration with Insightful + Teamwork Integration

This dynamic integration between Insightful and Teamwork brings together two robust platforms, offering a suite of tools that cater to a wide range of professional settings, from agile project management to client service coordination and beyond.

With this integration, teams are empowered not just to track time precisely but also to gain in-depth understanding of their workflows. This leads to refined processes, improved resource management, and superior project execution. 

How does this integration reshape various work environments, offering concrete benefits and steering teams towards optimal performance?

Agile Project Management

In agile project environments, teams can leverage the Insightful + Teamwork integration to meticulously monitor time spent on each task and milestone. This is especially beneficial for project leads, who can access detailed time reports to assess the duration of various activities.

This data allows project leads to accurately evaluate the team's efficiency and pinpoint areas for improvement. It facilitates more accurate planning for upcoming phases, ensuring that tasks are realistic and team capacities are not overstretched.

Advanced Project Time Management

Project managers overseeing diverse projects can utilize the Insightful integration with Teamwork to get a holistic view of time distribution across multiple initiatives.

This integration aids in visualizing how time is distributed and assessing if it aligns with the priorities of each project. Where discrepancies arise, project managers can make strategic decisions to reallocate resources or adjust schedules, guaranteeing that key projects receive the necessary focus for successful delivery.

Client Services and Operations Support

For teams in client services and operations, the integration offers significant advantages in tracking time dedicated to handling client requests and operational tasks. This capability enables teams to report on average response times, providing insights into the service efficiency.

By examining time tracking data, teams can identify recurring challenges or bottlenecks, leading to the recognition of broader issues that might need comprehensive solutions. This proactive stance in addressing client concerns enhances service efficiency and client satisfaction.

Quality Control and Assurance

Quality control teams can use the Insightful + Teamwork integration for detailed tracking of time across different quality assurance stages. This detailed insight into time allocation helps predict the duration needed for future quality checks, enhancing planning and resource management.

This tracking also aids in evenly distributing workloads among team members, preventing overburdening and contributing to more efficient quality assurance processes. This not only streamlines testing but also elevates the overall quality of the output, be it a product or a service.

Streamlined Insightful and Teamwork Integration

Integrating Teamwork with Insightful is designed to be straightforward and user-centric, empowering teams to amplify their productivity and improve project management efficiency. The integration process with Insightful is crafted for simplicity, allowing team leaders and administrators to easily link their Teamwork projects with Insightful’s system.

This integration provides critical insights into how teams allocate their time, aiding in the identification of workflow bottlenecks and the enhancement of resource distribution. Currently in development, Insightful is working alongside technology partners to ensure a smooth and unified integration process through a comprehensive API.

Upon completion of setup, teams can instantly start monitoring time spent on various projects and tasks within Teamwork. This integration simplifies project tracking and boosts overall team effectiveness.


With the Insightful + Teamwork integration, teams gain the capability to track time and assess productivity with greater precision. This integration represents a step towards refining project management approaches, elevating team productivity, and effectively handling the diverse project demands and remote team coordination.

In short, adopting the Insightful and Teamwork integration is a strategic move towards a more streamlined, transparent, and high-performing work environment.

We’ve reserved a 7-day free trial for you….

Want your hybrid or remote team to be more productive?

Claim your free 7-Day full feature trial of Insightful today. Insightful’s actionable work insights make your team more productive, efficient and accountable.

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Prueba Gratis
Time Tracking

Optimize Your Project Workflow with Insightful-Teamwork Integration

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
November 21, 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore the enhancement of project management through the Insightful - Teamwork integration, enabling precise tracking for various projects and tasks.

  • Discover the advanced time tracking features of Insightful that offer in-depth insights into project progress and efficient resource utilization.

  • Learn how Insightful aids in detecting and addressing inefficiencies in project workflows.

  • Understand the role of Insightful-Teamwork time tracking in ensuring accurate and transparent client billing.

Read time: 7 minutes

In the realm of project management, two platforms stand out for their exceptional support to teams focused on efficiency and precision: Insightful and Teamwork.

Insightful is recognized for its comprehensive monitoring capabilities, playing a vital role in enhancing the management of remote teams. It specializes in tracking employee engagement and productivity, providing detailed insights into team dynamics and efficiency.

