Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Insights:

▶ Burnout and stress can cripple your team, leading to decreased focus and well-being.

▶ Unchecked burnout slashes productivity, drops work quality, and spikes turnover rates, hurting your business.

▶ Scheduled downtime prevents burnout and boosts productivity by integrating regular breaks and leisure activities to keep your team energized.

▶ Insightful’s work timer app optimizes break schedules using real-time data and analytics, ensuring maximum productivity and employee well-being.

Read time: 6 minutes

Are you seeing highs and lows in productivity? Is burnout or stress a recurring issue?

Are your team members feeling overwhelmed or struggling to focus? 

Are task completion rates dropping? Is the quality of work slipping?

If so, scheduled downtime may be the time management technique your team needs to get productivity and well-being back where they need to be. 

Scheduled downtime is just one of many time management techniques designed to boost productivity by factoring in the importance of work-life balance and employee wellbeing. 

In this article, we’ll outline how you can coach your teams to use this technique and use Insightful’s remote work tools and staff attendance software to identify natural productivity highs and lows, monitor workloads, and more!

What is Scheduled Downtime?

Scheduled downtime is all about planning breaks and fun activities into your workday to keep your focus sharp and avoid burnout. Balancing work by factoring in regular rest helps maintain high productivity and a better work-life balance.

The key pillars of scheduled downtime include:

✔  Planned Breaks: Set specific times for breaks to ensure you get regular rest.

✔  Work-Life Balance: Mix downtime into your schedule for a healthier balance.

 Flexibility: Adjust downtime as needed to fit changing workloads and personal needs.

 Mindful Rest: Make sure your downtime is genuinely relaxing and not filled with other tasks.

Who is it right for?

Scheduled downtime is ideal for high-pressure professionals, remote workers, creative workers, entrepreneurs, and anyone with a busy schedule. 

Scheduled downtime prevents burnout, boosts productivity, reduces stress, maintains work-life balance, enhances creativity, and promotes better health.

Don’t just take our word for it…

See how scheduled downtime can supercharge productivity, prevent burnout, improve focus, and enhance creativity:

A DeskTime study revealed that top performers work for 52 minutes and then take a 17-minute break. This scheduled downtime significantly boosts overall productivity.

A Gallup study found that 23% of employees feel burned out very often or always, and 44% feel burned out sometimes. Scheduled downtime can drastically cut these numbers through regular mental breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique, with its 25-minute work intervals and 5-minute breaks, has gained popularity across industries. Research by Draugiem Group showed that employees taking short, scheduled breaks were 10% more focused than those who didn't.

A "Thinking Skills and Creativity" study revealed that taking breaks and doing non-work activities can significantly boost creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

In 2019, Microsoft Japan's four-day workweek experiment, which included scheduled downtime, boosted productivity by 40%, proving that structured breaks can dramatically enhance work efficiency.

How to Schedule Downtime

Thinking scheduled downtime is right for your teams? Implementing scheduled downtime involves creating a structured plan that incorporates regular breaks into the work schedule. Here are the key steps to get started:

Assess Workload

Kickstart scheduled downtime by assessing your team's workload. Here’s how:

  1. Gauge Task Duration: Break down big projects into smaller chunks and figure out how long tasks actually take. This helps identify the most effective times for breaks.

  1. Spot Natural Breaks: Identify natural pauses in the workflow where breaks can be most impactful to maximize the restorative effect of downtime.

  1. Find Peak Productivity: Determine when your team is most productive and schedule breaks to keep them sharp and maintain high energy levels throughout the day.

  1. Get Employee Input: Ask your team about their break habits and preferences to tailor the schedule to their needs and ensure it is effective and well-received.

Pro tip: Use Insightful’s employee time tracking app for real-time monitoring and productivity metrics to help identify natural pauses and peak productivity times so you can schedule breaks when they're most impactful. This helps keep your team sharp and energized throughout the day.

Plan Breaks

Design the downtime schedule to optimize your team's productivity. Here’s how:

  1. Set Break Intervals: Choose specific intervals for breaks, like the Pomodoro Technique’s 25-minute work periods followed by 5-minute breaks.

