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Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

In today's fast-paced business world, ensuring employee accountability is essential for driving productivity and overall success - especially with the rise of remote teams. Employers are increasingly turning to employee monitoring software, like Insightful’s remote work software tools, to help maintain a high-performance work environment. 

But did you know that these tools can also empower employees to take charge of their own accountability? 

In this blog post, we'll discuss how using employee monitoring software can benefit both employers and employees, leading to improved performance and a more cohesive team dynamic.

Harnessing Employee Monitoring Tools to Bolster Accountability and Performance in Remote Teams

While fostering a culture of responsibility and ownership can prove especially challenging when managing remote teams, employee monitoring tools can be instrumental in overcoming these hurdles. Using this technology, businesses can effectively track performance, enhance collaboration, and ensure remote employees remain engaged and focused on their goals.

The Power of Employee Monitoring Tools in Driving Performance

Employee monitoring tools can significantly impact overall productivity and performance by providing insights into how remote team (and in-office) members spend their work hours. 

When employees are aware that their actions, decisions, and performance are being monitored, they are more likely to take their responsibilities seriously and strive for excellence in their work. This heightened sense of accountability creates a positive feedback loop, motivating employees to maintain high-performance levels and contribute to the team's success.

In addition, these tools help establish clear expectations, enabling employees to understand their roles, the standards they are expected to meet, and the goals they need to achieve. This clarity eliminates confusion, miscommunication, and wasted time, further enhancing performance and efficiency.

Leveraging Insightful's Employee Monitoring Software to Foster Accountability in Remote Teams

Insightful, a frequent favorite on monitoring software review lists, is not only for company monitoring of employee computer usage, it also offers a comprehensive solution for promoting accountability among remote workers. Here are some key features that can help businesses boost performance and productivity in their remote teams:

  • Real-time activity tracking: Insightful's software provides real-time monitoring of employee activities, giving managers instant access to valuable data on work habits, app usage, and time allocation. This information enables managers to identify areas for improvement and provide timely feedback to their team members.

  • Customizable performance metrics: Insightful allows businesses to define and implement measurable performance indicators tailored to their specific needs. These metrics should be relevant, attainable, and directly linked to the goals and expectations set for each team member.

  • Productivity reports: Insightful's software generates detailed productivity reports that help managers assess employee performance and identify trends, patterns, or areas of concern. These insights can be used to guide performance reviews, goal-setting, and improvement initiatives.

  • Data-driven rewards and recognition: By leveraging the insights provided by Insightful's employee monitoring software, businesses can recognize and reward top performers based on concrete data. This not only boosts employee morale and motivation but also reinforces the importance of accountability and excellence in the remote work environment.

Embracing employee monitoring tools like Insightful enables businesses to effectively promote accountability and drive performance in their remote teams. This approach ensures that team members remain engaged, productive, and focused on achieving their goals.

The Power of Visibility - Understanding Work Habits

One of the most significant advantages of using employee monitoring software like Insightful is gaining a clear understanding of your team's work habits. By monitoring app and website usage, time spent on tasks, and overall productivity, employers can identify trends and areas for improvement.

Pro Tip: Encourage employees to regularly review their own monitoring data and set goals for improvement. This can foster a sense of ownership and commitment to personal growth.

Additionally, creating an open dialogue about productivity habits and sharing best practices among the team can lead to a more supportive and collaborative work environment. This will ultimately result in higher levels of employee satisfaction and engagement.

Fostering a Culture of Accountability and Trust

Employee monitoring can help build a culture of accountability and trust within your organization. By providing clear expectations and performance metrics, employers can create an environment where employees feel confident in their work and understand their responsibilities.

This transparency can also empower employees to:

  • Proactively communicate about their progress and challenges.

  • Seek support and resources when needed.

  • Collaborate more effectively with their colleagues, knowing that everyone is held to the same standards.

Pro Tip: Foster a culture of trust and accountability by being transparent about monitoring policies and providing regular feedback on performance. This helps employees feel supported and motivated to improve.

To further strengthen trust and accountability, consider implementing regular team meetings or one-on-one check-ins to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities for growth. This will ensure that employees feel heard and valued, fostering a positive work environment.

Developing Personal Accountability Through Self-Monitoring

Insightful's employee monitoring features can also help employees develop their personal accountability. By using the platform to monitor their own performance, employees can:

  • Identify and eliminate unproductive habits and distractions.

  • Allocate time more effectively to prioritize essential tasks and meet deadlines.

  • Recognize their strengths and capitalize on them to maximize productivity.

Pro Tip: Encourage employees to use Insightful for self-monitoring and self-improvement. Provide training and resources on using the platform effectively and offer support as needed.

In addition to fostering personal accountability, self-monitoring can also lead to improved work-life balance. By identifying and addressing inefficiencies in their work habits, employees can better manage their time and avoid burnout.

Additional Tips for Empowering Your Teams

Recognize and reward success: Celebrate individual and team accomplishments to motivate employees and reinforce the importance of accountability and high performance.

  • Provide opportunities for professional development: Offer training and development programs to help employees enhance their skills, further promoting a culture of continuous improvement and personal growth.

  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking for help, and working together to achieve common goals.

  • Maintain open lines of communication: Ensure that employees have multiple channels through which they can provide feedback, ask questions, and voice concerns, promoting trust and transparency within the organization.

By leveraging the power of employee monitoring tools like Insightful and implementing a supportive, transparent, and accountable work culture, you can empower your team to take ownership of their performance and drive meaningful improvements. 

This, in turn, will result in higher levels of productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall business success.

