Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

In the world of law, where expertise is quantified in time, ensuring every minute's worth is an age-old challenge. Attorneys, often swamped with numerous tasks, find themselves juggling between their core duties and time-keeping. What if there was a way to efficiently streamline this process, ensuring every precious moment gets its deserving value? Find out how Insightful, a top employee monitoring software with an advanced remote time clock-in and clock-out feature, can enhance your billability.

Why Time Tracking Software is the Game-Changer for the Legal Realm

The legal profession often finds itself grappling with an essential element: time. Ensuring each moment, each second, is accounted for and billable can determine the success and financial health of a law firm. 

In this context, time tracking software emerges not just as an innovative solution but as a revolutionary force. 

Here's a deeper dive into employer monitoring software and the metamorphosis it's inducing.

The Drawbacks of Tradition: Challenges of Manual Timekeeping

Gone are the days when attorneys would note down their hours on paper or depend exclusively on their memory. Such a traditional approach is teeming with challenges. For one, the human tendency to forget, misremember, or even disregard minor tasks often leads to inaccuracies. As these overlooked tasks pile up, they can result in considerable billable hours that simply slip away. 

Moreover, the process of manual logging is not just confined to the act of recording. It involves going back to the logs, recalculating hours, and frequently making revisions. All these ancillary activities consume precious time, diverting attorneys from their primary legal responsibilities.

The Merits of Modern Legal Time Tracking Software   

The recent surge and refinement of legal time tracking software couldn't have come at a more opportune moment, signifying a critical turning point for professionals across industries, particularly in the legal realm. Designed to meet the meticulous demands of today's fast-paced environment, these advanced systems are emblematic of the confluence of precision and high operational efficiency.

With the advent of automatic tracking, the perennial issues of human oversight and error are virtually eliminated. These systems meticulously document every single task, down to the minutest detail, regardless of how brief the interaction might have been.

Furthermore, the cumbersome phases of recalculations, amendments, and double-checking, which once consumed hours, are now rendered superfluous. In the age of modern time tracking, once data finds its way into the system, it's processed, organized, and stored with little to no manual intervention.

How are time tracking solutions’ advanced features transforming attorney time management?

Real-time Recording in Action: Imagine a sophisticated platform that diligently records your every professional move in real-time. It's a system that doesn't wait for inputs, doesn't miss out on tasks, and offers a pristine reflection of activities, devoid of memory lapses or afterthoughts.

Seamless Billing Integrations: The newest software iterations allow for direct synching of time logs with billing systems, banishing redundancies. This innovation heralds a fluid, uninterrupted journey from task execution to invoice generation and dispatch.

Holistic Client and Case Management: Think of a central hub, where all vital information, from client correspondences to detailed case notes, coexists. Coupled with accurate billable hours, this consolidated dashboard epitomizes organizational excellence, something every attorney aspires to achieve.

Accessibility Without Boundaries: Today's attorneys are dynamic, often operating beyond the confines of their offices. This mobility demands solutions that are just as adaptable. Modern time tracking tools offer ubiquitous access, ensuring lawyers remain in sync, whether they're arguing a case in court, meeting clients off-site, or simply traveling.

What does it look like in practice?

Consider the case of Attorney Rodriguez. She finds herself attending a conference several miles away from her regular workspace. During an interlude, she manages to squeeze in a video consultation with a client. Thanks to her state-of-the-art time tracking application, installed seamlessly on her smartphone, this consultation is logged in real-time. What's even more impressive is that, miles away at her primary office, the system is updated instantaneously, ensuring every bit of her remote work is accounted for, integrating flawlessly into the overarching firm records.

Embracing this modern incarnation of time tracking isn't just a tip of the hat to contemporary advances; it represents a forward-thinking strategy, squarely aimed at heightened efficiency, impeccable accuracy, and amplified profitability.

Key Considerations in Time Tracking Software Selection

While the market offers an array of options, picking the perfect fit demands meticulous scrutiny. Here's a roadmap to guide your decision:

  • Intuitiveness is Key: A user-centric interface ensures swift adoption and maximizes tool utility.

  • Seamless Synchronization: Software should mesh with existing tools, ensuring minimal operational disruptions.

  • Guardian-Level Security: With sensitive legal data at play, robust data protection and compliance are non-negotiable.

  • Growth-Aligned Adaptability: As your practice expands, the software should seamlessly evolve, mirroring your needs.

While numerous tools beckon, here’s a glimpse at some that have carved a niche:

LawTrack: The Comprehensive Solution

LawTrack is rapidly emerging as a preferred choice among many in the legal sector, and it's easy to discern why. One of its hallmarks is the holistic suite of offerings. Rather than focusing solely on time-tracking, LawTrack provides a well-rounded solution that caters to various legal tasks, offering a cohesive experience to its users. 

The intuitive design ensures that even those with limited technological expertise can navigate and leverage its features seamlessly. However, what truly sets LawTrack apart is its impeccable customer support. Queries are addressed promptly, and there's a palpable sense of commitment to user satisfaction, underpinning their operations.