  2. Customize for Tasks: Tailor break lengths and frequencies based on task difficulty and duration to ensure the breaks are restorative.

  3. Include Longer Breaks: Schedule longer breaks, like a 15-minute pause every two hours, to ensure sustained productivity and prevent mental fatigue.

  4. Flexibility Matters: Allow flexibility in the schedule to adapt to unexpected workload changes or urgent tasks to keep the schedule adaptable. 

Pro tip: Use Insightful's software to track remote workers and in office employees for real-time monitoring and detailed productivity analytics. Identify optimal break times, customize break intervals based on task complexity, and ensure flexibility to adapt to changing workloads.

Keep it flexible! Avoid strict break schedules and allow your team the freedom to take breaks when they need them. Encourage autonomy by trusting your team to manage their own break times effectively.

Integrate Leisure Activities

Encourage your team to engage in leisure activities during breaks to recharge. Here's how:

  1. Promote Active Breaks: Suggest activities like stretching, walking, or quick workouts to get the blood flowing.

  2. Encourage Hobbies: Allow team members to pursue hobbies or relaxing activities like reading or listening to music.

  3. Create Relaxation Zones: Set up designated areas in the office for relaxation, equipped with comfortable seating, books, and games.

  4. Social Interaction: Foster team bonding by encouraging social interactions during breaks.

Track & Evaluate Downtime

Use tools and feedback to monitor and assess the effectiveness of scheduled downtime. Here's how:

  1. Utilize Time-Tracking Tools: Implement software like Insightful’s remote work solutions to monitor break times and ensure they’re being take.
  1. Gather Feedback: Regularly ask team members how they feel about their break schedules and if they notice improvements in productivity and well-being.

  2. Analyze Data: Review productivity metrics before and after implementing scheduled downtime to measure its impact.

  3. Stay Flexible: Be flexible and adjust the schedule based on feedback and data to optimize downtime for maximum benefit.

Example: After a month of scheduled downtime, survey your team to gather insights on how the breaks have affected their focus and productivity, then tweak the schedule based on their feedback.

Set Boundaries for Work & Downtime

Ensure your team knows when to work and when to rest. Here’s how:

  1. Clear Communication: Clearly communicate the importance of respecting downtime and encourage employees to fully disengage from work during breaks.

  2. Define Work-Free Zones: Establish areas or times where work is not allowed, such as lunch breaks or specific break rooms.

  3. Lead by Example: As a manager, demonstrate the importance of taking breaks by adhering to the downtime schedule yourself.

  4. Enforce Policies: Implement policies that prevent work intrusions during scheduled breaks, such as turning off work notifications or setting up do-not-disturb times.

Example: Send out a team memo emphasizing that lunch breaks are work-free zones, and ensure everyone understands that checking emails or doing work during this time is discouraged.

Encourage Off-Screen Activities

Boost your team's productivity by promoting off-screen downtime activities:

  1. Suggest Activities: Offer ideas for non-work-related activities like walking, reading, or meditating during breaks.

  2. Create a Break Culture: Foster an environment where taking a break is seen as beneficial, not as slacking off.

  3. Provide Resources: Supply resources such as books, puzzles, or even a designated relaxation area to encourage off-screen downtime.

  4. Host Group Activities: Organize group activities that encourage employees to step away from their screens and engage in social or physical activities.

Example: Organize a weekly 15-minute group stretch or walk session, promoting it as a fun and refreshing break from screens.

Support Scheduled Downtime with Insightful 

Insightful is a powerful time clocking app and monitoring tool for tracking remote employees and those in the office. It is a useful tool that can help you implement and manage scheduled downtime effectively. 

What is monitoring software?

Employee monitoring software tracks and analyzes employee activities to boost productivity and ensure compliance. It helps managers optimize workflows and maintain workplace efficiency.