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Employee Monitoring

Empower Your Team Using Employee Monitoring to Boost Accountability & Performance

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
May 2, 2023

In today's fast-paced business world, ensuring employee accountability is essential for driving productivity and overall success - especially with the rise of remote teams. Employers are increasingly turning to employee monitoring software, like Insightful’s remote work software tools, to help maintain a high-performance work environment. 

But did you know that these tools can also empower employees to take charge of their own accountability? 

In this blog post, we'll discuss how using employee monitoring software can benefit both employers and employees, leading to improved performance and a more cohesive team dynamic.

Harnessing Employee Monitoring Tools to Bolster Accountability and Performance in Remote Teams

While fostering a culture of responsibility and ownership can prove especially challenging when managing remote teams, employee monitoring tools can be instrumental in overcoming these hurdles. Using this technology, businesses can effectively track performance, enhance collaboration, and ensure remote employees remain engaged and focused on their goals.

The Power of Employee Monitoring Tools in Driving Performance

Employee monitoring tools can significantly impact overall productivity and performance by providing insights into how remote team (and in-office) members spend their work hours. 

When employees are aware that their actions, decisions, and performance are being monitored, they are more likely to take their responsibilities seriously and strive for excellence in their work. This heightened sense of accountability creates a positive feedback loop, motivating employees to maintain high-performance levels and contribute to the team's success.

In addition, these tools help establish clear expectations, enabling employees to understand their roles, the standards they are expected to meet, and the goals they need to achieve. This clarity eliminates confusion, miscommunication, and wasted time, further enhancing performance and efficiency.

Leveraging Insightful's Employee Monitoring Software to Foster Accountability in Remote Teams

Insightful, a frequent favorite on monitoring software review lists, is not only for company monitoring of employee computer usage, it also offers a comprehensive solution for promoting accountability among remote workers. Here are some key features that can help businesses boost performance and productivity in their remote teams:

  • Real-time activity tracking: Insightful's software provides real-time monitoring of employee activities, giving managers instant access to valuable data on work habits, app usage, and time allocation. This information enables managers to identify areas for improvement and provide timely feedback to their team members.

  • Customizable performance metrics: Insightful allows businesses to define and implement measurable performance indicators tailored to their specific needs. These metrics should be relevant, attainable, and directly linked to the goals and expectations set for each team member.

  • Productivity reports: Insightful's software generates detailed productivity reports that help managers assess employee performance and identify trends, patterns, or areas of concern. These insights can be used to guide performance reviews, goal-setting, and improvement initiatives.

  • Data-driven rewards and recognition: By leveraging the insights provided by Insightful's employee monitoring software, businesses can recognize and reward top performers based on concrete data. This not only boosts employee morale and motivation but also reinforces the importance of accountability and excellence in the remote work environment.

Embracing employee monitoring tools like Insightful enables businesses to effectively promote accountability and drive performance in their remote teams. This approach ensures that team members remain engaged, productive, and focused on achieving their goals.

The Power of Visibility - Understanding Work Habits

One of the most significant advantages of using employee monitoring software like Insightful is gaining a clear understanding of your team's work habits. By monitoring app and website usage, time spent on tasks, and overall productivity, employers can identify trends and areas for improvement.

Pro Tip: Encourage employees to regularly review their own monitoring data and set goals for improvement. This can foster a sense of ownership and commitment to personal growth.

Additionally, creating an open dialogue about productivity habits and sharing best practices among the team can lead to a more supportive and collaborative work environment. This will ultimately result in higher levels of employee satisfaction and engagement.

Fostering a Culture of Accountability and Trust

Employee monitoring can help build a culture of accountability and trust within your organization. By providing clear expectations and performance metrics, employers can create an environment where employees feel confident in their work and understand their responsibilities.

This transparency can also empower employees to:

  • Proactively communicate about their progress and challenges.

  • Seek support and resources when needed.

  • Collaborate more effectively with their colleagues, knowing that everyone is held to the same standards.

Pro Tip: Foster a culture of trust and accountability by being transparent about monitoring policies and providing regular feedback on performance. This helps employees feel supported and motivated to improve.

To further strengthen trust and accountability, consider implementing regular team meetings or one-on-one check-ins to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities for growth. This will ensure that employees feel heard and valued, fostering a positive work environment.

Developing Personal Accountability Through Self-Monitoring

Insightful's employee monitoring features can also help employees develop their personal accountability. By using the platform to monitor their own performance, employees can:

  • Identify and eliminate unproductive habits and distractions.

  • Allocate time more effectively to prioritize essential tasks and meet deadlines.

  • Recognize their strengths and capitalize on them to maximize productivity.

Pro Tip: Encourage employees to use Insightful for self-monitoring and self-improvement. Provide training and resources on using the platform effectively and offer support as needed.

In addition to fostering personal accountability, self-monitoring can also lead to improved work-life balance. By identifying and addressing inefficiencies in their work habits, employees can better manage their time and avoid burnout.

Additional Tips for Empowering Your Teams

Recognize and reward success: Celebrate individual and team accomplishments to motivate employees and reinforce the importance of accountability and high performance.

  • Provide opportunities for professional development: Offer training and development programs to help employees enhance their skills, further promoting a culture of continuous improvement and personal growth.

  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking for help, and working together to achieve common goals.

  • Maintain open lines of communication: Ensure that employees have multiple channels through which they can provide feedback, ask questions, and voice concerns, promoting trust and transparency within the organization.

By leveraging the power of employee monitoring tools like Insightful and implementing a supportive, transparent, and accountable work culture, you can empower your team to take ownership of their performance and drive meaningful improvements. 

This, in turn, will result in higher levels of productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall business success.