AttorneyTime+: The Integration Maven

Enter AttorneyTime+, a tool that's making waves thanks to its robust set of features. It's more than just a basic software; it’s a powerhouse designed to handle multiple complex tasks concurrently. But where AttorneyTime+ truly shines is its integrative prowess. 

Be it accounting systems, CRM tools, or communication platforms, it effortlessly syncs with a plethora of other software, ensuring a synchronized workflow. Additionally, its modular design is noteworthy. Firms can choose to deploy only specific modules tailored to their needs, ensuring they're not overwhelmed with redundant functionalities.

JusticeClock: Mobility at Its Best

In today's world, attorneys aren't just confined to their desks or offices. They're always on the move, meeting clients, attending court hearings, or even working during transit. JusticeClock, recognizing this dynamic trend, has positioned itself as the go-to tool for the modern, mobile attorney. Its mobile-centric features are not just an afterthought but are finely tuned to cater to professionals on the move. 

Whether it's logging billable hours during a cab ride or accessing case files while waiting at the courthouse, JusticeClock ensures that an attorney's productivity remains robust and untethered regardless of their location.

Insightful: Versatile Time and Attendance Tracking Software

While niche applications often cater explicitly to specific professions, there exists a subset of versatile tools that, thanks to their extensive features, find resonance across multiple sectors. Insightful is a shining beacon in this category. At its core, Insightful is employee monitoring software, but its capabilities stretch far beyond that.

Though not crafted exclusively for the legal realm, its attributes align impeccably with the needs of an attorney. Insightful’s remote employee time tracking software ensures that lawyers, whether they're operating from their home office, a coffee shop, or during interstate travels, have their billable hours seamlessly logged. This feature proves invaluable, especially in our increasingly remote-centric work landscape.

Insightful offers precision – a non-negotiable for attorneys. Every minute, every consultation, irrespective of its duration, is captured with meticulous accuracy. This ensures that no billable moment goes unnoticed or unrecorded.

Moreover, Insightful ensures punctuality and accountability, aspects paramount to the legal profession. It guarantees that meetings, court appearances, and consultations commence punctually, preserving the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship and upholding the profession's esteem.

Yet, what makes Insightful a worthy contender in the legal software arena is its simplicity. Despite its myriad features, it remains a simple time tracking app, devoid of unnecessary complexities, ensuring even the less tech-savvy attorneys can harness its full potential without steep learning curves.

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Time Tracking

Deciphering Billable Hours with Attorney Time Tracking Software

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
August 7, 2023

In the world of law, where expertise is quantified in time, ensuring every minute's worth is an age-old challenge. Attorneys, often swamped with numerous tasks, find themselves juggling between their core duties and time-keeping. What if there was a way to efficiently streamline this process, ensuring every precious moment gets its deserving value? Find out how Insightful, a top employee monitoring software with an advanced remote time clock-in and clock-out feature, can enhance your billability.

Why Time Tracking Software is the Game-Changer for the Legal Realm

The legal profession often finds itself grappling with an essential element: time. Ensuring each moment, each second, is accounted for and billable can determine the success and financial health of a law firm. 

In this context, time tracking software emerges not just as an innovative solution but as a revolutionary force. 

Here's a deeper dive into employer monitoring software and the metamorphosis it's inducing.

The Drawbacks of Tradition: Challenges of Manual Timekeeping

Gone are the days when attorneys would note down their hours on paper or depend exclusively on their memory. Such a traditional approach is teeming with challenges. For one, the human tendency to forget, misremember, or even disregard minor tasks often leads to inaccuracies. As these overlooked tasks pile up, they can result in considerable billable hours that simply slip away. 

Moreover, the process of manual logging is not just confined to the act of recording. It involves going back to the logs, recalculating hours, and frequently making revisions. All these ancillary activities consume precious time, diverting attorneys from their primary legal responsibilities.

The Merits of Modern Legal Time Tracking Software   

The recent surge and refinement of legal time tracking software couldn't have come at a more opportune moment, signifying a critical turning point for professionals across industries, particularly in the legal realm. Designed to meet the meticulous demands of today's fast-paced environment, these advanced systems are emblematic of the confluence of precision and high operational efficiency.

With the advent of automatic tracking, the perennial issues of human oversight and error are virtually eliminated. These systems meticulously document every single task, down to the minutest detail, regardless of how brief the interaction might have been.

Furthermore, the cumbersome phases of recalculations, amendments, and double-checking, which once consumed hours, are now rendered superfluous. In the age of modern time tracking, once data finds its way into the system, it's processed, organized, and stored with little to no manual intervention.

How are time tracking solutions’ advanced features transforming attorney time management?

Real-time Recording in Action: Imagine a sophisticated platform that diligently records your every professional move in real-time. It's a system that doesn't wait for inputs, doesn't miss out on tasks, and offers a pristine reflection of activities, devoid of memory lapses or afterthoughts.