Unlike more basic timesheets apps, Insightful is a comprehensive tool that yields powerful workforce insights and helps you keep tabs on the health of your workforce. Here’s how:

Real-Time Monitoring & Productivity Metrics to Identify Natural Breaks 

Insightful's real-time monitoring helps identify natural pauses in workflow, allowing managers to schedule breaks during these times for maximum impact. Use detailed productivity metrics to determine when your team is most productive and schedule breaks accordingly to maintain high energy levels.

Workforce Analytics to Shape Customizable Break Scheduling

Insightful’s detailed analytics allow you to set break intervals based on task complexity and duration, ensuring breaks are restorative and well-timed. Insightful enables managers to adjust break schedules dynamically based on real-time workload and productivity data.

Monitor Workloads for Employee Wellbeing Insights

Insightful tracks individual workloads, helping prevent burnout by ensuring employees are not overburdened. Use data from Insightful to encourage employees to take breaks and engage in leisure activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Productivity Metrics for Evaluation

Collect feedback from employees on the effectiveness of their break schedules. Insightful’s data can provide insights into how breaks are impacting productivity and wellbeing. Continuously review productivity metrics before and after implementing scheduled downtime to measure its impact and make necessary adjustments.

Integration with Workflows

Insightful integrates with popular project management tools, allowing for synchronized scheduling and monitoring of breaks within existing workflows. Its customizable settings ensure that break schedules can be adapted to fit the unique needs of different teams and projects.

Example Implementation

  • Assess Workload: Use Insightful to gauge task durations and identify natural breaks.

  • Plan Breaks: Set specific intervals for breaks, such as the Pomodoro Technique’s 25-minute work periods followed by 5-minute breaks.

  • Track and Evaluate: Utilize Insightful’s time-tracking tools and gather feedback to monitor the effectiveness of scheduled downtime, making adjustments as needed.

Ready to boost your team's productivity and well-being with scheduled downtime? Leverage Insightful’s powerful features to seamlessly integrate and manage break schedules, ensuring your team stays sharp, energized, and stress-free.

Start your free trial with Insightful today and transform your workplace into a more productive and balanced environment.

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Time Tracking

Scheduled Downtime: Use Data-Driven Breaks to Beat Burnout & Boost Productivity

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
July 4, 2024

Key Insights:

▶ Burnout and stress can cripple your team, leading to decreased focus and well-being.

▶ Unchecked burnout slashes productivity, drops work quality, and spikes turnover rates, hurting your business.

▶ Scheduled downtime prevents burnout and boosts productivity by integrating regular breaks and leisure activities to keep your team energized.

▶ Insightful’s work timer app optimizes break schedules using real-time data and analytics, ensuring maximum productivity and employee well-being.

Read time: 6 minutes

Are you seeing highs and lows in productivity? Is burnout or stress a recurring issue?

Are your team members feeling overwhelmed or struggling to focus? 

Are task completion rates dropping? Is the quality of work slipping?

If so, scheduled downtime may be the time management technique your team needs to get productivity and well-being back where they need to be. 

Scheduled downtime is just one of many time management techniques designed to boost productivity by factoring in the importance of work-life balance and employee wellbeing. 

In this article, we’ll outline how you can coach your teams to use this technique and use Insightful’s remote work tools and staff attendance software to identify natural productivity highs and lows, monitor workloads, and more!

What is Scheduled Downtime?

Scheduled downtime is all about planning breaks and fun activities into your workday to keep your focus sharp and avoid burnout. Balancing work by factoring in regular rest helps maintain high productivity and a better work-life balance.

The key pillars of scheduled downtime include:

✔  Planned Breaks: Set specific times for breaks to ensure you get regular rest.

✔  Work-Life Balance: Mix downtime into your schedule for a healthier balance.

 Flexibility: Adjust downtime as needed to fit changing workloads and personal needs.

 Mindful Rest: Make sure your downtime is genuinely relaxing and not filled with other tasks.

Who is it right for?

Scheduled downtime is ideal for high-pressure professionals, remote workers, creative workers, entrepreneurs, and anyone with a busy schedule. 

Scheduled downtime prevents burnout, boosts productivity, reduces stress, maintains work-life balance, enhances creativity, and promotes better health.

