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Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
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Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
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Productivity Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have increasingly grown in importance in the contemporary business landscape. 

Essentially acting as the 'vital signs' of an enterprise, these indicators offer valuable insights into a company's health, profitability, and overall operational effectiveness. They allow for measurement and subsequent enhancement of productivity across various facets of a business, including employees, processes, and technology. 

This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth exploration into the what, why, and how of productivity KPIs, offering actionable insights and practical guidance on how to successfully implement and harness them within your organization. In addition, discover how employee productivity tracking designed to monitor work online from home can help. 

Why are Productivity KPIs Important?

The importance of productivity KPIs lies in their role as diagnostic tools. By offering quantifiable insights into productivity, these metrics help businesses identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement. They enable a business to understand how efficiently resources are being used, providing a basis for comparison either over time or against industry standards. 

In addition, they facilitate decision-making by providing empirical evidence to inform strategic choices, thus aiding in goal-setting, improving efficiency, reducing costs, and driving business growth.

Understanding Productivity KPIs

Productivity Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as critical barometers, enabling businesses to measure and assess the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations, spanning from individual employees and departments to the entire organization. 

These metrics offer a data-driven perspective into the internal workings of a company, providing insights that can be used to improve performance, enhance productivity, and drive growth. There are two primary categories of productivity KPIs: high-level and low-level, each playing a distinct role in the measurement of productivity.

High-Level KPIs

High-level KPIs offer a holistic view of the business's productivity, serving as a strategic instrument for understanding the performance at a macro level. KPIs such as ROI or Net Profit Margin often reflect the overall efficiency of the business and its success in achieving its primary goals. 

High-level KPIs are especially useful for senior management and stakeholders, offering them a snapshot of the company's overall performance. They facilitate strategic decision-making, aiding in the identification of successful strategies and potential areas for improvement.

Low-Level KPIs

On the other hand, low-level KPIs offer a more granular view, focusing on the productivity of individual departments, teams, or even specific processes within the organization. 

Low-level KPIs are typically used by departmental managers or team leaders to monitor the efficiency of their respective units. They provide valuable insights into specific operational aspects, helping identify bottlenecks, streamline processes, and optimize team performance.

Examples of low-level KPIs:

Individual Performance: This could involve several KPIs tailored to individual roles, such as sales per salesperson, the number of customer tickets resolved by a customer service representative, or the number of defects identified by a quality assurance analyst.

Team Productivity: Measures the output of a team per unit of time, like the number of completed projects by a team per quarter.

Process Efficiency: This KPI measures how efficiently a specific process is executed. For instance, in a manufacturing context, it might be the time taken to assemble a product or the percentage of products that pass quality control on the first check.

Customer Service Response Time: In a customer service setting, this could refer to the average time it takes to respond to a customer inquiry. Quick response times can lead to higher customer satisfaction and better overall service productivity.

Employee Utilization Rate: This is generally a low-level KPI as it relates to the efficiency and productivity of individual employees or specific teams, especially in service industries or consultancies where billable hours are a key concern.

Relevance, Measurability, and Business Goals

When selecting KPIs, businesses must ensure that each indicator is relevant, measurable, and directly tied to a business goal. Relevance ensures that the KPI has a meaningful impact on the business. Measurability ensures that the KPI can be accurately tracked over time, offering reliable and actionable data. 

Lastly, aligning KPIs with business goals ensures that the productivity measurements are not just precise but also beneficial. They provide insights that drive the company towards its strategic objectives, ensuring that productivity improvements align with broader organizational ambitions.

Once the KPIs have been selected, businesses must develop a robust system for tracking and analyzing these metrics. This often involves leveraging technology such as data analytics software. 

Following analysis, insights should be communicated clearly across the organization, informing strategy adjustments, and inspiring action where necessary. It's important to note that KPIs are dynamic and may need to be reviewed and revised as the business evolves.

Creating Productivity KPIs: A 5-Step Guide

Let's consider a step-by-step guide to create a low-level productivity KPI for a customer service team, using the example KPI of "Average Call Resolution Time":

Step 1: Establish Goals

Your goal for the customer service team might be "Decrease the average call resolution time by 15% over the next quarter to enhance customer satisfaction." This goal is quantifiable and specific.

Step 2: Identify Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

To achieve this goal, your CSFs might include having a well-trained customer service team with effective problem-solving skills, a comprehensive knowledge base for quick reference, and efficient call handling procedures.

Step 3: Establish KPIs Based on CSFs

The KPI for this goal is inherently defined - "Average Call Resolution Time". This is a measurable metric indicating the average amount of time it takes to resolve customer issues. Decreasing this time while maintaining or improving quality of service suggests an increase in productivity.

Step 4: Collect Data

Start gathering data using your customer service software which should be able to track the time spent on each call. Also, consider monitoring the nature of the calls, as more complex issues might naturally take longer to resolve.

Step 5: Calculate KPIs

After a specified period, analyze the data collected to calculate the average call resolution time. Compare the current figures with your target KPI to assess the performance.