Seamless Billing Integrations: The newest software iterations allow for direct synching of time logs with billing systems, banishing redundancies. This innovation heralds a fluid, uninterrupted journey from task execution to invoice generation and dispatch.

Holistic Client and Case Management: Think of a central hub, where all vital information, from client correspondences to detailed case notes, coexists. Coupled with accurate billable hours, this consolidated dashboard epitomizes organizational excellence, something every attorney aspires to achieve.

Accessibility Without Boundaries: Today's attorneys are dynamic, often operating beyond the confines of their offices. This mobility demands solutions that are just as adaptable. Modern time tracking tools offer ubiquitous access, ensuring lawyers remain in sync, whether they're arguing a case in court, meeting clients off-site, or simply traveling.

What does it look like in practice?

Consider the case of Attorney Rodriguez. She finds herself attending a conference several miles away from her regular workspace. During an interlude, she manages to squeeze in a video consultation with a client. Thanks to her state-of-the-art time tracking application, installed seamlessly on her smartphone, this consultation is logged in real-time. What's even more impressive is that, miles away at her primary office, the system is updated instantaneously, ensuring every bit of her remote work is accounted for, integrating flawlessly into the overarching firm records.

Embracing this modern incarnation of time tracking isn't just a tip of the hat to contemporary advances; it represents a forward-thinking strategy, squarely aimed at heightened efficiency, impeccable accuracy, and amplified profitability.

Key Considerations in Time Tracking Software Selection

While the market offers an array of options, picking the perfect fit demands meticulous scrutiny. Here's a roadmap to guide your decision:

  • Intuitiveness is Key: A user-centric interface ensures swift adoption and maximizes tool utility.

  • Seamless Synchronization: Software should mesh with existing tools, ensuring minimal operational disruptions.

  • Guardian-Level Security: With sensitive legal data at play, robust data protection and compliance are non-negotiable.

  • Growth-Aligned Adaptability: As your practice expands, the software should seamlessly evolve, mirroring your needs.

While numerous tools beckon, here’s a glimpse at some that have carved a niche:

LawTrack: The Comprehensive Solution

LawTrack is rapidly emerging as a preferred choice among many in the legal sector, and it's easy to discern why. One of its hallmarks is the holistic suite of offerings. Rather than focusing solely on time-tracking, LawTrack provides a well-rounded solution that caters to various legal tasks, offering a cohesive experience to its users. 

The intuitive design ensures that even those with limited technological expertise can navigate and leverage its features seamlessly. However, what truly sets LawTrack apart is its impeccable customer support. Queries are addressed promptly, and there's a palpable sense of commitment to user satisfaction, underpinning their operations.

AttorneyTime+: The Integration Maven

Enter AttorneyTime+, a tool that's making waves thanks to its robust set of features. It's more than just a basic software; it’s a powerhouse designed to handle multiple complex tasks concurrently. But where AttorneyTime+ truly shines is its integrative prowess. 

Be it accounting systems, CRM tools, or communication platforms, it effortlessly syncs with a plethora of other software, ensuring a synchronized workflow. Additionally, its modular design is noteworthy. Firms can choose to deploy only specific modules tailored to their needs, ensuring they're not overwhelmed with redundant functionalities.

JusticeClock: Mobility at Its Best

In today's world, attorneys aren't just confined to their desks or offices. They're always on the move, meeting clients, attending court hearings, or even working during transit. JusticeClock, recognizing this dynamic trend, has positioned itself as the go-to tool for the modern, mobile attorney. Its mobile-centric features are not just an afterthought but are finely tuned to cater to professionals on the move. 

Whether it's logging billable hours during a cab ride or accessing case files while waiting at the courthouse, JusticeClock ensures that an attorney's productivity remains robust and untethered regardless of their location.

Insightful: Versatile Time and Attendance Tracking Software

While niche applications often cater explicitly to specific professions, there exists a subset of versatile tools that, thanks to their extensive features, find resonance across multiple sectors. Insightful is a shining beacon in this category. At its core, Insightful is employee monitoring software, but its capabilities stretch far beyond that.

Though not crafted exclusively for the legal realm, its attributes align impeccably with the needs of an attorney. Insightful’s remote employee time tracking software ensures that lawyers, whether they're operating from their home office, a coffee shop, or during interstate travels, have their billable hours seamlessly logged. This feature proves invaluable, especially in our increasingly remote-centric work landscape.

Insightful offers precision – a non-negotiable for attorneys. Every minute, every consultation, irrespective of its duration, is captured with meticulous accuracy. This ensures that no billable moment goes unnoticed or unrecorded.

Moreover, Insightful ensures punctuality and accountability, aspects paramount to the legal profession. It guarantees that meetings, court appearances, and consultations commence punctually, preserving the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship and upholding the profession's esteem.

Yet, what makes Insightful a worthy contender in the legal software arena is its simplicity. Despite its myriad features, it remains a simple time tracking app, devoid of unnecessary complexities, ensuring even the less tech-savvy attorneys can harness its full potential without steep learning curves.