Don’t just take our word for it…

See how scheduled downtime can supercharge productivity, prevent burnout, improve focus, and enhance creativity:

A DeskTime study revealed that top performers work for 52 minutes and then take a 17-minute break. This scheduled downtime significantly boosts overall productivity.

A Gallup study found that 23% of employees feel burned out very often or always, and 44% feel burned out sometimes. Scheduled downtime can drastically cut these numbers through regular mental breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique, with its 25-minute work intervals and 5-minute breaks, has gained popularity across industries. Research by Draugiem Group showed that employees taking short, scheduled breaks were 10% more focused than those who didn't.

A "Thinking Skills and Creativity" study revealed that taking breaks and doing non-work activities can significantly boost creative thinking and problem-solving skills.

In 2019, Microsoft Japan's four-day workweek experiment, which included scheduled downtime, boosted productivity by 40%, proving that structured breaks can dramatically enhance work efficiency.

How to Schedule Downtime

Thinking scheduled downtime is right for your teams? Implementing scheduled downtime involves creating a structured plan that incorporates regular breaks into the work schedule. Here are the key steps to get started:

Assess Workload

Kickstart scheduled downtime by assessing your team's workload. Here’s how:

  1. Gauge Task Duration: Break down big projects into smaller chunks and figure out how long tasks actually take. This helps identify the most effective times for breaks.

  1. Spot Natural Breaks: Identify natural pauses in the workflow where breaks can be most impactful to maximize the restorative effect of downtime.

  1. Find Peak Productivity: Determine when your team is most productive and schedule breaks to keep them sharp and maintain high energy levels throughout the day.

  1. Get Employee Input: Ask your team about their break habits and preferences to tailor the schedule to their needs and ensure it is effective and well-received.

Pro tip: Use Insightful’s employee time tracking app for real-time monitoring and productivity metrics to help identify natural pauses and peak productivity times so you can schedule breaks when they're most impactful. This helps keep your team sharp and energized throughout the day.

Plan Breaks

Design the downtime schedule to optimize your team's productivity. Here’s how:

  1. Set Break Intervals: Choose specific intervals for breaks, like the Pomodoro Technique’s 25-minute work periods followed by 5-minute breaks.

  2. Customize for Tasks: Tailor break lengths and frequencies based on task difficulty and duration to ensure the breaks are restorative.

  3. Include Longer Breaks: Schedule longer breaks, like a 15-minute pause every two hours, to ensure sustained productivity and prevent mental fatigue.

  4. Flexibility Matters: Allow flexibility in the schedule to adapt to unexpected workload changes or urgent tasks to keep the schedule adaptable. 

Pro tip: Use Insightful's software to track remote workers and in office employees for real-time monitoring and detailed productivity analytics. Identify optimal break times, customize break intervals based on task complexity, and ensure flexibility to adapt to changing workloads.

Keep it flexible! Avoid strict break schedules and allow your team the freedom to take breaks when they need them. Encourage autonomy by trusting your team to manage their own break times effectively.

Integrate Leisure Activities

Encourage your team to engage in leisure activities during breaks to recharge. Here's how:

  1. Promote Active Breaks: Suggest activities like stretching, walking, or quick workouts to get the blood flowing.

  2. Encourage Hobbies: Allow team members to pursue hobbies or relaxing activities like reading or listening to music.

  3. Create Relaxation Zones: Set up designated areas in the office for relaxation, equipped with comfortable seating, books, and games.

  4. Social Interaction: Foster team bonding by encouraging social interactions during breaks.

Track & Evaluate Downtime

Use tools and feedback to monitor and assess the effectiveness of scheduled downtime. Here's how:

  1. Utilize Time-Tracking Tools: Implement software like Insightful’s remote work solutions to monitor break times and ensure they’re being take.
  1. Gather Feedback: Regularly ask team members how they feel about their break schedules and if they notice improvements in productivity and well-being.

  2. Analyze Data: Review productivity metrics before and after implementing scheduled downtime to measure its impact.

  3. Stay Flexible: Be flexible and adjust the schedule based on feedback and data to optimize downtime for maximum benefit.