Teamwork, known for its versatile project management features, offers a structured framework for managing a diverse range of projects. Its adaptability and user-friendly interface make it ideal for various project methodologies, including agile and traditional approaches.

This article explores the combined strengths of Insightful’s detailed productivity and time tracking and Teamwork’s flexible project management system. The Insightful - Teamwork integration forms a potent duo, offering teams exceptional oversight and control over their projects and tasks, ensuring optimal performance for both remote and in-office environments.

Join us as we explore the functionalities, advantages, and transformative effects of this integration across different professional settings.

Exploring Teamwork: The Client-Centric Project Management Solution

For professionals managing client-focused projects, Teamwork emerges as the definitive project management platform, tailored to streamline the complex dynamics of client relations and project delivery. This tool is uniquely constructed to cater to the nuanced requirements of client-oriented teams, offering a robust system for task organization and project oversight from inception to culmination.

Central to Teamwork's utility is its comprehensive approach to project tracking. It excels in monitoring tasks, milestones, and deliverables across every phase of a project's journey. What distinguishes Teamwork is its remarkable flexibility; teams have the freedom to customize workflows, adjust user interfaces, and reconfigure settings to resonate seamlessly with their specific project needs.

Such flexibility positions Teamwork as an invaluable asset across various project management methodologies, adapting effortlessly to diverse management styles, from traditional to agile approaches.

Teamwork's strength is in harmonizing the entire project management spectrum. Teams can plan objectives, assign tasks, track progress, and manage resources, all within a singular, integrated environment. This precision in project orchestration empowers teams to drive project management to its highest efficiency, ensuring client satisfaction and success.

A key aspect of Teamwork is its insightful reporting capabilities. These analytical tools offer critical data and metrics, enabling teams to continuously optimize their strategies and workflows, thereby elevating project performance.

Additionally, Teamwork's capacity to integrate with a broad range of systems, including CRM, document management, and time tracking tools, amplifies its effectiveness. This interconnected ecosystem not only streamlines project workflows but also enhances client communication and coordination, making Teamwork a cornerstone for effective project management in client-centered environments.

Exploring Insightful: Elevating Remote Team Management with Precision

Insightful distinguishes itself as an essential instrument for organizations transitioning into or enhancing their remote work frameworks. This tool is ingeniously crafted to meet the distinct challenges associated with remote team management, presenting an extensive array of features that not only simplify managerial tasks but also amplify productivity.

At its core, Insightful boasts sophisticated monitoring technologies. The software’s prowess lies in its meticulous tracking of employee engagement and output. This system offers deep insights into how team members engage with their tasks and digital tools, discerning active engagement from idle periods. Such precision provides a transparent and accurate assessment of team productivity.

The software’s customizability stands out prominently. It empowers managers to shape the platform to align with their specific requirements. Whether it involves configuring custom alerts for attendance and security protocols, or tweaking the system to monitor certain activities, Insightful can be adapted to suit an array of operational strategies.

Beyond its monitoring capabilities, Insightful serves as a comprehensive tool for enhancing team efficiency. The software enables live observation of computer usage, shedding light on which applications are contributing to productivity and which are not. Leveraging this information is crucial for identifying bottlenecks and streamlining workflows.

Insightful’s ability to integrate with other tools, such as Teamwork, further elevates its utility. This seamless integration aids in refining time tracking and enhancing data management. The synergy created by the integration of these tools fosters an effective and comprehensive system for managing remote teams, ensuring thorough oversight and heightened operational efficiency.

Insightful Time Tracker - Teamwork Integration

The integration of Insightful with Teamwork redefines the approach to time tracking and productivity management in project tasks and activities. This synergistic union introduces several advanced features:

Detailed Time Monitoring on Teamwork Tasks: Through Insightful's integration, a thorough analysis of time spent on each Teamwork task and project is available. This feature provides a detailed breakdown of time allocation and activities, enabling teams to precisely understand where their efforts are being invested.

Enhancing Productivity and Workflow Efficiency: The integration identifies areas within Teamwork projects where productivity may be lagging. By pinpointing these bottlenecks, teams can refine their workflows and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Accurate Billing and Enhanced Client Visibility: This combined functionality supports precise invoicing for time dedicated to projects. Additionally, it allows clients to observe project progress, fostering a transparent and trustful relationship.

