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Bojana Djordjevic

Employee Monitoring6 Steps to Take Before Buying an Employee Monitoring Software
June 28, 2019

6 Steps to Take Before Buying an Employee Monitoring Software

Upon deciding to purchase an employee monitoring software you need to think about the next steps. In this blog post, we laid out 6 most important steps you should take before purchasing the computer monitoring software of your choice.

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee MonitoringMost Common Types of Employee Monitoring
June 26, 2019

Most Common Types of Employee Monitoring

Employee monitoring and surveillance has been around for a long time. However, as technology and society developed, the monitoring practices changed. Once could even argue they became too severe. In this post, we are exploring the most common employee monitoring techniques.

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee MonitoringWhy is Employee Monitoring Software More Popular than Ever?
June 24, 2019

Why is Employee Monitoring Software More Popular than Ever?

Some shocking reports and stats have reported that 93% of all companies use some kind of employee monitoring software. Within a year, that number jumped from 42% to 94%! What is the reason for such popularity of this practice? Keep reading to find out!

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Business ManagementHow Can Insightful Help You Comply with EU Work Time Directive?
June 21, 2019

How Can Insightful Help You Comply with EU Work Time Directive?

If you're not compliant with the EU Work Time Directive, and if you're not able to show proof of your compliance you could pay a fine of up to 15 thousand Euros! Well, if you're using Workpuls, you can be sure such fine won't come to your door. Check out how we can help you comply with the law while making your team a bit more productive.

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee Monitoring13 Free and Open Source Time Tracking and Employee Monitoring Software
June 11, 2019

13 Free and Open Source Time Tracking and Employee Monitoring Software

Check out our list of 13 free and open source time tracking and employee monitoring software you can start using right away!

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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‍Insightful News and UpdatesWe're Accepting Guest Posts!
June 7, 2019

We're Accepting Guest Posts!

Before you submit, please review these requirements and guidelines to make sure you guest post fits Insightful’s needs.

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Time TrackingEU Employers Must Record Daily Work Time or Face Fines up to 15K EUR
June 6, 2019

EU Employers Must Record Daily Work Time or Face Fines up to 15K EUR

Companies in EU member states must use time tracking and recording systems. Employers who who disobay the directive could be facing a fine up to 15 thousand euros!

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee Monitoring26 Best Employee Monitoring and Time Tracking Tools for 2019
May 22, 2019

26 Best Employee Monitoring and Time Tracking Tools for 2019

Check it out and select the best one!

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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