Example: After a month of scheduled downtime, survey your team to gather insights on how the breaks have affected their focus and productivity, then tweak the schedule based on their feedback.

Set Boundaries for Work & Downtime

Ensure your team knows when to work and when to rest. Here’s how:

  1. Clear Communication: Clearly communicate the importance of respecting downtime and encourage employees to fully disengage from work during breaks.

  2. Define Work-Free Zones: Establish areas or times where work is not allowed, such as lunch breaks or specific break rooms.

  3. Lead by Example: As a manager, demonstrate the importance of taking breaks by adhering to the downtime schedule yourself.

  4. Enforce Policies: Implement policies that prevent work intrusions during scheduled breaks, such as turning off work notifications or setting up do-not-disturb times.

Example: Send out a team memo emphasizing that lunch breaks are work-free zones, and ensure everyone understands that checking emails or doing work during this time is discouraged.

Encourage Off-Screen Activities

Boost your team's productivity by promoting off-screen downtime activities:

  1. Suggest Activities: Offer ideas for non-work-related activities like walking, reading, or meditating during breaks.

  2. Create a Break Culture: Foster an environment where taking a break is seen as beneficial, not as slacking off.

  3. Provide Resources: Supply resources such as books, puzzles, or even a designated relaxation area to encourage off-screen downtime.

  4. Host Group Activities: Organize group activities that encourage employees to step away from their screens and engage in social or physical activities.

Example: Organize a weekly 15-minute group stretch or walk session, promoting it as a fun and refreshing break from screens.

Support Scheduled Downtime with Insightful 

Insightful is a powerful time clocking app and monitoring tool for tracking remote employees and those in the office. It is a useful tool that can help you implement and manage scheduled downtime effectively. 

What is monitoring software?

Employee monitoring software tracks and analyzes employee activities to boost productivity and ensure compliance. It helps managers optimize workflows and maintain workplace efficiency.

Unlike more basic timesheets apps, Insightful is a comprehensive tool that yields powerful workforce insights and helps you keep tabs on the health of your workforce. Here’s how:

Real-Time Monitoring & Productivity Metrics to Identify Natural Breaks 

Insightful's real-time monitoring helps identify natural pauses in workflow, allowing managers to schedule breaks during these times for maximum impact. Use detailed productivity metrics to determine when your team is most productive and schedule breaks accordingly to maintain high energy levels.

Workforce Analytics to Shape Customizable Break Scheduling

Insightful’s detailed analytics allow you to set break intervals based on task complexity and duration, ensuring breaks are restorative and well-timed. Insightful enables managers to adjust break schedules dynamically based on real-time workload and productivity data.

Monitor Workloads for Employee Wellbeing Insights

Insightful tracks individual workloads, helping prevent burnout by ensuring employees are not overburdened. Use data from Insightful to encourage employees to take breaks and engage in leisure activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Productivity Metrics for Evaluation

Collect feedback from employees on the effectiveness of their break schedules. Insightful’s data can provide insights into how breaks are impacting productivity and wellbeing. Continuously review productivity metrics before and after implementing scheduled downtime to measure its impact and make necessary adjustments.

Integration with Workflows

Insightful integrates with popular project management tools, allowing for synchronized scheduling and monitoring of breaks within existing workflows. Its customizable settings ensure that break schedules can be adapted to fit the unique needs of different teams and projects.

Example Implementation

  • Assess Workload: Use Insightful to gauge task durations and identify natural breaks.

  • Plan Breaks: Set specific intervals for breaks, such as the Pomodoro Technique’s 25-minute work periods followed by 5-minute breaks.

  • Track and Evaluate: Utilize Insightful’s time-tracking tools and gather feedback to monitor the effectiveness of scheduled downtime, making adjustments as needed.

Ready to boost your team's productivity and well-being with scheduled downtime? Leverage Insightful’s powerful features to seamlessly integrate and manage break schedules, ensuring your team stays sharp, energized, and stress-free.

Start your free trial with Insightful today and transform your workplace into a more productive and balanced environment.