Simple and Effective Time Tracking: The integration offers an easy-to-use, one-click timer along with optional screenshot capabilities, making time tracking straightforward and verifiable. This is suitable for both remote and in-office settings.

In-Depth Productivity Insights: Beyond just time quantification, the integration delivers qualitative insights into productivity. This aspect helps in understanding the impact of different work environments on both productivity and employee well-being.

Technical Features:

  • The integration links Insightful's robust time tracking features directly with Teamwork’s project and task management tools.

  • Users can activate and deactivate the time tracker within Teamwork effortlessly, weaving time tracking naturally into their usual workflows.

  • Features like screenshot capture and providing clients access to view project advancements are integrated, ensuring functionality and user-friendliness.

  • Designed to cater to a variety of work arrangements, including remote, hybrid, and office settings, the system adapts seamlessly to different organizational requirements.

Integrating Insightful with Teamwork elevates time tracking from a mere measurement to a comprehensive analytical tool. This integration supplies teams with essential data, enhancing their decision-making capabilities, refining processes, and significantly contributing to project success by boosting productivity and efficiency.

Enhancing Team Collaboration with Insightful + Teamwork Integration

This dynamic integration between Insightful and Teamwork brings together two robust platforms, offering a suite of tools that cater to a wide range of professional settings, from agile project management to client service coordination and beyond.

With this integration, teams are empowered not just to track time precisely but also to gain in-depth understanding of their workflows. This leads to refined processes, improved resource management, and superior project execution. 

How does this integration reshape various work environments, offering concrete benefits and steering teams towards optimal performance?

Agile Project Management

In agile project environments, teams can leverage the Insightful + Teamwork integration to meticulously monitor time spent on each task and milestone. This is especially beneficial for project leads, who can access detailed time reports to assess the duration of various activities.

This data allows project leads to accurately evaluate the team's efficiency and pinpoint areas for improvement. It facilitates more accurate planning for upcoming phases, ensuring that tasks are realistic and team capacities are not overstretched.

Advanced Project Time Management

Project managers overseeing diverse projects can utilize the Insightful integration with Teamwork to get a holistic view of time distribution across multiple initiatives.

This integration aids in visualizing how time is distributed and assessing if it aligns with the priorities of each project. Where discrepancies arise, project managers can make strategic decisions to reallocate resources or adjust schedules, guaranteeing that key projects receive the necessary focus for successful delivery.

Client Services and Operations Support

For teams in client services and operations, the integration offers significant advantages in tracking time dedicated to handling client requests and operational tasks. This capability enables teams to report on average response times, providing insights into the service efficiency.

By examining time tracking data, teams can identify recurring challenges or bottlenecks, leading to the recognition of broader issues that might need comprehensive solutions. This proactive stance in addressing client concerns enhances service efficiency and client satisfaction.

Quality Control and Assurance

Quality control teams can use the Insightful + Teamwork integration for detailed tracking of time across different quality assurance stages. This detailed insight into time allocation helps predict the duration needed for future quality checks, enhancing planning and resource management.

This tracking also aids in evenly distributing workloads among team members, preventing overburdening and contributing to more efficient quality assurance processes. This not only streamlines testing but also elevates the overall quality of the output, be it a product or a service.

Streamlined Insightful and Teamwork Integration

Integrating Teamwork with Insightful is designed to be straightforward and user-centric, empowering teams to amplify their productivity and improve project management efficiency. The integration process with Insightful is crafted for simplicity, allowing team leaders and administrators to easily link their Teamwork projects with Insightful’s system.

This integration provides critical insights into how teams allocate their time, aiding in the identification of workflow bottlenecks and the enhancement of resource distribution. Currently in development, Insightful is working alongside technology partners to ensure a smooth and unified integration process through a comprehensive API.

Upon completion of setup, teams can instantly start monitoring time spent on various projects and tasks within Teamwork. This integration simplifies project tracking and boosts overall team effectiveness.


With the Insightful + Teamwork integration, teams gain the capability to track time and assess productivity with greater precision. This integration represents a step towards refining project management approaches, elevating team productivity, and effectively handling the diverse project demands and remote team coordination.

In short, adopting the Insightful and Teamwork integration is a strategic move towards a more streamlined, transparent, and high-performing work environment.