For these KPIs to be effective, management should regularly track and communicate these results to the team, giving them a clear picture of their performance against the set goals. This KPI can be tied to performance reviews and incentives, motivating team members to work towards achieving or surpassing the goal. The process should be repeated for continuous improvement and to set new goals once the current ones are achieved.

Harnessing the Power of Insightful for Productivity KPIs

Insightful's remote work monitoring tools and attendance tracking system have sophisticated reporting capabilities that can be an essential part of performance reviews and assessments, helping to ensure they are fair, focused, and future-oriented. These features provide managers with the ability to track individual and team performance across a range of productivity KPIs, yielding detailed insights that can drive both feedback and recognition.

Individual Performance Tracking: Insightful enables the tracking of individual productivity metrics such as task completion rates, response times, and more. Managers can pull up detailed reports on each team member's performance, facilitating a clear and comprehensive understanding of each employee's contribution to the team and organization. This makes it easier to identify top performers, as well as those who might need additional support or resources to meet their goals.

Team Performance Metrics: Similarly, Insightful’s work from home monitoring software offers a wealth of data on team performance. By providing a comprehensive view of how a team is performing as a unit, managers can identify strengths and weaknesses, areas of synergy, and opportunities for improvement. Team-based productivity KPIs can include metrics like project completion rates, average handle time in customer service departments, or the number of defects in manufacturing teams.

Performance Reviews and Feedback: With the detailed performance reports generated by Insightful, performance reviews become more data-driven and objective, removing the potential for bias and misunderstandings. Managers can use the precise data to provide specific, actionable feedback, reinforcing positive behaviors and addressing areas that need improvement.

Identifying Training Needs and Skills Gaps: By analyzing data from Insightful, managers can identify patterns that signal a need for further training or skill development. For instance, if a customer service representative has longer call times compared to their peers, it might indicate a need for additional training on efficient call handling.

Setting and Tracking Goals: Insightful’s reporting capability also makes it easier to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, after a performance review, a sales manager might set a goal for a sales representative to increase their conversion rate by 10% over the next quarter. Using Insightful, both the manager and the sales representative can track progress toward this goal in real-time, promoting transparency and accountability.

With its robust and comprehensive reporting features, Insightful transforms the traditional performance review process into a more transparent, data-driven, and dynamic practice. By integrating these detailed reports into your review process, you ensure your team is always informed, engaged, and primed for continuous growth.

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Employee Monitoring

Harnessing the Power of Insightful for Productivity KPIs

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
July 9, 2023

Productivity Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have increasingly grown in importance in the contemporary business landscape. 

Essentially acting as the 'vital signs' of an enterprise, these indicators offer valuable insights into a company's health, profitability, and overall operational effectiveness. They allow for measurement and subsequent enhancement of productivity across various facets of a business, including employees, processes, and technology. 

This comprehensive guide aims to provide an in-depth exploration into the what, why, and how of productivity KPIs, offering actionable insights and practical guidance on how to successfully implement and harness them within your organization. In addition, discover how employee productivity tracking designed to monitor work online from home can help. 

Why are Productivity KPIs Important?

The importance of productivity KPIs lies in their role as diagnostic tools. By offering quantifiable insights into productivity, these metrics help businesses identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement. They enable a business to understand how efficiently resources are being used, providing a basis for comparison either over time or against industry standards. 

In addition, they facilitate decision-making by providing empirical evidence to inform strategic choices, thus aiding in goal-setting, improving efficiency, reducing costs, and driving business growth.

Understanding Productivity KPIs

Productivity Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) serve as critical barometers, enabling businesses to measure and assess the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations, spanning from individual employees and departments to the entire organization. 

These metrics offer a data-driven perspective into the internal workings of a company, providing insights that can be used to improve performance, enhance productivity, and drive growth. There are two primary categories of productivity KPIs: high-level and low-level, each playing a distinct role in the measurement of productivity.

High-Level KPIs

High-level KPIs offer a holistic view of the business's productivity, serving as a strategic instrument for understanding the performance at a macro level. KPIs such as ROI or Net Profit Margin often reflect the overall efficiency of the business and its success in achieving its primary goals. 

High-level KPIs are especially useful for senior management and stakeholders, offering them a snapshot of the company's overall performance. They facilitate strategic decision-making, aiding in the identification of successful strategies and potential areas for improvement.

Low-Level KPIs

On the other hand, low-level KPIs offer a more granular view, focusing on the productivity of individual departments, teams, or even specific processes within the organization. 

Low-level KPIs are typically used by departmental managers or team leaders to monitor the efficiency of their respective units. They provide valuable insights into specific operational aspects, helping identify bottlenecks, streamline processes, and optimize team performance.

Examples of low-level KPIs:

Individual Performance: This could involve several KPIs tailored to individual roles, such as sales per salesperson, the number of customer tickets resolved by a customer service representative, or the number of defects identified by a quality assurance analyst.

Team Productivity: Measures the output of a team per unit of time, like the number of completed projects by a team per quarter.

Process Efficiency: This KPI measures how efficiently a specific process is executed. For instance, in a manufacturing context, it might be the time taken to assemble a product or the percentage of products that pass quality control on the first check.

Customer Service Response Time: In a customer service setting, this could refer to the average time it takes to respond to a customer inquiry. Quick response times can lead to higher customer satisfaction and better overall service productivity.

Employee Utilization Rate: This is generally a low-level KPI as it relates to the efficiency and productivity of individual employees or specific teams, especially in service industries or consultancies where billable hours are a key concern.

Relevance, Measurability, and Business Goals

When selecting KPIs, businesses must ensure that each indicator is relevant, measurable, and directly tied to a business goal. Relevance ensures that the KPI has a meaningful impact on the business. Measurability ensures that the KPI can be accurately tracked over time, offering reliable and actionable data. 

Lastly, aligning KPIs with business goals ensures that the productivity measurements are not just precise but also beneficial. They provide insights that drive the company towards its strategic objectives, ensuring that productivity improvements align with broader organizational ambitions.

Once the KPIs have been selected, businesses must develop a robust system for tracking and analyzing these metrics. This often involves leveraging technology such as data analytics software. 

Following analysis, insights should be communicated clearly across the organization, informing strategy adjustments, and inspiring action where necessary. It's important to note that KPIs are dynamic and may need to be reviewed and revised as the business evolves.

Creating Productivity KPIs: A 5-Step Guide

Let's consider a step-by-step guide to create a low-level productivity KPI for a customer service team, using the example KPI of "Average Call Resolution Time":

Step 1: Establish Goals

Your goal for the customer service team might be "Decrease the average call resolution time by 15% over the next quarter to enhance customer satisfaction." This goal is quantifiable and specific.

Step 2: Identify Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

To achieve this goal, your CSFs might include having a well-trained customer service team with effective problem-solving skills, a comprehensive knowledge base for quick reference, and efficient call handling procedures.

Step 3: Establish KPIs Based on CSFs

The KPI for this goal is inherently defined - "Average Call Resolution Time". This is a measurable metric indicating the average amount of time it takes to resolve customer issues. Decreasing this time while maintaining or improving quality of service suggests an increase in productivity.

Step 4: Collect Data

Start gathering data using your customer service software which should be able to track the time spent on each call. Also, consider monitoring the nature of the calls, as more complex issues might naturally take longer to resolve.

Step 5: Calculate KPIs

After a specified period, analyze the data collected to calculate the average call resolution time. Compare the current figures with your target KPI to assess the performance.

For these KPIs to be effective, management should regularly track and communicate these results to the team, giving them a clear picture of their performance against the set goals. This KPI can be tied to performance reviews and incentives, motivating team members to work towards achieving or surpassing the goal. The process should be repeated for continuous improvement and to set new goals once the current ones are achieved.

Harnessing the Power of Insightful for Productivity KPIs

Insightful's remote work monitoring tools and attendance tracking system have sophisticated reporting capabilities that can be an essential part of performance reviews and assessments, helping to ensure they are fair, focused, and future-oriented. These features provide managers with the ability to track individual and team performance across a range of productivity KPIs, yielding detailed insights that can drive both feedback and recognition.

Individual Performance Tracking: Insightful enables the tracking of individual productivity metrics such as task completion rates, response times, and more. Managers can pull up detailed reports on each team member's performance, facilitating a clear and comprehensive understanding of each employee's contribution to the team and organization. This makes it easier to identify top performers, as well as those who might need additional support or resources to meet their goals.

Team Performance Metrics: Similarly, Insightful’s work from home monitoring software offers a wealth of data on team performance. By providing a comprehensive view of how a team is performing as a unit, managers can identify strengths and weaknesses, areas of synergy, and opportunities for improvement. Team-based productivity KPIs can include metrics like project completion rates, average handle time in customer service departments, or the number of defects in manufacturing teams.

Performance Reviews and Feedback: With the detailed performance reports generated by Insightful, performance reviews become more data-driven and objective, removing the potential for bias and misunderstandings. Managers can use the precise data to provide specific, actionable feedback, reinforcing positive behaviors and addressing areas that need improvement.

Identifying Training Needs and Skills Gaps: By analyzing data from Insightful, managers can identify patterns that signal a need for further training or skill development. For instance, if a customer service representative has longer call times compared to their peers, it might indicate a need for additional training on efficient call handling.

Setting and Tracking Goals: Insightful’s reporting capability also makes it easier to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, after a performance review, a sales manager might set a goal for a sales representative to increase their conversion rate by 10% over the next quarter. Using Insightful, both the manager and the sales representative can track progress toward this goal in real-time, promoting transparency and accountability.

With its robust and comprehensive reporting features, Insightful transforms the traditional performance review process into a more transparent, data-driven, and dynamic practice. By integrating these detailed reports into your review process, you ensure your team is always informed, engaged, and primed for continuous growth.